- influxdb as timeseries db
- grafana for data explorations (optional)
- mt8057-agent agent for co2 concentration & temperature measurements. Can be used sepparatly.
Agent for sending results from Masterkit MT8057 CO2 detector (with ZyAura ZG01C module onboard).
Can be used sepparatly without other ambient7 parts as all-in-one fat jar (jre 1.6+).
Supports various result writers:
- console
- interactive
- InfluxDB API
Supported platforms:
- Mac OS X 10.10+
- Linux amd64
Theoretically supported but never tested (all platforms supported by hid4java):
- Linux ARM
- Linux x86
- Linux x86_64
- Windows 32/64
- Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.9
java -jar ambient7-mt8057-agent-x.x.x.jar --writers console
java -jar ambient7-mt8057-agent-x.x.x.jar --writers interactive
java -jar ambient7-mt8057-agent-x.x.x.jar --writers influxdb \
--influxdb-database ambient7 \
--influxdb-baseurl https://localhost:8086/write \
--influxdb-user user --influxdb-password 123
For more options:
java -jar ambient7-mt8057-agent-x.x.x.jar --help