Converting (synopsis) TXT files to (gamelist) XML
Trying to do what was requested here:
Executing the
script with --help
gives an idea of what the script does:
[PROMPT]$ ./ --help
./ [OPTIONS] synopsis1.txt [synopsisN.txt ...]
The script gets data from "synopsis1.txt" and adds those data in xml format to
a file named "PLATFORM_gamelist.xml", where PLATFORM is the one indicated in
'Platform:' line in "synopsis.txt".
The OPTIONS are:
-h|--help print this message and exit.
-u|--update update the script and exit.
--only-new only add new entries to "gamelist.xml" (do not update
existing entries).
--no-desc do not generate <desc> entries.
--full generate gamelist.xml using all metadata from "synopsis1.txt",
including the ones unused for EmulationStation. The converted
file will be named "PLATFORM_FULL_gamelist.xml"
(see: --default-gamelist).
--default-gamelist the converted file will be named "PLATFORM_gamelist.xml"
even if using --full option.
--image TYPE choose the art type for <image>. Valid options for
TYPE: boxfront, cart, title, action, 3dbox.
--only-image if updating a "gamelist.xml", only update the <image>,
useful for changing image TYPE (see: --image).