Make sure you have docker and kind installed in your machine.
Add the following to the end of your
filesudo nano /etc/hosts strimzi.bridge.local
Then run the following from the root directory of the project:
You may can visualize the Kafka and other components using Grafana and Kafdrop. You may need to expose the containers to the host machine to access those. You can use the following commands for the above purpose:
# Expose Grafana
kubectl -n kafka port-forward service/grafana 31999:3000
# Expose Kafdrop
kubectl -n kafka port-forward service/demo-kafka-kafdrop 30900:9000
# Expose Prometheus
kubectl -n kafka port-forward service/prometheus 31090:9090
# Expose Kafka Connect REST endpoint
kubectl -n kafka port-forward service/kafka-connect-1-connect-api 38083:8083
In case if you got lots of Evicted pods:
kubectl get pod -n kafka | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n kafka
When you are finished, you can uninstall the entire deployment with the following:
helm uninstall demo-kafka -n kafka
You may can delete the k8s cluster as well:
kind delete cluster
Places that you should mention the Strimzi/Kafka versions: