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reg8_defected (Design Under the Test)

This DUT has several errors and they are listed below.

The verification test of this component has covered:

  • no operation invoked (control register is equal to 0):

    outputs were unchanged: PASS!

  • single invoke of all operations (appropriate control bit is set; every operation has its own control bit written next to operation bellow):

    CLEAR[0]: FAIL!

    Clean operation functionality: load value 8'h00 to the value (named out) and load 1'b0 to the register's most and least significant bits (named shortly msb and lsb). Instead, it loads value 8'h01 to the register's value. One verification block for representation:

    #  expected {msb = 0, out = 00000000, lsb = 0}
    #   != got  {msb = 0, out = 00000001, lsb = 0}

    LOAD[1]: PASS!

    Load operation functionality: load value from input to out.

    INC[2]: FAIL!

    Inc operation functionality: increment out by one. Instead, it decrements out value by 1. Three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expected {msb = 0, out = 10011101, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got   {msb = 0, out = 10011101, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expected {msb = 0, out = 10011110, lsb = 0} // + 1
    #  != got   {msb = 0, out = 10011100, lsb = 0} // - 1
    #  expected {msb = 0, out = 10011111, lsb = 0} // + 2
    #  != got   {msb = 0, out = 10011011, lsb = 0} // - 2

    DEC[3]: FAIL!

    Dec operation functionality: decrement out by one. Instead, it increments out value by 1. Three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 11100000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 11100000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 11011111, lsb = 0} // - 1
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 11100001, lsb = 0} // + 1
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 11011110, lsb = 0} // - 2
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 11100010, lsb = 0} // + 2

    ADD[4]: PASS!

    Add operation functionality: add out value and value from the input. If there is any carry this will be stored in msb.

    SUB[5]: FAIL!

    Sub operation functionality: sub out value with value from the input. If there is any borrow this will be stored in msb. Instead, it adds value and value from the input. Two successive blocks for representation:

    input = 00111011
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 01000010, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 01000010, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 00000111, lsb = 0} // output = output - input
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 01111101, lsb = 0} // output = output + input

    INVERT[6]: FAIL!

    Invert operation functionality: invert out value. Instead, it leaves out as it was before the operation. Three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 10111110, lsb = 0} // inverted
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // same
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // inverted (double invert)
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // same


    Serial input LSB operation functionality: shift out for 1 place left (msb will become the most significant bit of out value) and set out's a least significant bit with given input lsb value. Instead, it properly shifts the out value but always fills the out's least significant bit with 1'b1.

    First situation (input lsb = 1'b1), two successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 10000011, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 10000011, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 1, output = 00000111, lsb = 0} // shift + set 1 to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 1, output = 00000111, lsb = 0} // shift + set 1 to the out's least significant bit 

    Second situation (input lsb = 1'b0), two successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 10100111, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 10100111, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 1, output = 01001110, lsb = 0} // shift + set 0 to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 1, output = 01001111, lsb = 0} // shift + set 1 to the out's least significant bit


    Serial input MSB operation functionality: shift out for 1 place right (lsb will become the least significant bit of out value) and set out's most significant bit with given input msb value.


    Shift logical left operation functionality: shift out for 1 place left (msb will become the most significant bit of out value) and set out's least significant bit to 1'b0.


    Shift logical right operation functionality: shift out for 1 place right (lsb will become the least significant bit of out value) and set out's most significant bit to 1'b0.


    Shift arithmetic left operation functionality: shift out for 1 place left (msb will become the most significant bit of out value) and set out's least significant bit to 1'b0.


    Shift arithmetic right operation functionality: shift out for 1 place right (lsb will become the least significant bit of out value) and set out's most significant bit to the sign of the out value (copy out's most significant bit). Instead, it properly shifts the out value but fill the out's least significant bit with the lsb input value.

    First situation (input lsb = 1'b0), three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 10000000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 10000000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 11000000, lsb = 0} // shift + set sign (1'b1) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 01000000, lsb = 0} // shift + set input lsb (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit 
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 11100000, lsb = 0} // shift + set sign (1'b1) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 00100000, lsb = 0} // shift + set input lsb (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit 

    Second situation (input lsb = 1'b1), three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 01000000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 01000000, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 00100000, lsb = 0} // shift + set sign (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 10100000, lsb = 0} // shift + set input lsb (1'b1) to the out's least significant bit 
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 00010000, lsb = 0} // shift + set sign (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 11010000, lsb = 0} // shift + set input lsb (1'b1) to the out's least significant bit 

    Third situation (input lsb is written above the output), three successive blocks for representation:

    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // initial state
    #  == got {msb = 0, output = 01000001, lsb = 0} // initial state
    input_lsb = 1
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 00100000, lsb = 1} // shift + set sign (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 10100000, lsb = 1} // shift + set input lsb (1'b1) to the out's least significant bit 
    input_lsb = 0
    #  expect {msb = 0, output = 00010000, lsb = 0} // shift + set sign (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit
    #  != got {msb = 0, output = 01010000, lsb = 0} // shift + set input lsb (1'b0) to the out's least significant bit 


    Rotate left operation functionality: rotate out for 1 place left (msb will become the most significant bit of out value).


    Rotate right operation functionality: rotate out for 1 place right (lsb will become the least significant bit of out value).

reg8_full (Design Under the Test)

Register with all control signals and has proper behavior on each of those signals.

reg8_ld_inc (Design Under the Test)

Register with only load and increment control signals and has proper behavior on each of those signals.