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#Vericoin TipBot For Slack Easily transfer money between team members on your Slack channel.

Basic features

  • With a single message, send and receive Vericoin
  • A tip has no transaction fee. There are no extra cost added to your tip.
  • Get the fiat prices.

Advanced features (can be disabled)

  • Sun: every user that tips another user is eligble of recieving form the sun fund.
  • Quiz:

How to Run a TipBot

Setup Slack Bot

  • Add a bot integration to Slack here
    • Make sure you copy the Slack API token

Install TipBot

  • git clone slack-tipbot
  • cd slack-tipbot
  • npm install

Optional depending on enabled advanced features



 node bot.js --slack-token="YOUR_SLACK_TOKEN" --rpc-host="YOUR_RPC_HOST" --rpc-port="YOUR_RPC_PORT" --rpc-user="YOUR_RPC_USER" --rpc-password="YOUR_RPC_PASSWORD" 

You can also use ENV variable instead of argument:


If your wallet is locked (and it should !) provided the passphrase via the --wallet-passwordargument or the TIPBOT_WALLET_PASSWORD enviroment variable.

Optional you can set DEBUG = "tipbot:*" to see debug messages.

You should use forever to run the bot persistend. Create a json file with all the needed arguments.


You can control / communicate with the tipbot by sending the bot a direct message or mentioning its name in a channel. The tipbot responds to certain 'trigger words' in a sentence, so you can wrap the trigger word in a nice looking sentence and it will work.

For example, to trigger the help command you can could say hey VeriTips can you help me figure out how tipping works and the help in that sentence will trigger displaying the help information.

Commands / Trigger words

help - ask the bot for help

eg; hey VeriTips can you show me the help info!

balance - ask the bot for your current balance

eg; hey VeriTips can you please tell me my balance

send <value + unit> @someone - tell the bot to send coins to someone

eg; VeriTips please send .001 Vericoin to @bob will send 0.001 Vericoin to @bob.

This command has a few aliases which you can use; give and sent. You can also use fiat currencies, they will be converted to the Vericoin value. eg; VeriTips can you give @bob 1 euro or VeriTips I'd like you to send @bob 0.5 usd

deposit - ask the bot for a deposit address

eg; VeriTips I'd like to deposit to my tip jar

withdraw - tell the bot you want to withdraw to an address

after you've requested the withdraw the bot will confirm with you if it's OK, replying with yes, ok or sure will make the transaction happen. eg; VeriTips I want to withdraw 0.5 Vericoin to 1dice8EMZmqKvrGE4Qc9bUFf9PX3xaYDp

currencies - ask the bot for a list of supported currencies.

eg; _VeriTips what currencies do you know?

price - ask the bot for the Vericoin price in a particular currency.

eg; _VeriTips price in USD!

convert - ask the bot to convert between a particular currency and Vericoin (or visa versa)

eg; VeriTips 1 USD to EUR!_​ or; ​_VeriTips 0.03 VRC to GBP

sun - check the available sunshine.

Each user that has tipped another user will receive a sunray (read: free Vericoin) from the sun fund.

quiz add - The bot will ask to input a new quiz question and answer.

Each question needs to be reviewed by a moderator.

quiz answer - Post an answer to a quiz question.


emergency restart Restart the Slack connection of tipbot.
balance all show all the tip jars (must be enabled in code)
balance check show the balance of a specific user (must be enabled in code)

eg; @VeriTips balance check @user

whisper Send a message in a private channel to a user as VeriTips.

Use case :moderator warning.

sun threshold Set the threshold on where the balance of the sun account will be distributed between all the users that tipped. Defaults to 5 Vericoin.
sun eligible See which users are eligible for a sunray.
sun reset Reset all tip counts, not needed normally as tip counters are reset when sun is shining.'
quiz list Show all approved questions.
quiz review List all questions that need to be reviewed (reward = 0).
quiz delete _question number_ Delete a question.
quiz reward _question number_ Set/change reward for a question (also approves the question). @VeriTips will ask amount.
quiz star Start a quiz.
quiz abort Stop a quiz without showing results.
quiz next Skip the current question (if no one finds the answer).


Slack Tipbot for Dash






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