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Ansible playbook for CISv1.0.0 settings on Ubutnu 18.04


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CIS hardening Ubuntu 18.04

This runs against a set of ubuntu 18.04 hosts and configures the system based on CIS v1.0.0 recommendations. At least L1 settings, some L2 stuff where it was easy to add.

Readme notes

Make sure to set your variables

  • Section 1.4 Please follow the directions and update the password for the GRUB template file.
  • Look at the ToDo items. there's some stuff that isn't 100% complete, as expected.

Getting started

Setting up environment

Install WSL

Skip if your running from Linux / Mac

Update APT

Update apt, and upgrade packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Ansible

apt update
apt install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
apt install ansible

Pull config from git

Git should already be installed, if not, install with apt.

apt update
apt install git

Create a folder, initialize git, pull the repo.

mkdir ~/git
mkdir ~/git/ans.CIS_Ubuntu18.04
cd ~/git/ans.CIS_Ubuntu18.04
git init
git pull

To run plays

# Run against test
ansible-playbook -i site-test.yml site-play.yml
# Run against prod
ansible-playbook -i site-prod.yml site-play.yml
# Run service account creation
ansible-playbook -i site-test.yml site-play.yml --tags user -e "ansible_ssh_user=mattcozzolino" --ask-pass -K

If you only want to run specific plays

ansible-playbook -i site-test.yml site-play.yml --tags <tag>
# E.G.
ansible-playbook -i site-test.yml site-play.yml --tags CIS_1,CIS_2.1

Commit changes / backup config

Probably want to fork and write to your own repository. Or, contact me and you can update this repository.

git add *
git commit -m "<Change This>"
git push -u origin master 


  • CIS_1.7 - collapse all of the lineinfile to a single play, using with_items
  • CIS_2.2 - Clean up service shutdown/removal
  • CIS_3.2 - collapse all of the lineinfile to a single play, using with_items
  • CIS_5.2.11 - MACs config is currently disabled. Need to add version to ansible run
  • CIS_5.2.14 - Set the appropriate variables in group_vars/all.yml
  • CIS_5.2.14 - Uncomment allow/deny lines in roles/CIS_5.2/tasks/main.yml
  • CIS_6.2 - Mostly copy & run scripts. Need some better logic to run against "discovered folders"


Ansible playbook for CISv1.0.0 settings on Ubutnu 18.04








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