This code simulated Model Waleffe flow in a retangular domain.
To build:
- Edit Makefile to point to netcdf & fftw
- make;make install
To generate random initial condition:
- Ensure UTIL in makefile is set as randIC
- make util
- ./randIC.out
- This produces state0000.cdf.dat
- Rename to for use as initial condition.
- If state relaminarises then increase scl & recompile, or run at higher Re.
To run.
- Copy, main.out & to folder.
- Run ./main.out
- vel_energy.dat keeps a running output of the total energy.
- Delete RUNNING file to softly kill run.
- For parallel simulation edit _Np in parallel.h & recompile.
To control.
- program/parameters.f90 contains all parameters to be edited.
- Recompile.
- has a copied of the parameters used at compilation.
To plot output.
- In matlab [x,z,u]=GridUy('','U',0.) extracts the U field at y=0.
- contourf(x,z,u) to visualise.
Questions? Feel free to contact me.