Tags: mchamberland/EGSnrc
Fix nrc-cnrc#425: irold not updated in electron step loop Assign the current particle region, ir(np), to the old region index, irold, within the ustep loop in electron transport. Previously, irold was not updated, so the irnew ~= irold condition added to fix magnetic field transport in vacuum caused zero-size steps to skip the region change macro. Remove the now redundant irold = ir(np) assignment in the non-zero step size block.
Fix nrc-cnrc#260: rest mass not initialized in C interface Fix the rest mass initialization for EGSnrc applications that depend on the C interface. The bug fix in the parent commit moved the declaration of the rest mass inside the COMIN/USEFUL/ macro. However this in turn breaks C and C++ EGSnrc applications because the C interface relies on its own declaration of the COMIN/USEFUL/ macro, which also has to be updated with the rest mass data statement.
Merge pull request nrc-cnrc#33 from nrc-cnrc/develop Merging develop branch into master
Merge pull request nrc-cnrc#12 from nrc-cnrc/develop Merging develop branch into master