- Zulia, Venezuela
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Curated List of React Components & Libraries.
The Complete Intro to React, as taught by Brian Holt on Frontend Masters
Next-gen Clipboard Manager for Gnome Shell
Create PDF documents using web technologies
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
A new full-featured and high-performance TypeScript framework
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
⚡️ WebExtension Vite Starter Template
✨ Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression testing.
Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB
Removes window is ready Notification
🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that foun…
A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
A clean dark material theme for Visual Studio Code Editor
Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.