Haskov is a Haskell library for finite regular Markov chains.
A Markov can be created from lists, maps, or by individual insertions.
Haskov is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Haskov relies on the hmatrix package. Please see its installation page for help.
Clone or download Haskov and move the source files to your project folder. Then import Haskov:
import MyDirectory.Haskov (Markov)
import qualified MyDirectory.Haskov as Has
data Markov a
type IndexMap a = Map a Int
type HMatrixMap = Map ((Int, Int), Double)
A Markov chain of states a and the probabilities of moving from one state to another. It is made up of an IndexMap, mapping state a to its corresponding index in the HMatrixMap, which will be used for computations.
empty :: Markov a
Creates an empty Markov.
>>> empty
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Double -> Markov a -> Markov a
Insert a pair of states (a, a) and their transition probability into a Markov. If the pair of states is already in the Markov chain, the probability distribution is replaced.
>>> insert "A" "B" 1.0 empty
[(("A", "B"), 1.0)]
insertWith :: (Ord a) => (Double -> Double -> Double) -> a -> a -> Double -> Markov a -> Markov a
Insert with a function on Doubles, combining new and old values. If the pair of states is not in the Markov chain, a normal insertion occurs. If the pair of states already exists, the probability distribution is updated by applying the function and input Double to the current probability distribution.
>>> let x = fromList [(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
>>> insertWith (+) "A" "C" 1.0 x
>>> insertWith (+) "A" "B" 0.3 x
Note that it is highly suggested that you normalize after any insertion.
Markovs can also be created from a list.
fromList :: (Ord a) => [((a, a), Double)] -> Markov a
Creates a Markov from a list of state and transition probability tuples.
>>> fromList [(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
[(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
Markovs can also be created from a map.
fromMap :: (Ord a) => Map (a, a) Double -> Markov a
Creates a Markov from a map of states and transition probabilities
>>> let m = Data.Map.fromList [(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
>>> fromMap m
[(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
There are a few functions to manipulate and test Markov chains
walk :: (Ord a) => Int -> Markov a -> IO [a]
The walk function starts at the steady state of a Markov chain and takes n steps through the chain before stopping, returning a list of the steps taken. If an end state is reached before the number of specified steps, it halts.
>>> let x = fromList [(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
>>> walk 5 x
steadyState :: (Ord a) => Markov a -> [(a, Double)]
The steady state (equilibrium distribution) of the Markov chain
>>> let x = fromList [(("A", "B"), 0.3), (("A", "A"), 0.7), (("B", "A"), 1.0)]
>>> steadyState x
normalize :: (Ord a) => Markov a -> Markov a
Normalizes the Markov chain. Note that this is necessary for many other chain functions to work properly (i.e. walk and steadyState)
>>> let x = fromList [(("A", "B"), 9), (("A", "A"), 21), (("B", "A"), 15)]
>>> normalize x
HaskovText provides functions for converting text strings to Markov chains using Haskov.
generate :: Text -> Markov Text
Creates a Haskov Markov chain from a Text. See Data.Text
>>> let text = pack "A A A A A B A A B A A B A"
>>> generate text
>>> Haskov.normalize . generate $ text
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