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Maze Tokens Underworld

Digital assets and blockchain applications

(* means that these tokens and applications are functional, but no longer maintained)

Bitcoin Cash CashTokens and applications

  • Microfi Free Flow (XMI) CashTokens and distribution application (aka faucet)

  • MAZEy Bitcoin Cash CashTokens wallet and paperwallet generator

  • DarkLabs CRC20 CashTokens

  • The Legendary Zombie Government NFTs

Stacks tokens and applications

  • Microfi Token (XMI) - a mintable token

  • Anomaly Token (XAY) - a fungible token

  • Anomaly NFTs - a collection of NFTs on Gamma

Bitcoin Cash Simple Ledger Protocol *

  • MAZE Token (MAZE) - a mineable (proof-of-work) token, based on Mist Coin

  • MAZE-NFT (MAZE) - mineable (proof-of-work) NFTs, based on Mist Coin

  • MAZE-REBEL (REBEL) - a mintable (cashscript smartcontract) token

  • ZOMBIE - a fungible token

  • ZOMBIE NFT - mineable (proof-of-work) NFTs, based on Mist Coin and distribution application (aka faucet)

  • PostOffice - use tokens as fee, based on SimpleLedger PostOffice

smartBCH tokens and applications *

  • MAZE - a mineable (proof-of-work) token, based on 0xBitcoin

  • ZOMBIE - a fungible token

  • VANDALS - a fungible token and tokens distribution application (Vandals Bank)

  • UNDERGROUND (URGD) - a reflection token, based on BigShortBets token

  • POSTBOX - "a message in a bottle" (send on-chain messages)

  • MAZE-ARENA - ERC1155 semi fungible tokens

Dogechain tokens and applications *

  • Blockchain Invaders (INVADERS) - a fungible token

  • The Book Of Dog (BODO) - a token and on-chain messages application

  • RENDERAI NFT - a collection of AI generated images

Other tokens and applications *

  • Open Desert - multichan NFTs market

  • RENDERAI NFT - a collection of AI generated images (Polygon) redeployed from Dogechain