The Braintree PHP library provides integration access to the Braintree Gateway.
PHP version >= 5.2.1 required.
The following PHP extensions are required:
- curl
- dom
- hash
- openssl
- SimpleXML
- xmlwriter
require_once 'PATH_TO_BRAINTREE/lib/Braintree.php';
$result = Braintree_Transaction::sale(array(
'amount' => '1000.00',
'creditCard' => array(
'number' => '5105105105105100',
'expirationDate' => '05/12'
if ($result->success) {
print_r("success!: " . $result->transaction->id);
} else if ($result->transaction) {
print_r("Error processing transaction:");
print_r("\n code: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseCode);
print_r("\n text: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseText);
} else {
print_r("Validation errors: \n");
Iterating through the results of a transaction or customer search will fetch the individual object details.
//Lets get some details for all of the sales that took place in the past 2 days.
$now = new Datetime();
$past = clone $now;
$past = $past->modify("-2 days");
//lookup up a collection of sale transactions.
$collection = Braintree_Transaction::search(array(
Braintree_TransactionSearch::createdAt()->between($past, $now),
//loop throgh the collection to get access to individual transation objects.
foreach ($collection as $transaction) {
print_r("transactionId ". $transaction->id . "\n");
print_r("firstName: " . $transaction->customerDetails->firstName . "\n");
print_r("amount: $" . $transaction->amount . "\n");
print_r("paymentInstrument: " . $transaction->paymentInstrumentType . "\n ");
If you offer multiple payment types. E.G. CreditCards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. You can use the paymentMethods() lookup to find all options easily.
// Load up a customer with multiple saved paymentMethods.
$customer = Braintree_Customer::find('a_customer_id');
// Loop throgh all of the payment methods of different types stored for user
foreach ($customer->paymentMethods() as $paymentMethod) {
// All paymentMethod types can return basic fields consistently
print_r("token: ". $paymentMethod->token . "\n");
print_r("isDefault: " . $paymentMethod->isDefault() . "\n ");
print_r("image: <img src=\"" . $paymentMethod->imageUrl . "\"/>\n ");
// Some simple logic can be used to find a label to put beside the image.
print_r("accountIdentifier: " . getAccountIdentifier ($paymentMethod). "\n ");
// This function helps us get a label across different object types.
function getAccountIdentifier ($paymentMethod){
// We can use the class to determine the type of paymentObject.
switch (get_class($paymentMethod)) {
case "Braintree_CreditCard":
return $paymentMethod->maskedNumber;
case "Braintree_PayPalAccount":
return $paymentMethod->email;
case "Braintree_ApplePayCard":
return $paymentMethod->paymentInstrumentName;
case "Braintree_EuropeBankAccount":
return $paymentMethod->maskedIban;
A list of open source projects that help power Braintree can be found here.
See the LICENSE file.