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A MERN-based notes web-app with authorisation, synchronization and functional user interface


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React Notes App

This is a MERN-based notes web-app with authorisation, live synchronization and functional user interface. Here you can edit notes text content, add some markdown elements, upload images for cards.



Project has "cliend and server" structure. You can find it in the corresponding subfolders.

The server with REST API was built with Node.js platform and Express library. It has three main API routes, additional route for WS addres check and default route for static client build. I used MongoDB and Mongoose lib to store and manage data. There are three entity types in database - Users, Notes and Media (images). For authorization, I used the JsonWebToken and Bcrypt libraries. I also used WebSocket to connect client and server for real-time synchronization.

The client was made with React framework. It was styled with Bootstrap 4. I used React Router DOM extension to route client pages - authorisation, main notes page and about page. I also used some libs to make interface more useful and pretty. The main one - React Stack Grid, used to conveniently arrange note cards on the screen. There are many custom hooks here to manage authorization, interface elements, user data, and their synchronization. Client was built with Progressiwe Web App technology. So it can be partially cached for offline use, or rather for faster loading.

I also tried to make unit tests and documentation based on code comments. You can see it below in this document.

See demo

Open mern-notesapp (here synchronization disabled) or react-notes (here PWA disabled) to view working demo in the browser.



First of all, set up your project by creating .env file in ./server folder with next content:

mongoUri = "<YOUR MONGO URI>"
jwtSecret = "<SECRET KEY>"

Main available scripts in the project directory:

npm install

installs packages for development

npm run full-install

installs client and server packages

npm run dev

starts client and server concurrently in dev mode


Use next scripts:

npm run deploy

to install and build app before run it

npm run prod or npm start

to run production app version


npm test

runs concurrently tests for client and server


Local mongoUri will be "mongodb:https://localhost:27017/mydb"

Mongo installation on Windows 10

  1. Download and install MongoDb server from (set it on "D:\Program Files" to not edit the .bat file)

  2. Edit mongo_win_install.bat file and fix next variables (dont use spaces around "="):

    • set MongoDb_ExePath - path to mongod.exe
    • set MongoDb_DataFolderPath - path to db folder
  3. To start Mongo database use npm run mongo-windows:start

Mongo installation on Ubuntu 20.04

  1. To prepare and setup mongo use npm run mongo-ubuntu:full-setup

  2. To start Mongo database use npm run mongo-ubuntu:start

Cloud Mongo connection

Can be also used with Heroku

Use MongoDB Atlas. Look video lesson here

Deployment on Ubuntu LVS

  • Clone from GitHub
  • Run cd react-notes && npm run deploy && cd
  • Use PM2 with this ecosystem template:
module.exports = {
  apps: [
      name: "react-notes",
      script: "./react-notes/server/app.js",
      watch: "./react-notes/",
      "ignore-watch": [
      "max-memory-restart": "150MB",
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: "production",
        mongoUri: "<YOUR MONGO URI>" /*replace this*/,
        httpsRedirect: false /*true if enable*/,
        jwtSecret: "<SECRET KEY>",

Be careful - bash start folder on your server may be located differently

Deployment on Heroku

  • Create Heroku app
  • Connect to GitHub repo
  • Add Node.js buildpack in settings
  • Add config vars:
    • NODE_ENV: production
    • mongoUri: YOUR MONGO URI
    • httpsRedirect: true
    • jwtSecret: SECRET KEY
  • Click "Deploy branch" button

JSDoc documentation

npm run doc

use to generate docs

see exiting documentation