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Tags: matzech/PyPSA



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PyPSA Version 0.14.1

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This minor release contains three small bug fixes:

* Documentation parses now correctly on PyPI

* Python 2.7 and 3.6 are automatically tested using Travis

* PyPSA on Python 2.7 was fixed

This will also be the first release to be available directly from conda-forge.


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PyPSA Version 0.14.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains a new feature and bug fixes.

* Network plotting can now use the mapping library cartopy as well as
  basemap, which was used in previous versions of PyPSA. The basemap
  developers will be phasing out basemap over the next few years in
  favour of cartopy (see their end-of-life announcement). PyPSA now
  defaults to cartopy unless you tell it explicitly to use
  basemap. Otherwise the plotting interface is the same as in previous
* Optimisation now works with the newest version of Pyomo 5.6.2 (there
  was a Pyomo update that affected the expression for building
  linear sums).
* A critical bug in the networkclustering sub-library has been fixed
  which was preventing the capital_cost parameter of conventional
  generators being handled correctly when networks are aggregated.
* Network.consistency_check() now only prints necessary columns when
  reporting NaN values.
* Import from pandapower networks has been updated to pandapower 2.0
  and to include non-standard lines and transformers.

We thank Fons van der Plas and Fabian Hofmann for helping with the
cartopy interface, Chloe Syranidis for pointing out the problem with
the Pyomo 5.6.2 update, Hailiang Liu for the consistency check update
and Christian Brosig for the pandapower updates.


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PyPSA Version 0.13.2

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This minor release contains small new features and fixes.

* Optimisation now works with Pyomo >= 5.6 (there was a Pyomo update
  that affected the LConstraint object).
* New functional argument can be passed to Network.lopf:
  extra_postprocessing(network,snapshots,duals), which is called after
  solving and results are extracted. It can be used to get the values
  of shadow prices for constraints that are not normally extracted by
* In the lopf kirchhoff formulation, the cycle constraint is rescaled
  by a factor 1e5, which improves the numerical stability of the
  interior point algorithm (since the coefficients in the constraint
  matrix were very small).
* Updates and fixes to networkclustering, io, plot.

We thank Soner Candas of TUM for reporting the problem with the most
recent version of Pyomo and providing the fix.


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PyPSA Version 0.13.1

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains bug fixes for the new features introduced in

* Export network to netCDF file bug fixed (components that were all
  standard except their name were ignored).

* Import/export network to HDF5 file bug fixed and now works with more
  than 1000 columns; HDF5 format is no longer deprecated.

* When networks are copied or sliced, overridden components
  (introduced in 0.13.0) are also copied.

* Sundry other small fixes.

We thank Tim Kittel for pointing out the first and second bugs. We
thank Kostas Syranidis for not only pointing out the third issue with
copying overridden components, but also submitting a fix as a pull

For this release we acknowledge funding to Tom Brown from the
RE-INVEST project.


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PyPSA Version 0.13.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains new features aimed at coupling power networks to
other energy sectors, fixes for library dependencies and some minor
internal API changes.

* If you want to define your own components and override the standard
  functionality of PyPSA, you can now override the standard components
  by passing pypsa.Network() the arguments override_components and
  override_component_attrs, see the section on Custom
  Components. There are examples for defining new components in the
  git repository in examples/new_components/, including an example of
  overriding network.lopf() for functionality for
  combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants.

* The Link component can now be defined with multiple outputs in fixed
  ratio to the power in the single input by defining new columns bus2,
  bus3, etc. (bus followed by an integer) in network.links along with
  associated columns for the efficiencies efficiency2, efficiency3,
  etc. The different outputs are then proportional to the input
  according to the efficiency; see sections Link with multiple outputs
  or inputs and Controllable branch flows: links and the example of a
  CHP with a fixed power-heat ratio.

* Networks can now be exported to and imported from netCDF files with
  network.export_to_netcdf() and network.import_from_netcdf(). This is
  faster than using CSV files and the files take up less space. Import
  and export with HDF5 files, introduced in PyPSA 0.12.0, is now

* The export and import code has been refactored to be more general
  and abstract. This does not affect the API.

* The internally-used sets such as pypsa.components.all_components and
  pypsa.one_port_components have been moved from pypsa.components to
  network, i.e. network.all_components and
  network.one_port_components, since these sets may change from
  network to network.

* For linear power flow, PyPSA now pre-calculates the effective per
  unit reactance x_pu_eff for AC lines to take account of the
  transformer tap ratio, rather than doing it on the fly; this makes
  some code faster, particularly the kirchhoff formulation of the

* PyPSA is now compatible with networkx 2.0 and 2.1.

* PyPSA now requires Pyomo version greater than 5.3.

* PyPSA now uses the Travis CI continuous integration service to test
  every commit in the PyPSA GitHub repository. This will allow us to
  catch library dependency issues faster.

We thank Russell Smith of Edison Energy for the pull request for the
effective reactance that sped up the LOPF code and Tom Edwards for
pointing out the Pyomo version dependency issue.

For this release we also acknowledge funding to Tom Brown from the
RE-InVEST project.


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PyPSA Version 0.12.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains new features and bug fixes.

* Support for Pyomo’s persistent solver interface, so if you’re making
  small changes to an optimisation model (e.g. tweaking a parameter),
  you don’t have to rebuild the model every time. To enable this,
  network_lopf has been internally split into build_model,
  prepare_solver and solve to allow more fine-grained control of the
  solving steps. Currently the new Pyomo PersistentSolver interface is
  not in the main Pyomo branch, see the pull request; you can obtain
  it with pip install

* Lines and transformers (i.e. passive branches) have a new attribute
  s_max_pu to restrict the flow in the OPF, just like p_max_pu for
  generators and links. It works by restricting the absolute value of
  the flow per unit of the nominal rating abs(flow) <=
  s_max_pu*s_nom. For lines this can represent an n-1 contingency
  factor or it can be time-varying to represent weather-dependent
  dynamic line rating.

* The marginal_cost attribute of generators, storage units, stores and
  links can now be time dependent.

* When initialising the Network object, i.e. network =
  pypsa.Network(), the first keyword argument is now import_name
  instead of csv_folder_name. With import_name PyPSA recognises
  whether it is a CSV folder or an HDF5 file based on the file name
  ending and deals with it appropriately. Example usage: nw1 =
  pypsa.Network("my_store.h5") and nw2 =
  pypsa.Network("/my/folder"). The keyword argument csv_folder_name is
  still there but is deprecated.

* The value network.objective is now read from the Pyomo results
  attribute Upper Bound instead of Lower Bound. This is because for
  MILP problems under certain circumstances CPLEX records the Lower
  bound as the relaxed value. Upper bound is correctly recorded as the
  integer objective value.

* Bug fix due to changes in pandas 0.21.0: A bug affecting various
  places in the code, including causing network.lopf to fail with
  GLPK, is fixed. This is because in pandas 0.21.0 the sum of an empty
  Series/DataFrame returns NaN, whereas before it returned zero. This
  is a subtle bug; we hope we’ve fixed all instances of it, but get in
  touch if you notice NaNs creeping in where they shouldn’t be. All
  our tests run fine.

* Bug fix due to changes in scipy 2.0.0: For the new version of scipy,
  csgraph has to be imported explicit.

* Bug fix: A bug whereby logging level was not always correctly being
  seen by the OPF results printout is fixed.

* Bug fix: The storage unit spillage had a bug in the LOPF, whereby it
  was not respecting network.snapshot_weightings properly.

We thank René Garcia Rosas, João Gorenstein Dedecca, Marko Kolenc,
Matteo De Felice and Florian Kühnlenz for promptly notifying us about


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PyPSA Version 0.11.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains new features but no changes to existing APIs.

* There is a new function network.iplot() which creates an interactive
  plot in Jupyter notebooks using the plotly library. This reveals bus
  and branch properties when the mouse hovers over them and allows
  users to easily zoom in and out on the network. See the SciGRID
  example for a showcase of this feature and also the (sparse)
  documentation Plotting Networks.

* There is a new function network.madd() for adding multiple new
  components to the network. This is significantly faster than
  repeatedly calling network.add() and uses the functions
  network.import_components_from_dataframe() and
  network.import_series_from_dataframe() internally. Documentation and
  examples can be found at Adding multiple components.

* There are new functions network.export_to_hdf5() and
  network.import_from_hdf5() for exporting and importing networks as
  single files in the Hierarchical Data Format.

* In the network.lopf() function the KKT shadow prices of the branch
  limit constraints are now outputted as series called mu_lower and

We thank Bryn Pickering for introducing us to plotly and helping to
hack together the first working prototype using PyPSA.


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PyPSA Version 0.10.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release contains some minor new features and a few minor but
important API changes.

* There is a new component Global Constraints for implementing
  constraints that effect many components at once (see also the LOPF
  subsection Global constraints). Currently only constraints related
  to primary energy (i.e. before conversion with losses by generators)
  are supported, the canonical example being CO2 emissions for an
  optimisation period. Other primary-energy-related gas emissions also
  fall into this framework. Other types of global constraints will be
  added in future, e.g. “final energy” (for limits on the share of
  renewable or nuclear electricity after conversion), “generation
  capacity” (for limits on total capacity expansion of given carriers)
  and “transmission capacity” (for limits on the total expansion of
  lines and links). This replaces the ad hoc network.co2_limit
  attribute. If you were using this, instead of network.co2_limit =
  my_cap do network.add("GlobalConstraint", "co2_limit",
  type="primary_energy", carrier_attribute="co2_emissions",
  sense="<=", constant="my_cap"). The shadow prices of the global
  constraints are automatically saved in

* The LOPF output network.buses_t.marginal_price is now defined
  differently if network.snapshot_weightings are not 1. Previously if
  the generator at the top of the merit order had marginal_cost c and
  the snapshot weighting was w, the marginal_price was cw. Now it is
  c, which is more standard. See also Nodal power balances.

* now returns a dictionary of pandas DataFrames, each
  indexed by snapshots and sub-networks. converged is a table of
  booleans indicating whether the power flow has converged; error
  gives the deviation of the non-linear solution; n_iter the number of
  iterations required to achieve the tolerance.

* network.consistency_check() now includes checking for potentially
  infeasible values in generator.p_{min,max}_pu.

* The PyPSA version number is now saved in network.pypsa_version. In
  future versions of PyPSA this information will be used to upgrade
  data to the latest version of PyPSA.

* network.sclopf() has an extra_functionality argument that behaves
  like that for network.lopf().

* Component attributes which are strings are now better handled on
  import and in the consistency checking.

* There is a new generation investment screening curve example showing
  the long-term equilibrium of generation investment for a given load
  profile and comparing it to a screening curve analysis.

* There is a new logging example that demonstrates how to control the
  level of logging that PyPSA reports back,
  e.g. error/warning/info/debug messages.

* Sundry other bug fixes and improvements.

* All examples have been updated appropriately.

Thanks to Nis Martensen for contributing the return values of and Konstantinos Syranidis for contributing the improved


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PyPSA Version 0.9.0

Hyperlinked release notes can be found here:

This release mostly contains new features with a few minor API changes.

* Unit commitment as a MILP problem is now available for generators in
  the Linear Optimal Power Flow (LOPF). If you set committable == True
  for the generator, an addition binary online/offline status is
  created. Minimum part loads, minimum up times, minimum down times,
  start up costs and shut down costs are implemented. See the
  documentation at Generator unit commitment constraints and the unit
  commitment example. Note that a generator cannot currently have both
  unit commitment and capacity expansion optimisation.

* Generator ramping limits have also been implemented for all
  generators. See the documentation at Generator ramping constraints
  and the unit commitment example.

* Different mathematically-equivalent formulations for the Linear
  Optimal Power Flow (LOPF) are now documented in Passive branch flow
  formulations and the arXiv preprint paper Linear Optimal Power Flow
  Using Cycle Flows. The new formulations can solve up to 20 times
  faster than the standard angle-based formulation.

* You can pass the network.lopf function the solver_io argument for

* There are some improvements to network clustering and graphing.

* API change: The attribute has been removed since it was
  unnecessary. Now, if you do not pass a snapshots argument to or network.lpf(), these functions will default to
  network.snapshots rather than

* API change: When reading in network data from CSV files, PyPSA will
  parse snapshot dates as proper datetimes rather than text strings.

João Gorenstein Dedecca has also implemented a MILP version of the
transmission expansion, see,
which properly takes account of the impedance with a disjunctive
relaxation. This will be pulled into the main PyPSA code base soon.


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PyPSA Version 0.8.0

Nicely-linked release notes can be found here:

This is a major release which contains important new features and
changes to the internal API.

* Standard types are now available for lines and transformers so that
  you do not have to calculate the electrical parameters yourself. For
  lines you just need to specify the type and the length, see Line
  Types. For transformers you just need to specify the type, see
  Transformer Types. The implementation of PyPSA’s standard types is
  based on pandapower’s standard types. The old interface of
  specifying r, x, b and g manually is still available.

* The transformer model has been substantially overhauled, see
  Transformer model. The equivalent model now defaults to the more
  accurate T model rather than the PI model, which you can control by
  setting the attribute model. Discrete tap steps are implemented for
  transformers with types. The tap changer can be defined on the
  primary side or the secondary side. In the PF there was a sign error
  in the implementation of the transformer phase_shift, which has now
  been fixed. In the LPF and LOPF angle formulation the phase_shift
  has now been implemented consistently. See the new transformer
  example.  There is now a rudimentary import function for pandapower
  networks, but it doesn’t yet work with all switches and 3-winding

* The object interface for components has been completely
  removed. Objects for each component are no longer stored in
  e.g. network.lines["obj"] and the descriptor interface for
  components is gone. You can only access component attributes through
  the dataframes, e.g. network.lines.

* Component attributes are now defined in CSV files in
  pypsa/component_attrs/. You can access these CSVs in the code via
  the dictionary network.components,
  e.g. network.components["Line"]["attrs"] will show a pandas
  DataFrame with all attributes and their types, defaults, units and
  descriptions. These CSVs are also sourced for the documentation in
  Components, so the documentation will always be up-to-date.

* All examples have been updated appropriately.