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Cdnjs Client

cdnjs is a substitute for bower/npm in a node free environment. It depends on bash, jq and curl.

It is mainly a client for cdnjs/cdnjs API but it can handle any GET'able, publicly-available resources; gists in particular .



To print the script's usage:

$ cdnjs --help

Which gives the following output:

$ cdnjs --help
Usage: cdnjs [OPTIONS] [ARGS]:

    --init, init                     initialize a config file
    --conf [CONFIG FILE]             use a custom config file
    --list, list   [/to/exclude]     prints a list of link and script tags
    --index, index [/to/exclude]     same as "--list"
    --html, html   [/to/exclude]     same as "--list"

    --nodev, nodev                   excludes non '.min.*' files; a flag for \"--list\"
    --dev, dev                       excludes '.min.*' files; a flag for \"--list\"

    -f, --find, find [ARGS]          perform query on
        --search, search [ARGS]      same as "--search [ARGS]"
    -c, --clean, clean [ARGS]        clean configured relative-location
    -s, --sync, sync [ARGS]          asynchronously download configured resources
        --update, update [ARGS]      same as "--sync [ARGS]"
    -a, + [LIB[+VERSION]] [GROUP]    add library with optional version to optional
        --add, add                    group
    -i, --install, install [LIB]     same as "add" plus "sync"
    -d, --delete, delete [LIB]       removes library from configuration
    --remove, remove [LIB]           same as "delete"

    -v, --verbose, verbose           print debug/verbose output
        --debug, debug               same as "--verbose"
        --nocolor, nocolor           don't echo in color, useful for logging stdout/stderr
    -h, -?, --help, help             print usage


To initialize a cdnjs configuration file at the default location $(pwd)/.cdnjs:

$ cdnjs init

To specify another location to initialize:

$ cdnjs --conf .another-cdnjs.conf init

To initialize a non-default configuration file in another directory:

$ cdnjs --conf ~/dir/to/create/.cdnjs init

NB. if the path of the file doesn't exist the script will attempt to create it.


Requires a parameter "search string".

To search for libraries containing jquery:

$ cdnjs search jquery


This command requires a parameter library with an optional suffix +version.

To add the latest version of jquery to your configuration:

$ cdnjs add jquery

To add a specific version of jquery to your configuration use the syntax library[+version]

$ cdnjs add jquery+1.9.0


To clean all the paths indicated by the configuration's relative-location:

$ cdnjs clean


To download the resources indicated by the current configuration:

$ cdnjs sync 

NB. the resources will be downloaded to a tmp directory and then moved to the configuration's relative-location's.


Performs the --add and --sync commands:

$ cdnjs install jquery
# same as
$ cdnjs sync add jquery


Removes the indicated library from the configuration and filesystem:

$ cdnjs remove jquery
# or
$ cdnjs --delete jquery


There are a few flags for modifying output or functionality.

Some are general and can be used with any command, such as --conf, --debug or --nocolor.

Others can be used only with specific commands, such as the list command's --dev and --nodev flags.


Any command that requires the use of a configuration file can use the flag --conf to indicate an alternate file.

The commands which require a configuration file are --init, --add, --clean and --sync.

The default configuration file, if --conf is not specified, is .cdnjs in the current working directory.

To initialize a non-default configuration file in the current working directory:

$ cdnjs --conf .another-cdnjs.conf init

To add jquery version 2.1.4 to a non-default configuration:

$ cdnjs --conf .another-cdnjs.conf --add jquery+2.1.4


To output debug messages add the -v flag to any command:

$ cdnjs sync -v
# or
$ cdnjs clean --verbose
# or
$ cdnjs clean --debug
# or
$ cdnjs clean verbose
# or
$ cdnjs clean debug

No Color

To not output color escape codes add the nocolor flag. This is helpful when you want to log stdout/stderr to file.

$cdnjs sync nocolor


A flag for the --list command, it excludes any min.js or min.css from its output.

$ cdnjs list --dev


A flag for the --list command, it excludes any library not ending in min.js or min.css from its output.

$ cdnjs list --nodev
# or
$ cdnjs list nodev

Configuration example:

An example configuration file is found in this repository at example/.cdnjs.

A file .cdnjs in the pwd or passed to the program through the --conf [conf-file] option.


cdnjs depends on bash, jq, curl and mktemp. If those dependencies are met and and cdnjs is on your $PATH everything should be fine.

Windows Setup

Since cdnjs is a bash script it will work in a bash environment such as Git for Windows, however it requires jq and mktemp ( not found in Git for Windows pre version 1.9.5).

Download Jq

Download the jq binary and rename it to jq.exe. Place it in a folder known to be on your $PATH, eg. if you are using Git for Windows version 2.6.1 you will have %PROGRAMFILES%\Git\usr\bin in which you can place the jq.exe binary.

Download cdnjs

Download the latest version of cdnjs. Save it to a folder on you $PATH and make it executable.

Windows Setup Example Steps:

  1. Edit .bashrc:
if [ -d "~/bin" ]; then
  export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
  1. Then perform the following commands:
if [ ! -d "~/bin" ]; then mkdir "~/bin"; fi
cd ~/bin
chmod +x cdnjs
mv jq-win64.exe jq.exe
chmod +x jq.exe
ls -al


  • allow partial clean's and sync's by section key (ie cdnjs or gists )


a client for cdnjs's api and for GET'able resources.






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