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Small DOM Element wrapper library, for Typescript projects


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A small DOM Element wrapper library, made to be used in Typescript project.

import { createXa } from 'xadom'

let xa = createXa({ document })

let linkText = xa.body
  .map((a) => a.href)



  • src/lib.ts expects a browser environment and exports xa and createXa to the window
  • src/xa.ts is the module version of the library.

Bundling to a single file dist/lib.js:

  • Minified bundle: yarn parcel build src/lib.ts
  • Readable bundle: yarn parcel src/lib.ts

Compiling each source file to dist, for use of dist/xa.js as a module:

  • yarn tsc src/xa.ts


  • yarn tsc src/xa.ts


This code is available under CC0 License (public domain).


xadom exports a single function createXa, and most notable the types Xa and XaElement<T>.


Create an Xa instance.

createXa: (prop: { document: Document }): Xa
let xa = createXa({ document })

Xa instance

interface Xa extends Document {
  create: <K ...>(
    name: K,
    attribute: Record<string, string> = {},
    children: Element[] = []
  ): HTMLElement
  intoTextNode: (child: Node | string) => Node
  wrap: (el: Element) => XaElement<ELement>

  body: XaElement<HTMLElement>
  head: XaElement<HTMLHeadElement>
  html: XaElement<HTMLElement>

create allows to quickly create an Html element with properties assigned:

  • name is the Html element name
  • attribute (defaults to {}) is a record of key-values to set onto the newly created element. If the keys are found in the element, they are set directly on the object. If they are not found though, they are set using setAttribute.
  • children (defaults to []) is an array of children to be appended to the element. A child can be any Node (including Elements), or a string. In the latter case, the string will be use to make a text node which will be inserted.
let el = xa.create('div', {}, [
  xa.create('span', {}, [
    'Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness.',
  xa.create('p', {
    textContent: 'Sometimes in life, random things can blind-side you.',
  xa.create('span', {
    innerText: `
    As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
    certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.

wrap returns an Xa-enabled, wrapped version of the given Element. See XaElement.

let el = xa.wrap(xa.body.$('#main').firstNode as Element)

xa.body, xa.head, and xa.html are wrapped versions of document.body, document.head and document.documentElement.

xa inherits from document. All properties available on document are also available on xa.


An XaElement<T> instances, obtained via xa.wrap, has all the properties of its original element T, plus the following properties:

  • el.count gives the number of children
  • el.first gives the first child element (wrapped), or undefined
  • el.last gives the last child element (wrapped), or undefined
  • el.firstNode gives the first node, just like el.firstChild, thought it defaults to undefined rather than null.
  • el.lastNode gives the first node, just like el.firstChild, thought it defaults to undefined rather than null.
  • el.nodes, with a performance cost, returns the array of the children elements
  • el.firstT<T extends Element>() and el.lastT<T extends Element>() are typescript helper functions which allow to specify the expected type of the element. This type is used in place of Element to parameter the return type XaElement<T>.


  • el.$ is a synonyme of document.querySelector
  • el.$$ is a synonyme of document.querySelectorAll
  • el.append accepts a node or a child and append it to the children of the element
  • el.clone is a synonyme of el.cloneNode
  • el.on is a synonyme of el.addEventListener, except it return an object which contains a remove function which removes the event listener

Note: all functions which return an element object return it wrapped