This tool allows you to get the json stats of a mongo collection. It can be used to create a mongoose schema from a raw mongo database.
node index.js --uri 'mongodb:https://your-db-domain' -d 'database' -c 'collection' > output.json
This output data like:
"_id": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 4 } },
"title": { "string": { "required": false, "stats": "3: (75%) of 4" } },
"client": {
"object": {
"required": true,
"stats": 4,
"objectType": {
"name": { "string": { "required": false, "stats": "3: (75%) of 4" } },
"address": { "string": { "required": false, "stats": "3: (75%) of 4" } },
"email": { "string": { "required": false, "stats": "3: (75%) of 4" } }
"items": {
"array": {
"required": true,
"stats": 4,
"arrayType": {
"object": {
"required": true,
"stats": 24,
"objectType": {
"_id": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"bateamId": { "null": { "required": false, "stats": "6: (25%) of 24" } },
"notes": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"title": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"type": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"cost": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"unitPriceET": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"duration": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"unit": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"quantity": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"linePriceET": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 24 } },
"path": {
"array": {
"required": true,
"stats": 24,
"arrayType": { "string": { "required": true, "stats": 106 } }
"totalET": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 4 } },
"duration": { "number": { "required": true, "stats": 4 } }