This project was built on the expo template of create-react-native-app. I used React Native for building its mobile interface and Redux for its state management.
This is built for Android platform only. I developed it with the Expo Client on my Android phone.
To get started:
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
├── actions #action handlers for redux
├── decks # action handler for different actions regarding the decks
├── components
├── Button.js # component for the buttons
├── DeckCard.js # component for each deck card shown on the home page
├── DeckListPage.js # component representing the home page with all the decks list
├── IndividualDeckPage.js # component representing each deck's page
├── NewDeckPage.js # component for the page that allows the user to post new decks
├── NewQuestionPage.js # component for the page that allows the user to post new questions
├── QuizPage.js # component containing the quiz page
├── Quizzes.js # component handling the quizzes listing and their scores
├── reducers # reducers for the decks
├── utils # containing the helpers.js that handles the asyncstorage and the notifications
├── App.js # the parent component handling the navigation and creation of Redux store
├── package.json
├── # this file