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Frequently Asked Questions

Michael Prijatelj edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 43 revisions

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General FAQs

Do I need to pay to make a COMP/CON cloud account?

Nope! As of June 1st, 2021 cloud accounts are free to create.

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Is COMP/CON available on mobile devices?

COMP/CON can be accessed through most mobile browsers. Although the mobile version has been a secondary focus to the desktop app, you should be able to use in landscape mode on most modern tablets, as well as on phones (albeit with more limited features). Expect a more robust tablet mode -- as well as a phone mode -- in the future.

In addition, COMP/CON can be saved as a Progressive Web App to most mobile devices, as well as on desktops with browsers that support PWAs.

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I'm a COMP/CON power user. Is there a faster way to make a new pilot?

From COMP/CON's main page, navigate to "Options". Under "Advanced Options, click "Enable quick pilot creation and level-up." This will allow you to skip most of the required steps of creating a new pilot. This setting is recommended for experienced players only. New players are recommended to either select a prebuilt template or follow the pilot creation wizard to become more acclimated with the rules.


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Lancer Content Packs (LCPs)

Where do I get the NPC data?

We're following the free/paid demarcation of the LANCER corebook, so NPC data is only available to owners of the paid version of the book.

To get the data file that contains the NPC classes:

  1. Purchase the Lancer Core Rulebook from the storefront.
    • If you already own the book and are logged in to the associated account, you should see a "Download" button at the top of the page that will take you to the downloads page for the book.
    • If you bought Lancer (digital or physical!) and don't have access to this download, please contact [email protected] or ask in the #lancer-general channel on the Pilot NET Discord.
  2. Download the .lcp file "LANCER NPC data for COMP/CON".
  3. Navigate to and load the NPC data into the app through "Content Manager" -> "Install Content" in the main menu.


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How do I add content from Lancer expansions to COMP/CON?

Official LANCER content can be found on Massif Press's page. Player-facing LCP content for COMP/CON can be found in the Download demo section for any Massif Press publication; GM-facing content (i.e. NPCs) can be purchased alongside the PDF content. Links to this content (and featured community content) can also be found under "Content Manager" -> "LCP Directory".


Currently, officially published LANCER content includes:

Again, check the Download demo section for player-facing LCP files.

In the COMP/CON main menu, navigate to "Content Manager" -> "Install Content" to install all of these LCPs, similar to the NPC data.

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Sharing Pilots

Via Statblock

  1. Navigate to the Pilot Roster. Click on the "Gear" icon for the pilot of which you want a statblock.
  2. Click on "Generate Statblock".
  3. You can optionally include the pilot's mech, create a compact & mech-focused statblock, or add emojis from the Pilot NET Discord.
  4. When satisfied, select the contents of the statblock and copy them to your clipboard (ctrl+C or right click -> Copy).

GIF Example from NordicNinja on Pilot NET:


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Via Share Code (COMP/CON v2.3+, requires account)

If you and another user each have a COMP/CON account, you can share read-only copy of a pilot with that user that tracks your updates as you save them to the cloud.

Generating a Pilot Share Code

  1. Create and log into a COMP/CON account if you haven’t already.
  2. Enter Pilot Management for the Pilot you wish to share.
  3. In the navbar at the bottom of the screen, there should be a {…} icon to the right of the navbar’s divider. Click this icon. NOTE: If you can’t see the icon, try whitelisting in your Adblocker or similar browser extensions. The space should still be clickable even if the icon is invisible.


  1. If this pilot does not yet have a code, click “generate code”. Wait for the code to be generated.


  1. Once the 6-digit code is generated, copy it and send it to your desired recipients. This code will last for 90 days, after which the code will need to be extended or regenerated to continue use.


Importing Via Share Code

  1. Navigate to the Pilot Roster.
  2. At the bottom of the roster, click the Import Pilot button.


  1. Select “Import From Code”, then enter the share code you received and click Search.


  1. You will have an option to either import the Pilot as an editable copy tied to your account, or as read-only remote Pilot tied to the original owner’s account (which will track the owner’s changes to the Pilot). NOTE: At this time, remote Pilots are only saved LOCALLY and are NOT stored on the cloud. If you use COMP/CON on a different browser or reset your local data, you will need to reimport the remote Pilots.


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Via File Import

COMP/CON supports exporting and importing data files for a given pilot. This method of sharing does NOT require a COMP/CON account.

Exporting a Pilot File

  1. Navigate to the Pilot Roster. Click on the "Gear" icon for the pilot you wish to export.
  2. Click on "Export Pilot."


  1. Click on "EXPORT PILOT DATA FILE" to save a .json file named after the pilot's callsign.


Importing a Pilot File

  1. Navigate to the Pilot Roster. At the bottom of the roster, click "IMPORT PILOT".


  1. Select “Import From File”, then click the paperclip icon.


  1. Select the file you wish to import. NOTE: Only valid pilot .json files will be accepted.
  2. Click the "IMPORT" button that displays after the upload.

NOTE: If you already have a pilot with the same unique ID as the pilot you are importing, you will be prompted to instead create a copy of that pilot.

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Roll20 Import?

Roll20 does not support imports from COMP/CON at this time. For more information, check the #lancer-vtt channel on the Pilot NET Discord.

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FoundryVTT Support

Please refer to the Lancer for FoundryVTT Wiki for any questions you may have about sharing pilots to FoundryVTT.

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Via Vault Code (Outdated, COMP/CON v2.2)

If you are still using the old version of COMP/CON (v2.2.38), follow these steps:

  1. Double check that both you and your GM are using the same LCP versions for any content your pilot uses.
  2. Have both yourself and your GM create and log into a COMP/CON account.
  3. Navigate to the Pilot Roster in List view. Ensure your pilots are saved to the cloud by clicking the Cloud Save icon in the top navbar.
  4. Click the “Options” gear for the pilot you want to share, and select “COMP/CON Vault Record”.
  5. Copy the pilot code and share it with your GM.
  6. Have your GM “Add New Pilot” and select “Vault Import”. Have them paste your Vault Code into the prompt and import.
  7. Verify that the pilot on your GM’s side has a Checked Cloud icon, indicating that the pilot belongs to another user.

With the Vault system, your GM pulls your pilot’s saved changes from the cloud whenever they sync their COMP/CON app. If there are discrepancies, make sure that you saved your changes to the vault before your GM syncs!

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NPC Creation and Encounter Building

For a video guide on how to use the COMP/CON Encounter Toolkit, please check out this video.

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Expansion Content (Manna, Exotics, Eidolons, Bonds)

Is the Long Rim Manna system available in COMP/CON?

Not at this time, though it can be approximated by adding Pilot Reserves (under a pilot's Narrative Profile) and selecting from the Pilot Bonuses tab, while tracking manna in under pilot notes.


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Are Eidolons available in COMP/CON?

Not currently, though they are planned to be incorporated in a future NPC update.

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Are KTB Bonds available in COMP/CON?

They are! Please make sure to be on COMP/CON version 2.3 and above, then install the Karrakin Trade Baronies LCP. If Bonds are not showing up, try uninstalling and reinstalling the KTB LCP.

NOTE: Toggling the LCP off and on is simply hiding and showing the content. It is NOT the same as uninstalling and reinstalling the LCP.

If you are having trouble updating COMP/CON to version 2.3+, please refer to the relevant troubleshooting page for instructions on how to update.

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How do I add an Exotic Item to my Pilot?

  1. Install the LCP with the Exotic equipment you want (e.g. Lancer Wallflower Data for Wallflower Exotics).
  2. On COMP/CON's main page, click on OPTIONS. Within the Options menu, under ADVANCED OPTIONS, enable "Show Exotic items in the Compendium".


  1. Open your pilot's sheet, and navigate to TACTICAL PROFILE. Under the SPECIAL EQUIPMENT section, click on "ADD EXOTIC EQUIPMENT" and equip the desired Exotic just as any other piece of equipment.


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What if I'm a GM who wants to control which Exotic items my players can see?

Exotic items are currently managed on the players' side. If the honor system isn't an option for your table, the only way to limit the available Exotic items would be to create and share a custom LCP that only includes the gear to which the players should have access. A new custom LCP would be necessary every time the players unlock a new Exotic.

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Homebrew Content


There is currently an experimental LCP editor that can kickstart LCP creation. It is still feature-incomplete, but can create a baseline LCP that can be tweaked further by hand. For more info about the editor, please check the cc-lcp-editor repository.

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Data Structure Documentation

The lancer-data repository documents the structure of data used by COMP/CON. It also houses the player-facing content from the Lancer Core Rulebook, for ample examples of the structure at work.

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Older COMP/CON Versions

If, for whatever reason, you wish to create an LCP for a version of COMP/CON older than December 24, 2020, you can follow the outdated LCP documentation here.

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I have another question about homebrew!

Please make sure that it's not answered by the wiki article linked above - if it isn't, ask in the #compcon-homebrew channel on the Pilot NET Discord.

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