Package for fast interactive work with SQL Server
Usage is:
- pulling data from SQL Server
- pushing data into SQL Server
- retrieving basic info about SQL table
- retrieving basic info about SQL database
- allows user to create table, drop table, delere rows in table or create new table on SQL Server
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Install package from folder content:
- download zip file RSQLS -> Clone or download -> Download ZIP
?RSQLS # for basic Help
- Windows OS
- .NET Framework 4.5.1 or newer. How do I check it: link
- R Version R-3.4.2 or newer. Available at: RProject
- Pushing data into SQL Server.
- Table on SQL Server is automatically created if doesn't exist.
- Data types are automatically estimated (functionality is able to recognize scientific format and convert to appropriate sql data type - int, float, decimal, ... It is also able to distinguish date, datetime format and datetime in ISO format).
push_data(connString, df, sqltabname, append = TRUE, showprogress = FALSE, quotes = "auto", separator = '|')
# If append == TRUE then appending new rows into existing SQL table. If append == FALSE then deletes rows in existing SQL table and appends new records.
# Additional parameters such as quotes ("auto", TRUE or FALSE) and separator (e.g. '|', '~', ',') can be defined before StreamReader reads csv generated by data.table::fwrite method.
- Pulling data from SQL Server.
pull_data(connString, sqltask, showprogress = FALSE)
dpull_data(connString, sqltask, showprogress = FALSE) # pulling data from SQL Server directly into flat file via StreamReader class
- Allows user to create table, drop table, delere rows in table or create new table on SQL Server.
send_SQL_task(connectionString, sqltask)
- Retrieving basic info about SQL database. Be sure you have a permissions for access to sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats: check it with SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats. If not, contact your SQL Server admin.
- Retrieving basic info about SQL table.
get_table_info(connectionString, sqltabname)
- push_data
push_data(connectionString, dataFrame, "dbo.TableName")
- pull_data
pull_data(connectionString, "SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName")
- send_SQL_task
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "CREATE TABLE dbo.TableName (ID int not null, Name varchar(100))")
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "DELETE FROM dbo.TableName WHERE ColumnName = 'SomeValue'")
send_SQL_task(connectionString, "DROP TABLE dbo.TableName")
- get_DB_info
- get_table_info
get_table_info(connectionString, "dbo.tableName")
- How to set up connection string
# set_connString(datasource, database, usr, pwd)
# If username and password missing or empty Integrated Security=True is used in connection string instead.
connectionString <- set_connString(datasource = "LAPTOP-USER\\SQLEXPRESS", database = "Database_Name")
# Connection string with username and password:
connectionString <- set_connString(datasource = "LAPTOP-USER\\SQLEXPRESS", database = "Database_Name", usr = "username", pwd = "password")
All connections are closed automatically.
Tested on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500 CPU, 2.70GHz 2.90GHz, 12GB RAM, x64 Operating System Windows, SQL Server 2014 Express.
- Pushing data from data.frame/data.table to table on SQL Server (average time in seconds after 3 replications) with mixed data types such as int (mixed with scientific notation), varchar, float, date, datetime in ISO format:
Rows | Columns | DBI::dbWriteTable | RSQLS::push_data | RODBC::sqlSave |
1,000,000 | 6 | 16.42 | 15.94 | 319.10 |
5,000,000 | 6 | 78.69 | 66.23 | 1728.53 |
10,000,000 | 6 | 155.50 | 126.73 | NA |
50,000,000 | 6 | 901.39 | 711.55 | NA |
1,000,000 | 21 | 27.03 | 49.81 | NA |
5,000,000 | 21 | 143.25 | 223.25 | NA |
10,000,000 | 21 | 262.83 | 415.94 | NA |
DBI::dbWriteTable and RODBC::sqlSave incorrectly classified scientific notation (1e5, 1.45e2, ...) as varchar type. The same situation with datetime in ISO format was classified as varchar in both cases. RSQLS::push_data correctly classified scientific notation as int or float and datetime in ISO format is correctly datetime data type.
Source code for benchmark is available at link
- Pulling data from table on SQL Server into data.frame/data.table:
Approximately the same like DBI::dbFetch and many time faster than RODBC::sqlQuery
- Martin Kovarik
This project is licensed under the GPL-2 | GPL-3.