Don't repeat yourself tools for .NET
- Calendar class for common date related tasks;
- String extension methods for string interpolation (a.k.a. named format);
- Ruby-style language features;
- Exception management utility class;
- Etc. (check examples / GitHub)
Install-Package DryPants
// Output: DateTime containing the time 10 hours from now.
// Output: DateTime containing the date of 10 days ago.
// Output: DateTime containing the date of two days after the next workday.
// Output: The age of a person whose birthday is 1985-10-24.
new DateTime(1985, 10, 24).ToAge();
// Output: "01234".
// Output: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].
// Output: "5:False 6:True 7:False 8:True 9:False 10:True".
5.UpTo(10, i => Console.Write("{0}:{1} ".FormatParams(i, i.IsEven())));
// Throws: An ArgumentNullException if the property MyProperty of object myObject is null.
Throw.IfArgumentNull(() => myObject.MyProperty);
// Output: "DryPants rocks!".
"{Product} rocks!".FormatNamed(new { Product = "DryPants" });
// Output: 10.00045M
// Output: true
ConsoleColor.Blue.IsOneOf(ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.Red);
// Output: All types that are instantiable + filter types which are dependant on other types that could not be loaded.
// Output:
// Lorem Ipsum
// Second line
// Third line
"Lorem Ipsum\nSecond line\nThird line".EachLine(Console.WriteLine);
// Output: ['a', 'b', 'c',....'z']
// Output: 25
// Output: "Minus 2 is an even number."
const int number = 2;
new StringBuilder().AppendFormatIf(number >= 0, "{0} is an ", number)
.AppendFormatIf(number < 0, "Minus {0} is an ", number * -1)
.AppendIf(2.IsEven(), "even")
.AppendIf(2.IsOdd(), "odd")
.Append(" number.")
// Output: true.
new DateTime(2012, 10, 31).IsLastDayOfMonth()
// Feature: Strongly typed application settings.
internal sealed class AppSettings : DryAppSettings
public Version Version
get { return GetAppSettingFor(() => Version); }
public DirectoryInfo InstallationDir
get { return GetAppSettingFor(() => InstallationDir); }
// etc.
// Output: "01/01/2010 - 01/31/2010",
// "02/01/2010 - 02/14/2010"
var period = new Period(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), new DateTime(2010, 2, 14))