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sum the popcount by an adder tree
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This improves the performance drastically (>200 MHz) and is generic.
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marph91 committed Mar 1, 2021
1 parent 29beea8 commit 7749f13
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Showing 2 changed files with 111 additions and 50 deletions.
83 changes: 33 additions & 50 deletions src/convolution.vhd
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Expand Up @@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ entity convolution is
C_INPUT_CHANNEL : integer := 1
port (
isl_clk : in std_logic;
isl_valid : in std_logic;
islv_data : in std_logic_vector(C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_INPUT_CHANNEL - 1 downto 0);
-- maybe weights + 1 for bias
isl_clk : in std_logic;
isl_valid : in std_logic;
islv_data : in std_logic_vector(C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_INPUT_CHANNEL - 1 downto 0);
islv_weights : in std_logic_vector(C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_INPUT_CHANNEL - 1 downto 0);
oslv_data : out std_logic_vector(log2(C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_KERNEL_SIZE * C_INPUT_CHANNEL + 1) - 1 downto 0);
osl_valid : out std_logic
Expand All @@ -27,86 +26,70 @@ end entity convolution;

architecture behavioral of convolution is

function find_best_parallelity return integer is

if (C_INPUT_CHANNEL mod 4 = 0) then
if (C_INPUT_CHANNEL mod 8 = 0) then
if (C_INPUT_CHANNEL mod 16 = 0) then
return 16;
end if;
return 8;
end if;
return 4;
end if;
end if;

end function find_best_parallelity;

constant C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT : integer := find_best_parallelity;
constant C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT : integer := 4;
constant C_SPLIT : integer := integer(ceil(real(islv_data'length) / real(C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT)));

type t_ones_count is array(natural range<>) of unsigned(oslv_data'range);

signal a_ones_count : t_ones_count(0 to C_SPLIT);

signal sl_add : std_logic := '0';
signal sl_popcount : std_logic := '0';
signal slv_multiplication_result : std_logic_vector(islv_data'range);
signal sl_add : std_logic := '0';
signal sl_popcount : std_logic := '0';
signal slv_product : std_logic_vector(C_PADDED_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal slv_popcount : std_logic_vector(C_SPLIT * 3 - 1 downto 0);

signal sl_valid_out : std_logic := '0';
signal slv_data_out : std_logic_vector(oslv_data'range);


i_adder_tree : entity util.adder_tree
generic map (
C_OUTPUT_BITWIDTH => oslv_data'length
port map (
isl_clk => isl_clk,
isl_valid => sl_add,
islv_data => slv_popcount,
oslv_data => slv_data_out,
osl_valid => sl_valid_out

proc_convolution : process (isl_clk) is

variable v_usig_popcount : unsigned(oslv_data'range);
variable v_usig_popcount : unsigned(2 downto 0);
variable v_usig_popcount_total : unsigned(oslv_data'range);


if (rising_edge(isl_clk)) then
(C_KERNEL_SIZE mod C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT = 0) severity failure;

sl_popcount <= '0';
sl_add <= '0';
sl_valid_out <= '0';
sl_popcount <= '0';
sl_add <= '0';

if (isl_valid = '1') then
-- or map directly to hardware (islv_weights as constant)
slv_multiplication_result <= islv_data xnor islv_weights;
a_ones_count <= (others => (others => '0'));
sl_popcount <= '1';
-- pad zeros for the adder tree
slv_product <= (islv_data xnor islv_weights) & (slv_product'length - islv_data'length - 1 downto 0 => '0');
sl_popcount <= '1';
end if;

-- TODO: The split/adder can be improved.
-- If using bram, one would be needed for each adder stage.
if (sl_popcount = '1') then
for split in 0 to C_SPLIT - 1 loop
for slice in 0 to slv_product'length / C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT - 1 loop
v_usig_popcount := (others => '0');
for i in 0 to C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT - 1 loop
if (slv_multiplication_result(i + split * C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT) = '1') then
if (slv_product(i + slice * C_PARALLEL_POPCOUNT) = '1') then
v_usig_popcount := v_usig_popcount + 1;
end if;
end loop;
a_ones_count(split) <= v_usig_popcount;
slv_popcount((slice + 1) * 3 - 1 downto slice * 3) <= std_logic_vector(v_usig_popcount);
end loop;

sl_add <= '1';
end if;

if (sl_add = '1') then
v_usig_popcount_total := (others => '0');
for split in 0 to C_SPLIT - 1 loop
v_usig_popcount_total := v_usig_popcount_total + a_ones_count(split);
end loop;

sl_valid_out <= '1';
slv_data_out <= std_logic_vector(v_usig_popcount_total);
end if;
end if;

end process proc_convolution;
Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions src/util/adder_tree.vhd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;

entity adder_tree is
generic (
C_INPUT_COUNT : integer;
port (
isl_clk : in std_logic;
isl_valid : in std_logic;
islv_data : in std_logic_vector(C_INPUT_COUNT * C_INPUT_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0);
oslv_data : out std_logic_vector(C_OUTPUT_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0);
osl_valid : out std_logic
end entity adder_tree;

architecture mixed of adder_tree is

constant C_STAGES : integer := integer(ceil(log2(real(C_INPUT_COUNT))));
constant C_INPUTS_FIRST_STAGE : integer := 2 ** C_STAGES;

-- Stage of the adder tree.
signal slv_sum_stage : std_logic_vector(C_STAGES downto 0) := (others => '0');

-- Pipelined sum.
-- For example C_INPUTS_FIRST_STAGE = 8:
-- stage 1: a_sums(0 to 7)
-- stage 2: a_sums(8 to 11)
-- stage 3: a_sums(12 to 13)
-- stage 4: a_sums(14) -> final sum

type t_sums is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(C_OUTPUT_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0);

signal a_sums : t_sums(0 to 2 * C_INPUTS_FIRST_STAGE - 1);

function convert_input (input_vector : std_logic_vector) return t_sums is
variable v_sum_init : t_sums(0 to C_INPUTS_FIRST_STAGE - 1) := (others => (others => '0'));
for i in 0 to C_INPUT_COUNT - 1 loop
v_sum_init(i)(C_INPUT_BITWIDTH - 1 downto 0) := unsigned(input_vector((i + 1) * C_INPUT_BITWIDTH - 1 downto i * C_INPUT_BITWIDTH));
end loop;
return v_sum_init;
end function convert_input;


process (isl_clk) is

variable v_current_index : integer range 0 to a_sums'length;


if (rising_edge(isl_clk)) then
slv_sum_stage <= slv_sum_stage(slv_sum_stage'high - 1 downto 0) & isl_valid;
a_sums(0 to C_INPUTS_FIRST_STAGE - 1) <= convert_input(islv_data);

v_current_index := 0;
for i in slv_sum_stage'reverse_range loop
if (slv_sum_stage(i) = '1') then
for j in 0 to 2 ** (C_STAGES - i) / 2 - 1 loop
a_sums(v_current_index + 2 ** (C_STAGES - i) + j) <= a_sums(v_current_index + 2 * j) +
a_sums(v_current_index + 2 * j + 1);
end loop;
end if;
v_current_index := v_current_index + 2 ** (C_STAGES - i);
end loop;
end if;

end process;

osl_valid <= slv_sum_stage(slv_sum_stage'high);
oslv_data <= std_logic_vector(a_sums(a_sums'high - 1));

end architecture mixed;

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