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A simple query language (DSL) for filtering out objects with type assist support


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Simple expression language for objects filtering

A simple, safe, JavaScript expression engine, allowing end-users to enter arbitrary expressions without p0wning you.


npm i --save filtering-query

Quick start

import {compile} from 'filtering-query'

// Input from a user (e.g. a search filter)
const expression = 'transactions <= 5 and = "My customer"';

// Compile expression to an executable function
const fn = compile(expression);

// Execute function
fn({transactions: 3, customer: { name: "My customer" }); // returns true
fn({transactions: 3, customer: { name: "Other customer" }); // returns false

Under the hood, the above expression gets compiled to a clean and fast JavaScript function, looking something like this:

// Resulting function
function(item) {
  return item.transactions <= 5 && === "My customer";


There are many cases where you want a user to be able enter an arbitrary expression through a user interface to filter/search across items using multiple fields.

Sure, you could do that with JavaScript and eval(), but this would increase chances of p0wning you.

This library takes a different approach. It defines a grammar for a really simple expression language, produces a lexer and a parser for it, and uses it to compile down the expression into a fast JavaScript filtering function, which can be used runtime.

The expression laguage is very simple so that anyone who's ever used a spreadsheet should be familiar with it.

Moreover, the library provides a type assist functionality based on JSON schema, so writting an expression is even simplier.


Values Description
43, -1.234 Numbers
"hello" String
foo, a.b.c External data variable defined by application (may be numbers, strings or arrays)
Comparisons Description
x = y Equals
x != y Does not equal
x < y Less than
x <= y Less than or equal to
x > y Greater than
x >= y Greater than or equal to
x ~= y Regular expression match (case insensitive)
Boolean logic Description
x or y Boolean or
x and y Boolean and
not x Boolean not
( x ) Explicity operator precedence

Operator precedence follows that of any sane language.

Examples = "Some product name"
product.price.value >= 100.5 and product.price.value <= 300 ~= "some" = "Some product" and (product.categories = "Appliances" or product.categories = "Electronics") = "Some product" and not product.availability

See the grammar definition for more details.


A simple query language (DSL) for filtering out objects with type assist support







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