A simple static file server. Can serve up multiple static directories, as defined by a simple JSON argument.
This was written to avoid writing tons of one off servers in golang to host local directories for testing. Instead of creating a one-off golang script each time I need to serve something, I created this.
It's also possible to do a similar task like this:
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
But the golang variant seems to perform better for large files. It also allows for easily mapping URLs to directories.
On the GitHub releases page, download the latest binary for your platform from the "Assets" dropdown. Rename the file to serv
if you like, and add to a folder in your path.
- Install golang: https://golang.org
- Setup a go environment: https://golang.org/doc/code.html
- Use go get to install
$ go get github.com/markwatson/serv
$ serv -help
Usage of serv:
-listen=":8080": Interface/port to listen on. eg. :8080 or
-paths="{\"/\": \".\"}": Paths to serve. A json object with the keys as the url pattern, and the value as the root. Default serves current folder.
$ serv
$ serv -listen :6666
$ serv -listen localhost:8080
serv -paths '{
"/components/": "./web/web-app-dashboard/src/main/webapp/components",
"/elements/": "./web/web-app-dashboard/src/main/webapp/elements",
"/gen/": "./web/web-app-dashboard/src/main/webapp/gen",
"/resources/": "./web/web-app-dashboard/src/main/webapp/resources",
"/": "./web/web-app-dashboard/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/templates"