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Releases: markuskiller/textblob-de


03 Jan 00:06
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0.4.3 (03/01/2019)

  • Added support for Python3.7 (StopIteration --> return) Pull Request #18 <>_ (thanks @andrewmfiorillo)
  • Fixed tests for Google translation examples
  • Updated tox/Travis-CI config files to include latest Python & pypy versions
  • Updated sphinx_rtd_theme to version 0.4.2 to fix rendering problems on RTD <http:>_
  • Updated publish commands, Makefile & to new PiPy (using twine)


02 May 14:45
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0.4.2 (02/05/2015)

  • Removed dependency on NLTK as it already is a TextBlob dependency
  • Temporary workaround for NLTK Issue #824 for tox/Travis-CI
  • (update 13/01/2015) NLTK Issue #824 fixed, workaround removed
  • Enabled pattern tagset conversion ('penn'|'universal'|'stts') for PatternTagger
  • Added tests for tagset conversion
  • Fixed test for Arabic translation example (Google translation has changed)
  • Added tests for lemmatizer
  • Bugfix: PatternAnalyzer no longer breaks on subsequent ocurrences of the same (word, tag) pairs on Python3 see comments to Pull Request #11
  • Bugfix/performance enhancement: Sentiment dictionary in PatternAnalyzer no longer reloaded for every sentence Pull Request #11 (thanks @Arttii)


03 Oct 16:20
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0.4.1 (03/10/2014)

  • Removed dependency on nltk's depricated PunktWordTokenizer and replaced it with TreebankWordTokenizer see nltk/nltk#746 (comment) for details


17 Sep 21:27
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0.4.0 (17/09/2014)

  • Fixed Issue #7 (restore textblob>=0.9.0 compatibility)
  • Depend on nltk3. Vendorized nltk was removed in textblob>=0.9.0
  • Fixed ImportError on Python2 (unicodecsv)


29 Aug 20:07
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0.3.1 (29/08/2014)

  • Improved PatternParserNPExtractor (less false positives in verb filter)
  • Made sure that all keyword arguments with default None are checked with is not None
  • Fixed shortcut to in vendorized library
  • Added Makefile to facilitate development process
  • Added docs and API reference