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SageOne API client for PHP

This is a 100% fully unit tested and (mostly) fully featured unofficial PHP client for SageOne

"Simple Online Accounting & Payroll software"

composer require darrynten/sage-one-php

PHP 7.0+

Basic use

Some models' methods are unimplemented as they were inconsistent with other similar models, these methods will throw a LibraryException with the location of the method stub.

If you require these methods, please add them with updated tests.




This is the basic outline of the project and is a work in progress.

Checkboxes have been placed at each section, please check them off in this readme when submitting a pull request for the features you have covered.

Basic ORM-style mapping

Related models are auto-loaded and are all queryable, mutable, and persistable where possible.

I'm sure there will be a recursion issue because of this at some point!

Some examples

$account = new Account($config);

// get
$account->all(); // fetches ALL
$account->get($id); // fetches that ID

// If model supports some query parameters, we can pass it
$company = new Company($config);
$company->all(['includeStatus' => true]);
// Currently get() does not support any query parameters but this might be required in future

// related models
echo $account->category->id;

// dates
echo $account->defaultTaxType->modified->format('Y-m-d');

// assign
$account->name = 'New Name';

// save, delete
$account->save(); // incomplete
$account->category->save(); // saving a child does not save the parent and vice-versa

Application base

  • Guzzle is used for the communications (I think we should replace?)
  • The library has 100% test coverage
  • The library supports framework-agnostic caching so you don't have to worry about which framework your package that uses this package is going to end up in.

The client is not 100% complete and is a work in progress, details below.


There are over 100 API endpoints, initial focus is only on a handful of these

This will eventually fully mimic the documentation available on the site.

Each section must have a short explaination and some example code like on the API docs page.

Checked off bits are complete.


The API calls are mostly very generic, so there is a base model in place that all other models extend off, which covers the following functionalities:

  • GET Model/Get
  • GET Model/Get/{id}
  • DELETE Model/Delete/{id}
  • POST Model/Save ** Incomplete **

This means that it's trivial to add new models that only use these calls (or a combination of any of them) as there is a very simple 'recipe' to constructing a basic model.

As such we only need to focus on the tricky bits.

NB the project is evolving quickly

This might be outdated

If it is and you fix it please update this document

The best place to look is the example model

Basic model template

Account Example Docs

There's a table at that link that looks something like this

Name             | Type             | Additional Information
Name             | string           | None.
Category         | AccountCategory  | None.
Balance          | decimal          | Read Only / System Generated
ReportingGroupId | nullable integer | None.

We'll be using that for this example (docblocks excluded from example but are required)

 * The name of the class is the `modelName=` value from the URL
class Account extends BaseModel

    // The name of the endpoint (same as filename), protected
    protected $endpoint = 'Account';

     * Field definitions
     * Used by the base class to decide what gets submitted in a save call,
     * validation, etc
     * All must include a type, whether or not it's nullable, and whether or
     * not it's readonly, or default, required, min, max, or regex
     * - nullable is `true` if the word 'nullable' is in the 'type' column
     * - readonly is `true` if the word 'Read-Only/System Generated' is in the Additional Info column otherwise it is `false`
     * - Type has the following rules
     *   - `date` becomes "DateTime"
     *   - `nullable` is removed, i.e. "nullable integer" is only "integer"
     *   - Multiword linked terms are concatenated, eg:
     *     - "Account Category" becomes "AccountCategory"
     *     - "Tax Type" becomes "TaxType"
     *   - `min` / `max` always come together
     *   - `default` is when it's indicated in the docs
     *   - `regex` is generally used with email address fields
     *   - `enum` is for enumerated lists
     *   - `optional` is true when this field can be omitted in SageOne response
     *     - Example is Company's model all() method
     *       By default when we execute all() it is the same as all(['includeStatus' = false])
     *       So `status` field is not returned in response
     * Details on writable properties for Account:
     * @var array $fields
    protected $fields = [
        'id' => [
            'type' => 'integer',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => true,
        'name' => [
            'type' => 'string',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => false,
            'required' => true,
        'enum' => [
            'type' => 'integer',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => true,
            // $enumList would need to be a property of this model
            'enum' => 'enumList',
        'category' => [
            'type' => 'AccountCategory',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => false,
            'min' => 0,
            'max' => 100,
        'reportingGroupId' => [
            'type' => 'integer',
            'nullable' => true,
            'readonly' => false,
            'regex' => '/someregex/',
        'isTaxLocked' => [
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => true,
        'status' => [
            'type' => 'integer',
            'nullable' => false,
            'readonly' => true,
            'optional' => true,
        // etc etc etc

     * Features supported by the endpoint
     * These features enable and disable the CRUD calls based on what is
     * supported by the SageOne API
     * Most models use at least one of these features, with a fair amount
     * using all the functionality.
     * @var array $features
    protected $features = [
        'all' => true,
        'get' => true,
        'save' => true,
        'delete' => true,

     * Features HTTP methods
     * Not all models follow same conventions like GET for all()
     * Example AccountBalance all() requires POST method
     * or SupplierStatement get() requires POST method
     * @var array $featureMethods
    protected $featureMethods = [
        'all' => 'GET',
        'get' => 'GET',
        'save' => 'POST',
        'delete' => 'DELETE'

     * Specifies what get() returns
     * 'this' means current class
     * any other type must exist under src/Models/
     * 'collection' is true when get() returns collection (very rare case, but SageOne's API works this way)
     * @var array $featureGetReturns
    protected $featureGetReturns = [
        'type' => 'this',
        'collection' => false

    // Construct (if you need to modify construction)
    public function __construct(array $config)

    // Add methods for non-standard calls, like:
    // GET Account/GetAccountsByCategoryId/{id}
    public function getAccountsByCategoryId($id)
        // etc ...

Following that template will very quickly create models for the project.

There is also an example test (ExampleModelTest.php) and an example mock folder to help you get going quickly.

A lot of the heavy testing is handled by the BaseModelTest class, and you can look into the Example test for insight into the convention. It makes testing and getting good defensive coverage quite trivial for most things.

Currently lots of things are tested againts mocks provided by SageOne's docs. They are not always consistent with real responses so in the future they will be replaced.

NB initial delivery consists of only these models:

Models marked with an asterix are pure CRUD models

  • Base
  • Exception Handling
  • CRUD
  • Save Call
  • Real CRUD Response Mocks
  • Pagination
  • Rate Limiting
  • Models
    • Account
      • Account Balance
      • Account Category *
      • Account Note *
      • Accountant Task Recurrence *
      • Account Note Attachment
      • Account Opening Balance *
      • Account Payment *
      • Account Receipt *
    • Additional Item Price *
    • Analysis Category
    • Analysis Type
    • Asset Note *
    • Company
      • Company Entity Type *
      • Company Note
    • Currency *
    • Exchange Rates
    • Supplier *
      • Supplier Additional Contact Detail
      • Supplier Adjustment
      • Supplier Ageing
      • Supplier Bank Detail *
      • Supplier Category *
      • Supplier Invoice
      • Supplier Invoice Attachment (partial, validate() not implemented)
      • Supplier Note *
      • Supplier Note Attachment (partial, validate() not implemented)
      • Supplier Opening Balance *
      • Supplier Payment
      • Supplier Purchase History
      • Supplier Return
      • Supplier Return Attachment (partial, validate() not implemented)
      • Supplier Statement *
      • Supplier Transaction Listing
    • Tax Type *

And any related models not listed, so if ExampleModel has a reference to ExampleCategory but that is not on the list above it too must get processed



  • 100% Test Coverage
  • Full, extensive, verbose, and defensive unit tests
  • Mocks if there are none for the model in the tests/mocks directory (convention can be inferred from the existing names in the folders)

Future Planned Roadmap, as and when needed

Please feel free to open PRs for any of the following :)

  • Accountant Event
  • Accountant Note
  • Accountant Task
  • Accountant Task Recurrence
  • Additional Price List
  • Allocation
  • Asset
  • Asset Category
  • Asset Location
  • Attachment
  • Bank Account (partial)
  • Bank Account Category (partial)
  • Bank Account Note
  • Bank Account Note Attachment
  • Bank Account Opening Balance
  • Bank Account Transaction Listing
  • Bank Import Mapping
  • Bank Statement Transaction
  • Bank Transaction
  • Bank Transaction Attachment
  • BAS Report
  • Budget
  • Cash Movement
  • Core Events
  • Core Tokens
  • CRM Activity
  • CRM Activity Category
  • Currency
  • Customer
  • Customer Additional Contact Detail
  • Customer Adjustment
  • Customer Ageing
  • Customer Category
  • Customer Note
  • Customer Note Attachment
  • Customer Opening Balance
  • Customer Receipt
  • Customer Return
  • Customer Return Attachment
  • Customer Sales History
  • Customer Statement
  • Customer Transaction Listing
  • Customer Write Off
  • Customer Zone
  • Date Format
  • Detailed Ledger Transaction
  • Developer Data
  • Document File Attachment
  • Document Header Note
  • Document History
  • Document Message
  • Document User Defined Fields
  • Email Signature Template
  • Email Template Place Holder
  • Final Accounts
  • Financial Year
  • Income Vs Expense
  • Item
  • Item Adjustment
  • Item Attachment
  • Item Category
  • Item Movement
  • Item Note
  • Item Note Attachment
  • Item Opening Balance
  • Item Report Group
  • Journal Entry
  • Localization
  • Login
  • Outstanding Customer Document
  • Outstanding Supplier Document
  • Price Listing Report
  • Process Bank And Credit Card Mapping
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order Attachment
  • Purchases By Item
  • Quote
  • Quote Attachment
  • Recurring Invoice
  • Reporting Group
  • Sales By Item
  • Sales By Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative
  • Sales Representative Note
  • Schedule Frequency
  • Secretarial Company Role
  • Secretarial Share Class
  • Secretarial Shareholder
  • Secretarial Stake Holder
  • Support Login Audit
  • Take On Balance
  • Tax Invoice
  • Tax Invoice Attachment
  • Tax Period
  • Time Tracking Customer
  • Time Tracking Expense
  • Time Tracking Project
  • Time Tracking Task
  • Time Tracking Timesheet
  • Time Tracking User
  • To Do List
  • Top Customers By Outstanding Balance
  • Top Customers By Sales
  • Top Purchased Items
  • Top Selling Items
  • Top Selling Items By Value On Hand
  • Top Suppliers By Outstanding Balance
  • Top Suppliers By Purchases
  • Trial Balance
  • Trial Balance Export Mapping
  • User Defined Field
  • VAT201 Report


Request Limits

All Sage One companies have a request limit of 5000 API requests per day. A maximum of 100 results will be returned for list methods, regardless of the parameter sent through.


Because of this some of them can benefit from being cached. All caching should be off by default and only used if explicity set.

No caching has been implemented yet but support is in place


These run through the darrynten/any-cache package, and no extra config is needed. Please ensure that any features that include caching have it be optional and initially set to false to avoid unexpected behaviour.

Rate Limiting and Queueing


Contributing and Testing

There is currently 100% test coverage in the project, please ensure that when contributing you update the tests. For more info see

We would love help getting decent documentation going, please get in touch if you have any ideas.

Additional Documentation



SageOne PHP Client







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  • PHP 100.0%