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GitHub Action

Kubernetes Deployment


Kubernetes Deployment


Kubernetes Deployment

A GitHub Action to Deploy Apps to any Kubernetes Environment


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Kubernetes Deployment

uses: TanmoySG/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in TanmoySG/k-deploy-action

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K-Deploy Action

k-deploy-action is a GitHub Action that can be used to build CI/CD pipeline to deploy an app to any Kubernetes Ennviroment.


The action can be used as

- name: Deploy to K8s
  uses: tanmoysg/k-deploy-action@latest
    kubeconfig: path/to/kubeconfig
    resources: path/to/resources/file

K-Deploy Action currently supports only kubeconfig based authentication and used default context. Support for Context Setting will be added in future builds.


The Action can be configures using inputs

Input Name Required Description
kubeconfig Yes Path to Kubeconfig for the Kubernetes cluster. Default Context is used.
resources Yes Resources File required for Deploying the Application with all configurations. Ref.

Currently this action supports all resources defined in a single YML file. Multiple Resources File support will be added soon.

Best Practices

While using the k-deploy action it is important that the kubeconfig file is not added to the repository without properly securing it. No authentiation file like the kubeconfig or certificates should be added without encrypting them, or securing them in some other way. It is highly recommended that kubeconfigs and certs should NOT be added to the repository.

To tackle this, one may use one of the following ways to secure the things.

  • Kubeconfig and Certs can be stored using GitHub Secrets. Add a step before using the k-deploy-action that takes the secrets and creates the required files (kubeconfig and certs) in runtime of the workflow, and specify the path where the files were created in the k-deploy inputs.
- name: Generate Kubeconfig and Certs
  run: |
    echo ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG }} > path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    echo ${{ secrets.CERTS }} > path/to/cert

- name: Deploy to K8s
  uses: tanmoysg/k-deploy-action@latest
    kubeconfig: path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    resources: path/to/resources/file

- name: Clean-Up
  run: |
    rm path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    rm path/to/cert
  • The Kubeconfigs and Certs can be encrypted and added to the repository. While during the workflow runtime, the encrypted files are decrypted using a key stored in GitHub Secrets and used in the k-deploy inputs. Keys for decryption can also be stored in some cloud Key Management Service.
- name: Decrypt Kubeconfigs and Certs
  run: |
    ./decrypt kubeconfig.encrypted -k ${{ secret.DECRYPTION_KEY}} > path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    ./decrypt certs.encrypted -k ${{ secret.DECRYPTION_KEY}} > path/to/cert

- name: Deploy to K8s
  uses: tanmoysg/k-deploy-action@latest
    kubeconfig: path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    resources: path/to/resources/file

- name: Clean-Up
  run: |
    rm path/to/deploy.kubeconfig
    rm path/to/cert

Known Issues

  • Context Setting is not available so it picks up default context.
  • Kubeconfig and certs should be in same directory for a certificate based authentication to work.
  • Currently only a single resource file is supported.
