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Elementor 第三方加強外掛,功能持續增加中

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=== Elementor Plus ===
Contributors: simon_tw
Tags: elementor, slide, timeline, tabs
Requires at least: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.1.1
Stable tag: 1.1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

第三方 Elementor 功能補強工具包,改善或增進現有小工具的功能。現有:輪播圖、時間軸、分頁等小工具。

== Description ==

本外掛依附在 Elementor 外掛下,為第三方 Elementor 功能補強工具包,目前新增的小工具有:slick, timeline。

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` screen in WordPress.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.0 =
* Add Tabs.
* Update Slick.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed slick bug.

= 1.0 =
* Initial Public Release.