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GpsdTracking is an opensource server for various GPS tracking devices


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This repository is end of live and has been replace by GeoGate

GeoGate has the same functionnlities, is more modular and include new componant as MongoDB. The only reason for this repository to remains is the Demo, that has not been ported yet.

GTSdtracking is an opensource GPS tracking server framework, that enable easy integration of multiple GPS trackers in WEB applications. It provides data acquisition drivers for typical tracker devices or phone's GPS apps. It handle multiple database backend, and support GeoJSON, AIS & NMEA encoding/decoding. It embed support for multiple classes of trackers, phone-apps, as well an NMEA & AIS simulator.

Main features are:

  • multiple storage backends: MySql, FlatFile, etc..
  • support tcp/socket tracker devices: gps103,traccar,nmea, ....
  • support http/gprmc android/iphone: CellTrac, OpenGTSClient, GerGTSTracker
  • support tcp/client mode request AIShub, MarineTraffic, Gpsd/Jason, ....
  • support Ajax/HTTP and WebSock profile
  • support full set of commands [reset alarm, upload SD, etc ...]
  • global vision of every active devices independently of adapter/protocols
  • support broadcast mode to send a global commands [ie: track all]
  • for remote supervision
  • commands queue with automatic retry when device not present
  • provide save storage space mode. No waypoints store when target move less than xxxx
  • provide a GpsSimulator to emulate NMEA/AIS devices from GPX route files
  • support AIS 6bit encoding decoding for static vessel and navigation report
  • simulator for multiple AIS target
  • flatfile backend generates standard GPX files from input tracking feeds Etc.

GpsdTracking Leaflet Demo http: [GpsdTracking Demo HomePage]

GpsdTracking is designed to make as simple as possible integration of new tracking devices/backends. All specific parts or devices/backend are exported to dedicated files. User only need to start from a sample, copy and customize.

  • to add a new backend start "flatfile-backend"
  • to add a new device use start from "nmea-adapter/gps103tk102"

Warning: Ubuntu/Debian users should exec following command to make "node" visible as a standard command. If not they should use 'nodejs' in place of 'node' sudo cd ln -s /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/nodejs

Dependencies [use: npm install gpsd-tracking]


Took lot of nice ideas from:
- http:
- http:
and many others.

![GpsdTracking WebSocket Demo] (http: "Sample of WebSock animation") http: [GpsdTracking Demo HomePage]

Quick Start ?

Install with npm

npm install gpsdtracking
cd  node_modules/gpsdtracking
NODE=node | NODE=nodejs [ubuntu/debian 'nodejs' everywhere else "node" !!!]

Start a DummyBackend server

$NODE apps/GpsdDummyDemo.js

Check control console

telnet localhost 4000
[enter] evt
[enter] dev list

Edit apps/GpsdDummyDemo.js and change to fit your own feed

Online demo: 

As today demo works in IE9,Firefox,Chrome,... but fail on older version of IE

Moving forward you can access GpsdTracking demo services on following ports.

   tcp:                // Telnet control console
   http:  // Ajax GeoJson/Pjson REST API
   http:              // OpenGPRMC phone apps [see here after CellTrack notes]

   tcp:                // Ais Hub Simulator [connect OpenCPN on this port]
   tcp:                // NMEA single GPRMC feed
   tcp:                // NMEA single vessel AIVDM feed

   tcp:                // Adapter waiting for GPS103/TK102 data

GpsdTracking Demo http: [GpsdTracking Demo HomePage]

Dummy backend

This backend was designed to run the online demo. It only keeps the last xxx positions of devices in RAM and does not store anything on disk. It is a good candidate for testing adapters.

-start $NODE apps/GpsdDummyDemo.js [edit file to change defaults] -point your device or simulator to corresponding port * tcp:https://4010 for TK102/GPS103 * tcp:https://4011 for NMEA Device simulator * http:https://5020 for CellTracFree/Pro

  • connect on control console [telnet localhost 4000
    • dev list
    • dev info xxxxxx
    • db search xxxxx 10 [display last 10 positions of device xxxx]

GpsdTracking CellTracPro

Note: OpenGPRMC support both CellTrac Free & Pro version. In theory any other GPRMC over HTTP should work. Pro version support group and device map. Celltrack URL 'http:' [don't forget last /]

FlatFile backend

  • edit FlatFileSample -- verify devices port and track-store directory [path & prefix]

  • Simulate a gpstracker $NODE ./apps/DeviceSimulator.js --gpxfile=./samples/gpx-files/opencpn-sample.gpx --port=6001 --tic=2 --debug=4

  • look in track-store -- you should find a file name sample-123456789.gpx under construction.

  • With MySQL backend

  • edit MySqlSample -- verify database name/user/password -- check network port for nmea and telnet adapters

  • create MySQL base with mysql command line [GpsdTrack can create tables, but base should exist]

  • start Server $NODE ./apps/GpsdMySqlSample.js -- verify that it successfully connect onto mysql

  • connect telnet console [telnet localhost 5000] by default for MySQL sample app. -- type help to get console command list -- register to listen to event [evt] -- create MySQL tables [db init] This create tables if they do not exist -- create a fake tracking device in MySQL [command: create 123456789 My Fake Device] [note: user HAVE TO create device in DB before server push received data to DB]

  • start DeviceSimulator -- $NODE ./apps/DeviceSimulator.js --gpxfile=./samples/gpx-files/opencpn-sample.gpx --imei=123456789 --port=5001 --tic=2 --speed=10 --debug=1

  • look for position in DB -- select * from devices; -- select * from positions;

GpsdTracking Control Console

Typical scenario from telnet console using MySQL

telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
> type: help for support [evt to receive events]

GpsdMySQL>  evt
 --> Hook On [Listening for gpsd [queue|acept|error] events

GpsdMySQL>  db init  // check/create tables in mysql
 --> OK  [check for errors on daemon log]

GpsdMySQL> dev all  // use GpsdSimulator if you don't have a tracer
 --> List active devices 
 --> - no active device [retry later]

GpsdMySQL> dev list  // use GpsdSimulator if you don't have a tracer
 --> List loged devices 
 --> - no active device [try list all]

GpsdMySQL>  dev  all   
 --> List active devices 
 --> - 1 - imei: 359710043551135 Name:"false" uid=GpsdClient:

GpsdMySQL>  db create 359710043551135 My First Tracker in DB
 --> create:OK  

GpsdMySQL>  dev logout 359710043551135      // force device reconnection
 --> queue:0 --> [job:0] command=LOGOUT imei=359710043551135 [sent]

GpsdMySQL>  dev list
 --> List active devices 
 --> 1 - imei: 359710043551135 Name:"Fulup GPS103" uid=GpsdClient:

GpsdMySQL> dev track 359710043551135
 --> queue:1#-1 Queue Status=ACCEPT DevId=359710043551135 Command=GET_POS JobReq=1 Retry=0
 --> [job:1] command=GET_POS imei=359710043551135 [sent]

GpsdTracker> dev info 359710043551135
 -->  Imei: 359710043551135 Name:[Fulup GPS103] Loged:true Adapter:Tk102-Gps103
 --> Lat: 0 Lon: 0 Speed:undefined TimeStamp:Fri Oct 03 2014 22:34:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)

GpsdMySQL> dev track all // broadcast tracking command to every active devices
--> queue:0 --> [job:[object Object],2] command=Broadcast imei=undefined [sent]
--> [job:1] command=GET_POS imei=359710043551134 [sent]
--> [job:2] command=GET_POS imei=359710043551111 [sent]
--> [job:3] command=GET_POS imei=123510043552222 [sent]
--> [job:4] command=GET_POS imei=359710043553333 [sent]

GpsdMySQL> db show 359710043551135
--> -0- Lat:47.6184 Lon:-2.7609 Speed:0 Alt:23713 Crs:0 Time:2014-10-05T02:37:00.000Z
--> -1- Lat:47.6131 Lon:-2.7367 Speed:26.7 Alt:201154 Crs:0 Time:2014-10-04T20:11:00.000Z
--> -2- Lat:47.6205 Lon:-2.7332 Speed:0 Alt:200854 Crs:0 Time:2014-10-04T20:08:00.000Z
--> -3- Lat:47.6301 Lon:-2.7346 Speed:15 Alt:200555 Crs:0 Time:2014-10-04T20:05:00.000Z

GpsdMySQL> quit
--> Connection closed by foreign host.

AIS users Vessel are view as devices MMSI is used in place of IMEI

GpsdTracking Ais Simulator

Simulation Make your GPX route with OpenCPN or any other application your like play your route with AISHubsimulator and check for result open OpenCPN

Debug: Check with Ais2Json if your AIS feed are valid Check with Demo Server debug port for data input to storage - Port 4030 provides a JSON human readable copy of data input to storage backend - Port 4040 same thing but with AIS/AIVDM format for OpenCPN type of application

Traffic storage: point your server onto your AIShub,MarineTraffic,... feeds - check for device [vessel are view as devices] with "dev all" command. - select the device MMSI [view as iemi] you want to track. - create en entry in your DB with "dev create xxxx MyVesselName". - force reauthentication of device§vessel with "dev logout xxxx"

For developers, GpsdTracking, embedded an Encode/Decode AIS library written in JavaScript. Thanks to OpenCpn, Gpsd and Danish Marine authority who did the hard work of documenting and providing the AIS nasty 6bits encoding mechanism.

GpsdTracking is written in node.js


GpsdTracking is an opensource server for various GPS tracking devices







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