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This package can retrieve PDO query results from cache variables. It extends the base PDO class and override some functions to handle database query execution and store the query results in variables. The class can also return query results for cached queries for previously executed queries to retrieve the results faster for repeated queries.


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CPDO - Cache PDO Query Class

Version: beta


Author: Marco Cesarato


This package can retrieve PDO query results from cache variables.

It extends the base PDO class and override some functions to handle database query execution and store the query results in variables.

The class can also return query results for cached queries for previously executed queries to retrieve the results faster for repeated queries.

It permit to have cached SELECT/SHOW/DESCRIBE queries on Memory (RAM). Then after the execution the cache will be deleted.

Cache is cleaned on INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE... only for the single table.

What problem this solves

When we call the same query (for example on ORM based system) we retrieve from the database the same data doing the same operation and some time we overload the database server (for example retrieving big data multiple times).

This class prevent to do the same query on the database, retrieving the data from memory without overload the database server in some cases.


  • PHP
  • Database

Databases supported (CPDO::connect)

  • 4D
  • Firebird/Interbase
  • IBM
  • Informix
  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • ODBC and DB2
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite



  1. Install composer
  2. Type composer require marcocesarato/cpdo
  3. Enjoy


You have to use this class as PDO.

CPDO introduced these new methods:

Method connect

This feature is a DSN autogeneration and you have to use it instead of the constructor.

Usage of connect

$db = CPDO::connect($database_type, $database_name, $database_host = null, $database_user = null, $database_pswd = null);

Method getTables

Return the names of all database tables as array

Method backup

You can backup Data (At the moment no TRIGGERS, VIEWS and EVENTS if you need it you can request it to the developer). You can choose if you want the tables you want backup through an array.

Usage of backup

$db->backup($backup_dir, $backup_tables = '*');


You can disable/enable the cache using the following methods (default is disabled):




Methods available:

  • void CPDOCache::enable() ENABLE Cache
  • void CPDOCache::disable() DISABLE Cache
  • void CPDOCache::populate(array $cache) Populate cache (see below persistent cache)
  • array CPDOCache::retrieve() Retrieve cache (see below persistent cache)
  • void CPDOCache::addException(string $table_name) Add not cacheable table
  • void CPDOCache::addExceptions(array $tables_name) Add not cacheable tables


You can enable/disable the debugger using the following methods (default is enabled):




Methods available:

  • void CPDOLogger::enable() ENABLE Cache
  • void CPDOLogger::disable() DISABLE Cache
  • array CPDOLogger::getLogs(); Get complete logs (with time of execution and if cache used)
  • array CPDOLogger::getQueries() Get all queries requested
  • int CPDOLogger::getCounter() Get the counter of queries requested
  • void CPDOLogger::cleanLogs(); Clean Logs

Example of complete logs getLogs()

array (
  'count' => 3,
  'queries' => 
  array (
    'SET NAMES \'utf8\'' => 
        array (
          0 => 
          array (
            'time' => 1530610903,
            'execution_time' => 0.000247955322265625,
            'cached' => false,
          1 => 
            array (
              'time' => 1530610903,
              'execution_time' => 0.000077955322265625,
              'cached' => false,
    'SELECT id FROM _deleted_records_ WHERE table = \'settings\' LIMIT 1' => 
        array (
          0 => 
          array (
            'time' => 1530610903,
            'execution_time' => 0.00050687789916992188,
            'cached' => false,

(Not recommended) Persistent cache

PS: this usage is not recommended!!!

If you want a persitent you can use the method CPDOCache::populate for populate the cache and CPDOCache::retrieve for retrieve the cache.

Thanks these methods you could implement a persistent cache system saving the data encoded (with json or serialization) and after restore the cache.


  • Less database stress
  • Less queries


  • Could compromise data
  • Could be slower (disk performance/clients connected)

Example of usage

// Your loader/includes... => with require_once('CPDO.php');

$database_cache_path = '/your/cache/path/database.json';

$cache = file_get_contents($database_cache_path);
$cache = json_decode($cache); // Or unserialize (slower)

// Your code...

$cache = CPDOCache::retrieve();
$cache = json_encode($cache); // Or serialize (slower)
file_put_contents($database_cache_path, $cache);



Same methods of PDO in additions the following:

Methods Parameters Description
connect param $database_type
param null $database_name
param null $database_host
param null $database_user
param null $database_pswd
param null $database_charset
return bool|static
Autogeneration of the DSN
enableDebug Enable debug
disableDebug Disable debug
enableCache Enable cache
disableCache Disable cache
getTables return array|bool Get list of database tables
backup param string $tables Backup database tables or just a table
escape param string $value Escape variable


Methods Parameters Description
enable Enable logs
disable Disable logs
isEnabled return bool Return if logs are enabled
addLog param $query
param $time
param $cache
Add new log
getLogs return array Get Logs
getCounter return int Get Counter
getQueries return array Get Counter
cleanLogs Clean Logs


Methods Parameters Description
disable Disable cache
isEnabled return bool Return if cache is enabled
populate param $mixed
return bool
Populate cache
retrieve return array Retrieve Cache
getExceptions return array Get all excluded tables
addException param $exclude Add exception
addExceptions param $exclude Add exceptions
setcache param $query
param $value
param null $arg
Set Cache
getcache param $query
param null $arg
return null
Get Cache
deletecache param $query Delete Cache


This package can retrieve PDO query results from cache variables. It extends the base PDO class and override some functions to handle database query execution and store the query results in variables. The class can also return query results for cached queries for previously executed queries to retrieve the results faster for repeated queries.








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