At the core of this solution is an API allowing users to create an AI assisted conversation on any topic and with any instructions. The API gives the capability to users (you!) to create specialized AI assistants that each have their own instruction set and knowledge base on a specific topic. For any topic knowledge can be uploaded in the form of a file to further enhance the expertise of the assistants allowing users to ask about specific knowledge. During the conversation the assistant will remain aware of the last few messages including the knowledge used allowing users to continue asking questions. Conversations are persisted allowing you to pick up right where you left off, even days later.
The API is a full Azure cloud-based application that comes with infrastructure and deployment scripts. Its easy to use API operations it's capable of allowing developer throughout an organisation to quickly implement RAG-based chat features using their own knowledge base without requiring deeper knowledge of its implementation.
The solution also contains a sample web application in the form of a single page application allowing easy user access to start a conversation with any of the available assistants.
Below is a simplified diagram illustrating the app's core workflow:
actor User as User
participant API
participant CosmosDB
participant OpenAI
participant Storage
User->>+API: Upload Assistant (name, category, prompt)
API->>CosmosDB: Save Assistant
API-->>-User: Return 200
User->>+API: Upload Article (category, file)
API->>API: Extract text from file
API->>+OpenAI: Create vector embedding
OpenAI-->>-API: Return vector embedding
API->>CosmosDB: Save reference and vector
API->>Storage: Save text to blob
API-->>-User: Return 200
User->>+API: Send message for assistant
API->>+CosmosDB: Retrieve assistant information
CosmosDB->>-API: Return Assistant Information
API->>+OpenAI: Create vector embedding
OpenAI-->>-API: Return vector embedding
API->>+CosmosDB: Find similar files based on vector
CosmosDB-->>-API: Return top X files
API->>+Storage: Retrieve blob
Storage-->>-API: Return blobs
API->>API: Create instruction set from assistant & blob data
API->>+OpenAI: Send instructions to chat model
OpenAI-->>-API: Return answer
API-->>-User: Return answer
At its core the API leverages Azure OpenAi for it's AI related tasks. To do so an Azure OpenAi resource should be setup with the following additions:
- Create the Azure OpenAi resource (keep note some options may only be available in some regions)
- Go to the Azure AI Studio to setup the following steps
- Create a deployment model for any text embedding and note the name
- e.g.
- e.g.
- Create a deployment model for any GPT model
- e.g.
chat-gpt-4o mini
- e.g.
- Create an assistant using the deployment model and note the id
The API relies on several Azure resources in order to run. These can be created using by running the iac/main.bicep
file using the az deployment group create
command from the Azure CLI.
For the API create a local.appsettings.json
in src/api/RagChatApi
using the following format:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet-isolated",
"Cosmos:Uri": "<the endpoint from the cosmosdb>",
"Cosmos:Key": "<the access key from the cosmosdb>",
"OpenAi:Uri": "<the uri from the azure openai instance>",
"OpenAi:Key": "<the access key from the azure openai instance>",
"OpenAi:Assistant": "<the id of the assistant>",
"OpenAi:Embedding": "<the deployment name of the embedding>",
"AzureStorage:ConnectionString": "<the connection string to the azure storage>"
"Host": {
"CORS": "*"
To run the Single Page Application create a .env.local
file in src/spa
using the following format:
# base uri may be adjusted to local instance
To deploy and run the solution Github Workflows are setup. These rely on the following settings:
# Follow instructions of the azure/login@v2 action for setup
# The same variables as mentioned in the appsettings
# The Azure resource group where the resources are deployed
# By default resources use the same location as the resource group
The solution includes a set of demo workflows designed to seamlessly integrate sample data into the application, to provide demonstration of its capabilities. These workflows are setup to be manually triggered to give the choice what sample data to add and at what time.