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instant - FullStack Project

instant was made to experiment more with fullStack development in ReactJs, NodeJs, MongoDB and lots of libraries.

try it:

Next fase

  • keep runing with closed page
  • UI tests with Snapshot
  • Register and Login
  • PWA

Getting Started

For to have this project running on your computer you just need to clone the the repo and run $ yarn or $ npm install.


First of all you will need NodeJs, a browser that can run V8 engine like Chrome and a packege manager like NPM (but I strongly recommend to use Yarn)

Get Node Here

Get Yarn Here

This project uses DataBase from MongoDB, for use that you will need to have an Cluster with a database "askMe" on atlas MongoDB.

SingUp MongoDB Here


To open the Dev mode you need to clone the repo, install and initialize both, backend and frontend.


You will need to set some environment variables: Create an ".env" file on the backend folder that contains these variables;


To configure the fonrtend API adress you can put your own or do use mine. For to use your API adress go to the file frontend>src>api>index.js

change in:

const base = "<your new url>";


Open your terminal and navigate to the backend folder on the cloned repo folder and install the dependencies with this command line;

$ npm install    (or)       $ yarn

(wait till finished)

Now navigate to frontend folder and use the same;

$ npm install    (or)       $ yarn

(wait till finished)

run the server;

With all the installation finished, now open the backend folder on your terminal again and run the next command line;

$ npm run server   (or)       $ yarn server

It will prepare the server. When you receive the port info your server is ready to go.

run the app;

Now open another terminal and past the following command line;

$ npm run start   (or)       $ yarn start

Now the application is running. It will open on your browser.(if not just open http:https://localhost:3000/ and wait till load)

Running the tests

There is unitary tests for all utils functions used here. it can be run with the following command line at the frontend folder:

$ npm run test    (or)       $ yarn test


The app is deployed on heroku in the following url:



Made With

  • reactJs

  • Redux

  • Sass

  • Styled components

  • Jest

  • axios

  • Express

  • mongoose

  • mongoDB

  • git

  • vercel

  • heroku

-See more at packege.json on backend and frontend folder


Mara Oliveira
