Welcome to TV-Guide! 😃
Objective: Make an attractive design for a TV guide and show users a list of top-rated shows with a description, a highlighted random show at the top of the page, and details for cast members.
Technologies Used: React.js, Netlify, CSS Flexbox, HTML5
Checkout TV Guide here: https://tv-guide-mallorysmith64.netlify.com/
To run this project locally: git clone https://github.com/mallorysmith64/tv-guide.git
cd tv-guide
yarn install
yarn start
Note: "yarn install is used to install all dependencies for a project.
This is most commonly used when you have just checked out code for a project
or when another developer on the project has added a new dependency that you need to pick up."
Source: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install