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GoMR is a super-fast, super-simple, super-easy-to-debug mapreduce framework for Go. Written to deploy Mapreduce jobs without dealing with the JVM, for debugging, performance, and to write code in Go!

An Example

See examples/wordcount/parallel for the canonical wordcount mapreduce program. To build, cd into the directory and run go build. Then, run with ./parallel <textfile>.

Getting Started

To write jobs for GoMR, we first need to create and object that satisfies the interfaces found in gomr.go. Namely:

type Mapper interface {
	Map(in <-chan interface{}, out chan<- interface{})

type Partitioner interface {
	Partition(in <-chan interface{}, outs []chan interface{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup)

type Reducer interface {
	Reduce(in <-chan interface{}, out chan<- interface{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup)

type Job interface {

Second, we need to supply data to the input channel of the mapper. We can do this manually, or use one of the handy methods found in input.go:

inMapChans, outChan := gomr.RunLocal(m, r, wc)
gomr.TextFileParallel(os.Args[1], inMapChans)

m, r are the number of mappers and reducers. wc is an object satisfying the Job interface.