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Ada notes

This README file describes briefly the main directories of the Ada contrib.

The software compiles with Ada 2012 (Gnat "GPL 2016", "Community 2020" and
"Debian GNAT 10 & 13") for Linux 64 bits.

Some programs depend on anchor:XPCRE[] PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) and work
with version 7.8 or above (8.45 is OK), or PCRE2, version 10.00 or above
(10.44 is OK), and require the corresponding PCRE developpement package.

Some programs depend on libssl (dev) for EVP digest.

The 'asciidoc' suite is used for the generation of the documentation.

The graphical library is based on X11 and needs:

* the X11 development package,
* the X11 extensions development package,
* the XPM development package,
* the font packages 75dpi and 100dpi and the corresponding transcoded (from
  ISO 10646-1) versions.

NOTE: Some C includes and libraries are installed in '/usr/local'. The first
time, you may need to install them as root then change their owner.
You may also need to add '/usr/local/lib' in '/etc/' (and do a

NOTE: Some programs require the stack size to be larger than the default
maximum. Use for example 'ulimit -s 1048576' to allow a larger stack.

Gnatmake (optional)
The script 'ada/gnatmake' can be set in the PATH (you can copy it or make a link
from '$HOME/bin/gnatmake' to it).

Similarly, the commands 'ada' and 'gnatlink' can be in the path and be this
same gnatmake script (you can copy it or make links from '$HOME/bin/ada' and
'$HOME/bin/gnatlink' to it).

The automatic generation by make (see next section) doesn't use them but this
script and commands can be useful for manual compilation.

Makefiles project (MANDATORY)
This project gathers several generic definitions for C and Ada generation.
Several examples of usage can be found in the source directories. +

The main features are:

 * automatic list of units
 * prerequisits
 * conditionnal preprocessing
 * optimization
 * static executables
 * documentation generation

PCRE flavour
Depending of the use of PCRE or PCRE2, the template '' has to be
adapted by defining the variable 'PCRE' to either 'PCRE1' or 'PCRE2'.

Relocation of the Makefiles directory
If the Makefiles installation directory is not '$(HOME)/Makefiles', then the
new location can be set in the environment variable 'MAKFILES_DIR'. Otherwise:

- the definition of 'TEMPLATES' in '' has to be adapted,

- all makefiles must have their first include directive of '' adapted
with the new location.

Relocation of C or Repository
If the 'c' or the 'repository' directory is not in '$(HOME)/ada', then the
template '' of Makefiles must be adapted with the new path.

Recursive make
The content of the makefile for applying make to subdirectories is:

  SUBDIRS := c reposit usr
  include $(if $(MAKFILES_DIR), $(MAKFILES_DIR), $(HOME)/Makefiles)/

Other directives can be added if something has also to be compiled in the
current directory.

C directory (MANDATORY)
Five libraries are generated here:

.C utilities ('cutil')
This lib gathers several low level utility libraries:

- 'timeval', used by other C libraries, for operations on struct timeval,

- 'socket', interfaced by the Ada 'Socket' package, interfaces socket calls
(tcp, udp, ipm, message on tcp, afinet or afux),

- 'sys_calls', interfaced by the Ada 'Sys_Calls' and some other Ada packages,
for several calls to the operating system,

- 'wait_evt', interfaced by the Ada 'Even_Mng' package, waits (with "select") on
several fds, catches signals...

.Digital EnVeloPe ('evp')
interfaced by the Ada 'Evp_Digest' package, wraps to openssl "evp digest"

.X11 management ('x_mng')
'x_export', interfaced by the Ada 'X_Mng' package, defines all the calls needed
for X11 (except cards).

.Cards ('x_cards')
interfaced by the Ada 'X_Mng.Cards' package, is an extension for the management
in X11 of playing cards.

.Posix to PCRE ('posix2pcre')
Own binding of xref:XPCRE[PCRE] to POSIX API, with extension, interfaced by
the Ada 'Regular_Expressions' package.

Reposit directory
There are many utility packages here.
Some of them are interdependant, the main dependency trees are:

- Graphic (X11) function: 'X_Mng' <- 'Con_Io' <- 'Afpx' and 'Curve'

- Communication, Timers: 'Socket', 'Timers' and 'Event_Mng' <- 'Tcp_Util' <-
'Autobus' (and 'Channels')

See link:reposit/REPOSIT_LIST.html[] for the list of packages and how to use

Usr directories
Each directory under 'usr' hosts a standalone project, except 'misc'
(miscellaneous small programs), 'tests' (test programs of repository packages)
and 'tasks' (simple task examples).

They all depend on C and Reposit and are independant one from the others (except
'pipe' -> 'fifos' -> 'dictio').

The more usefull are 'udp_spy' and 'alook' (in directory 'misc'),
'xml_checker' (in directory xml) 'agite', 'als', 'asubst', 'lsadeps' and 'mcd'.

The games are 'g' (in directory 'misc'), 'battleship', 'lapeau', 'lem',
'mmind', 'nimmari' and 'sokoban'.

Hereafter is the full list and description, rated from 1 (simple) to 3 (very
complex) on subjective criteria. A 'd' indicates that there is a specific
documentation of the package.

Account (3)::
     Based on 'Afpx', this tool handles the management of bank accounts, with
     cheque, credit card (defered) and transfer operations.

Agite (3d)::
     GUI for Git on 'Afpx', directory oriented. Implements all basic actions
     with GIT.

Als (2d)::
     Lists, more or less the "ls" way, files and directories. Allow selection
     by date, type, regexp. Allows merging of all outputs and sorting.

Approx (3)::
     Using 'Afpx' and 'Curve', the program computes and displays the
     polynomial approximation of a set of points in the plan.

Astub (3)::
     Ada2012 stubber (makes compilable empty body from spec).

Asubst (3d)::
     Substitutes in files by new strings the strings that match a regexp.

Battleship (2d)::
     Battleship game for two players through the network (with 'Autobus').

Chess (3)::
     With 'Con_Io' and 'Tcp_Util', allows two players to play chess on one or
     two displays. Checks movement validity (already tricky) but does not play
     against human (too tricky).

C_Magic (1)::
     Small program that computes magic squares (numbers from to 1 in a
     square, with same sum on all rows, cols and diags). Consumes a lot of
     CPU despite many optims :-)

Code (1)::
     Simple programs that codes (encrypts) and decodes a text. The crypting
     algo are old and not secure.

Dictio (3)::
     Distributed data dictionary that allows storing data, distributing this
     data base on all the machines. Ensures correct insertion of new machines
     and periodic consistency checks. Recovery of data loss may be optimized
     (presently it resends all).

Enigma (2d)::
     Encodes/decodes text like the german enigma machines did in ww2.

Fifos (2)::
     Use 'dictio' to make distributed point to point connections (logical
     adress, automatic connection and re-connection). Deprecated, use
     'Autobus' instead.

Fl (1)::
     Simple computation of fligh log (adding hours and minutes).

Freecell (2d)::
     The famous patience game.

Geohash (1)::
     Geohash 32 encoding and decoding.

Geohash36 (1)::
     Geohash 36 encoding and decoding.

Great_Circle (1)::
     Computation of heading and distance between two points on earth (GPS).

Heart (3)::
     Dta base of heart rate measures, displayed with 'Afpx'.

Hungar (2)::
     Euristic search (hungarian method) of best affection (e.g. of people to
     jobs). Tough algo.

Klondike (2d)::
     The famous patience game.

Lapeau (2d)::
     A patience game with 13 rows of 4 cards each.

Lem (2d)::
     Game: land the LEM on the moon.

Logrotator (1d)::
     Splits stdin into several files according to a given time period and
     possibly to a maximum size for the files.

Lsadeps (3d)::
     Shows the list/tree of Ada units/files dependencies.

Mapcode (3d)::
     Encode/decode coordinates (latitude, longitude) to/from mapcode (see

Mcd (3d)::
     Reverse polish computer. At command line level but very powerful.

     Many simple programs here. The most interesting are:
- Alook (1) properly formats the words of a (valid) Ada2012 source file.
- Astat (1) counts the number of instruction of (valid) Ada source files.
- Azf (1) (un)compress a flow of bytes with Lzf.
- Copy_Files (1) copy or move several files, read names from stdin
- Day_of_week (1) tells everything on today (or on another day).
- G (1) a game where to find the remaining of division by 3.
- Lenv (1) lists environment variables whose name match a criteria.
- Prime (1) searches prime numbers.
- Renamer (1) is a HMI based on 'Afpx' for renaming files.
- Stats (2) scans columns of values and computes average and deviation.
- Status (1) evaluates if a target file needs to be rebuilt.
- Tcping (1) pings in tcp a host:port.
- Tcp_spy (1) accepts a TCP connection and dumps data received on it.
- Trail_spaces (1) removes tabs and trailing spaces and dos2unix a file.
- Udp_Spy (2) displays udp/ipm packets received on a port.
- Wake (1) sends a "Wake On LAN" packet on the local network or to a host:port.

Mmind (2d)::
     Mastermind game on 'Con_Io'.

Navig (2)::
     Navigation computation (wind, speed, heading, route, drift...).

Nimmari (2)::
     Nim and Marienbad game on 'Afpx'.

Olc (1)::
     Open Location Code encoding and decoding.

Pexec (1)::
     Recursive execution on directories of commands.

Pipe (1)::
     Uses Fifo to relay stdin to another host where another pipe can put it on
     stdout. Deprecated, use 'tcpipe' and 't_async'.

Regex (2)::
     Interactive test of regular expression.

Renardeau (2)::
     Computes a target number by combining base numbers.

Sensor (2d)::
     Scans several log files and raises alerts on some events (matching

Simusi (2)::
     Machining simulation. (Tough algo).

Sokoban (2)::
     The famous Sokoban game (push the boxes).

     Several simple programs using tasks.

Tcpchat (3d)::
     Accepts connection of a TCP port, expects sentences and executes
     specified actions depending on what it receives.

Tcpipe (2d)::
     As a bridge, multiplexes and relays TCP connections.

     Several small test programs of the Repository packages.

     Three tools for XML file processing, based on Xml_Parser and its
- Dtd_Checker (1) checks a DTD file (of a xml).
- Dtd_Generator (2) generates a DTD from one or several XML files
- Xml_Checker (3) checks and formats a XML file.

Xwords (2)::
     A graphical lexicography of common words and nouns (french DB),
     search with wildcards for crosswords, search of anagrams.

Cots directories

This directory mainly contains a copy of pragmarc and mine_detector
from (under GPL).

Mine detector uses Gtk-Ada GPL_2016 (GTK3).

The directory 'tests' contains many tests of the packages of the 'repository'.
It contains a 'Test' scripts that runs automatic the tests, and stops on error
if a test fails. With option '-ix' the 'Test' script launches the tests of the
packages that are based on X11 ('X_Mng', 'Con_Io', 'Afpx', 'Curve'...)
for interactive testing.

Many projects in subdirectories of 'usr' also implement automatic tests that
are launched by a local 'Test' script, and fail on error.

Finally, a 'Tests' target in a parent directory lauches all the tests in its
chldren directories. The test of the whole 'usr' subtree takes around 7 minutes.


My Ada contributions. Needs Makefiles.







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