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Unofficial and reverse-engineered Threads ( Python API wrapper. Supports read and write capabilities.


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Unofficial and reverse-engineered Threads ( Python API wrapper. Supports read and write capabilities.

Table of content:


  • As Threads is backed by Instagram, those are coupled in terms of APIs. For example, there is a way to fetch a Threads user or a thread from both Threads and Instagram APIs. But there are unique API endpoints that exist only in one of the APIs. For instance, to create a thread, there is only Instagram API endpoint.
  • This project is unofficial and reverse-engineered, it means that:
    • The library would be pretending being a mobile phone or a web user (via proper HTTP headers and other things). Thus, you might face rate limits (because pretending is never ideal), your IP marked as suspicious and even your Threads and/or Instagram account might be suspended if you mess up with logining or sending too much requests.
    • Threads and Instagram APIs are not provided as public API and developed to be used internally (Meta's back-end developers made it only for Meta's front-end/mobile developers) without any intention to reveal externally in any way. So, they would not inform the community about any changes they are going to do or done and would not support backward compatibility. Thus, expect APIs unstable work sometimes and therefore the library, and be patient waiting for the fixes.


Check what is already done in the table of content above, below the only things to be done are placed:

  • Pagination for all methods responding with a list of records
  • Get notifications about new threads
  • Manage auth for accounts with the enabled 2FA
  • Manage auth for accounts required a challenge

Getting started

How to install

Install the library with the following command using pip3:

$ pip3 install threads-net


Find examples of how to use the library in the examples folder:

ls examples
├── private
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
│   ...
└── public



To interact with Threads API, there is no need for any authorization, so in the library it is called public API. On the other hand, to interact with Instagram API, you have to specify Instagram username and password (as like you do when you log in to Threads mobile application), so in the library it is called private API.

  • Public API has only read-only endpoints. In the same time, private API has both read and write endpoints. Public API much less stable than private API (because private API is used for Instagram API and Instagram is stable product in general already).
  • Public API less risky to get rate limits or to have an account in Threads and/or Instagram be suspended.

So, it is a trade-off between stability, bugs and rate limits and/or suspension. But with the library you can combine two approaches: for instance, prefer public API for read-only endpoints and private API for write-only endpoints or even build a retry mechanism (try public one, if failed, try private one).


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Currently, it is not possible to use private API with two-factor authentication enabled on the account. If you do not disable it, you might face issues like #37. So, in order to use private API, you have to disable it first. By the way, there are plans in the roadmap to manage authentication for such accounts so you don't have to disable it.


There might be a confusion among many Threads API clients as well as in both Threads an Instagram APIs according to the naming of entities. For instance, in Threads a publication is called a thread, but under the hood in the API of fetching or creating a thread it is called a post.

It is done because Threads are backed by Instagram and threads creation is done on Instagram API where a publication called a post. Library maintainers decided to stick into Threads terminology and use the word thread for the post-related things.


Import the class responsible for Threads API communication and initialize the object.

If you are going to use only public API, use the following commands:

>>> from threads import Threads
>>> threads = Threads()

If you are going to use only private API or both private and public APIs, use the following commands:

>>> from threads import Threads
>>> threads = Threads(username='instagram_username', password='instagram_password')


Currently, to perform private API requests, there is a need to specify a mobile device metadata, timezone offset and an authorization token. The device metadata and timezone offset are randomly generated once you initialize Threads, in order the authorization token is requested from Instagram API and saved for further usage.

If you initialize Threads frequently with different data, Instagram API might threat it as a non-human and machine behavior and mark your IP as suspicious and even suspend your account Threads and/or Instagram account. Also, the authorization token has long live period and once the authorization token is fetched, it can be reused at least for next 24 hours (maybe more, but at least) and there is no need to fetch it at each initialization over and over again.

For this, there are settings. Those are either a JSON file or a dictionary you can provide to reuse device metadata, timezone offset and the authorization token instead of generating random data each initialization.

To provide settings as a dictionary, use the following commands:

>>> settings = {
        'authentication': {
            'token': 'eyJkc191c2VyX2lkIjYnNjA0MzgxNTQ1N1NjYiLCJzZXNzaW9uaWQiOi1FxSUQ1TXcifQ==',
        'timezone': {
            'offset': -14400,
        'device': {
            'id': 'android-cb0d81d0e326cb42',
            'manufacturer': 'OnePlus',
            'model': 'ONEPLUS+A3010',
            'android_version': 25,
            'android_release': '7.1.1',
>>> threads = Threads(settings=settings, username=INSTAGRAM_USERNAME, password=INSTAGRAM_PASSWORD)

To provide settings as a path to a JSON file, use the following commands:

>>> threads = Threads(

The JSON file content looks like:

$ cat settings.json
    "authentication": {
        "token": "eyJkc191c2VyX2lkIjYnNjA0MzgxNTQ1N1NjYiLCJzZXNzaW9uaWQiOi1FxSUQ1TXcifQ=="
    "timezone": {
        "offset": -14400
    "device": {
        "id": "android-2d53671ef3d1ac79",
        "manufacturer": "OnePlus",
        "model": "ONEPLUS+A3010",
        "android_version": 25,
        "android_release": "7.1.1"

Instead of manually create a JSON file, you can ask Threads to generate it, specifying a path to where to save it, with the following command:

>>> threads = Threads(username='instagram_username', password='instagram_password')
>>> threads.download_settings(path='/Users/dmytrostriletskyi/projects/threads/settings.json')


There are two things that are involved into the pagination for requests that respond with lists of records (e.g. threads, replies, followers, following and so on): limit and max id. Basically, limit is responsible for a number of records to request (where 15 is a default number) and max id is kinda offset thingy, but a bit tricky.

Let consider the method for getting a list of a user's threads if there are only 10 in total:

>>> user_threads = threads.private_api.get_user_threads(id=314216)
>>> user_threads
    "threads": [
        {"id": 3146710118003098789, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098788, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098787, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098786, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098785, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098784, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098783, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098782, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098781, ...},
        {"id": 3146710118003098780, ...},
    "status": "ok"

If we want to fetch them iteratively by chunks (for instance, by 2 threads), we just specify a limit argument:

>>> user_threads = threads.private_api.get_user_threads(id=314216, limit=2)
>>> user_threads
    "threads": [
        {"id": 3146710118003098789, ...},  # 1st thread from 10.
        {"id": 3146710118003098788, ...},  # 2nd thread from 10.
    "next_max_id": "QVFCWnJRSFdwMW5ITjRhcDlqR2hfY19JM21eQ==",
    "status": "ok"

But it is not enough, because on this stage we do not know how to iterate and fetch the next 2 threads. Here max id helps, if you see, there is next_max_id in the response. Which is encoded identifier of the 3rd thread to start offsetting (chunking) from:

>>> user_threads = threads.private_api.get_user_threads(
>>> user_threads
    "threads": [
        {"id": 3146710118003098787, ...},  # 3rd thread from 10.
        {"id": 3146710118003098786, ...},  # 4th thread from 10.
    "next_max_id": "ZrWDBSMm9DTU90Yy1mSXQ4WTNWb0V3ZmI4Um5==",
    "status": "ok"

So, basically, you should iterate over all threads until next_max_id is presented. The code to fetch all existing threads would look like:

from_max_id = None

while True:
    user_threads = threads.private_api.get_user_threads(id=314216, limit=2, from_max_id=from_max_id)

    for thread in user_threads.get('threads'):
        items = thread.get('thread_items')

        for item in items:
            thread_id = item.get('post').get('pk')

    from_max_id = user_threads.get('next_max_id')

    if from_max_id is None:


Use the pagination if there are a lot of records (e.g. threads, replies, followers, following and so on) to be returned as well as if you are somehow limited by computer resources (RAM, bandwidth and so on).



Get Identifier

threads.public_api.get_user_id — getting a user's identifier by their username.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
username String Yes - A user's username which goes along with @ like zuck.
Open code example
>>> user_id = threads.public_api.get_user_id(username='zuck')
>>> user_id
Get By Identifier

threads.public_api.get_user — getting a user by their identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user = threads.public_api.get_user(id=314216)
>>> user
    "data": {
        "userData": {
            "user": {
                "is_private": false,
                "profile_pic_url": "",
                "username": "zuck",
                "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                        "height": 320,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 320
                        "height": 640,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 640
                "is_verified": true,
                "biography": "",
                "biography_with_entities": null,
                "follower_count": 2663947,
                "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                "bio_links": [
                        "url": ""
                "pk": "314216",
                "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                "id": null
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Threads

threads.public_api.get_user_threads — getting a user's threads by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user_threads = threads.public_api.get_user_threads(id=314216)
>>> user_threads
    "instagram": {
        "pk": "314216",
        "username": "zuck",
        "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
        "is_private": false,
        "profile_pic_url": "",
        "profile_pic_url_hd": "",
        "is_verified": true,
        "media_count": 283,
        "follower_count": 11924434,
        "following_count": 523,
        "biography": "",
        "external_url": null,
        "account_type": null,
        "is_business": false,
        "public_email": null,
        "contact_phone_number": null,
        "public_phone_country_code": null,
        "public_phone_number": null,
        "business_contact_method": "UNKNOWN",
        "business_category_name": null,
        "category_name": "Entrepreneur",
        "category": null,
        "address_street": null,
        "city_id": null,
        "city_name": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "zip": null,
        "instagram_location_id": null,
        "interop_messaging_user_fbid": null
    "threads": {
        "data": {
            "userData": {
                "user": {
                    "is_private": false,
                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                    "username": "zuck",
                    "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                            "height": 320,
                            "url": "",
                            "width": 320
                            "height": 640,
                            "url": "",
                            "width": 640
                    "is_verified": true,
                    "biography": "",
                    "biography_with_entities": null,
                    "follower_count": 2663588,
                    "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                    "bio_links": [
                            "url": ""
                    "pk": "314216",
                    "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                    "id": null
        "extensions": {
            "is_final": true
Get Replies

threads.public_api.get_user_replies — getting a user's replies by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user_replies = threads.public_api.get_user_replies(id=314216)
>>> user_replies
    "data": {
        "mediaData": {
            "threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "intense0ne",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "13455834"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": [
                                            "height": 1431,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 1170,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 881,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 720,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 783,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 640,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 587,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 480,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 391,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 320,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 294,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 240,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 1080,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 1080,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 750,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 750,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 640,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 640,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 480,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 480,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 320,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 320,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 240,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 240,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 150,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 150,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                "original_width": 1170,
                                "original_height": 1431,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141307328358556088",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": null,
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Volk or Yair?? #UFC290\n\nI got Volk!! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f"
                                "taken_at": 1688693036,
                                "like_count": 4144,
                                "code": "CuYKl8tJKG4",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141307328358556088_13455834"
                            "line_type": "squiggle",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": "386 replies",
                            "reply_facepile_users": [
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                            "should_show_replies_cta": true,
                            "__typename": "XDTThreadItem"
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "zuck",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "314216"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141314003249945904",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "intense0ne",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Definitely Volk"
                                "taken_at": 1688693832,
                                "like_count": 10843,
                                "code": "CuYMHFLrF0w",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141314003249945904_314216"
                            "line_type": "line",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": "1,114 replies",
                            "reply_facepile_users": [
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                            "should_show_replies_cta": true,
                            "__typename": "XDTThreadItem"
                    "id": "3141314003249945904"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true


Get Identifier

threads.public_api.get_thread_id — getting a thread's identifier by its URL identifier. URL identifier is a last part of a thread's website URL. If the thread's URL is, then it would be CuXFPIeLLod.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
url_id String Yes - A thread's URL identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread_id = threads.public_api.get_thread_id(url_id='CuXFPIeLLod')
>>> thread_id
Get By Identifier

threads.public_api.get_thread — getting a thread by its identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread = threads.public_api.get_thread(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "containing_thread": {
                "thread_items": [
                        "post": {
                            "user": {
                                "profile_pic_url": "",
                                "username": "mosseri",
                                "id": null,
                                "is_verified": true,
                                "pk": "95561"
                            "image_versions2": {
                                "candidates": []
                            "original_width": 612,
                            "original_height": 612,
                            "video_versions": [],
                            "carousel_media": null,
                            "carousel_media_count": null,
                            "pk": "3141055616164096839",
                            "has_audio": null,
                            "text_post_app_info": {
                                "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                "share_info": {
                                    "quoted_post": null,
                                    "reposted_post": null
                                "reply_to_author": null,
                                "is_post_unavailable": false,
                                "direct_reply_count": 2839
                            "caption": {
                                "text": "I've been getting some questions about deleting your account. To clarify, you can deactivate your Threads account, which hides your Threads profile and content, you can set your profile to private, and you can delete individual threads posts \u2013 all without deleting your Instagram account. Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately."
                            "taken_at": 1688663030,
                            "like_count": 29984,
                            "code": "CuXRXDdNOtH",
                            "media_overlay_info": null,
                            "id": "3141055616164096839_95561"
                        "line_type": "none",
                        "view_replies_cta_string": "2,839 replies",
                        "reply_facepile_users": [],
                        "should_show_replies_cta": true
                "thread_type": "thread",
                "header": null,
                "id": "3141055616164096839"
            "reply_threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "jimmywhotalks",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "51094265817"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141082664316809193",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "mosseri",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Glad to know, Everyone is worrying for that."
                                "taken_at": 1688666254,
                                "like_count": 59,
                                "code": "CuXXgqAva_p",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141082664316809193_51094265817"
                            "line_type": "none",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": null,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "should_show_replies_cta": false
                    "thread_type": "thread",
                    "header": null,
                    "id": "3141082664316809193"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Likers

threads.public_api.get_thread_likers — getting a thread's likers by the thread's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread_likers = threads.public_api.get_thread_likers(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread_likers
    "data": {
        "likers": {
            "users": [
                    "pk": "32729880576",
                    "full_name": "K 🦋I🦋K🦋I",
                    "profile_pic_url": "
                    "follower_count": 51,
                    "is_verified": false,
                    "username": "niyod_couture",
                    "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                    "id": null
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true



Get Identifier

threads.private_api.get_user_id — getting a user's identifier by their username.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
username String Yes - A user's username which goes along with @ like zuck.
Open code example
>>> user_id = threads.private_api.get_user_id(username='zuck')
>>> user_id
Get By Identifier

threads.private_api.get_user — getting a user by their identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user = threads.private_api.get_user(id=314216)
>>> user
    "user": {
        "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
        "is_supervision_features_enabled": false,
        "follower_count": 2782815,
        "media_count": 283,
        "following_count": 313,
        "following_tag_count": 3,
        "can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_creator": false,
        "can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_brand": false,
        "has_collab_collections": false,
        "has_private_collections": true,
        "has_music_on_profile": false,
        "is_potential_business": false,
        "can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_creator": false,
        "can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_brand": false,
        "fan_club_info": {
            "fan_club_id": null,
            "fan_club_name": null,
            "is_fan_club_referral_eligible": null,
            "fan_consideration_page_revamp_eligiblity": null,
            "is_fan_club_gifting_eligible": null,
            "subscriber_count": null,
            "connected_member_count": null,
            "autosave_to_exclusive_highlight": null,
            "has_enough_subscribers_for_ssc": null
        "fbid_v2": "17841401746480004",
        "pronouns": [],
        "is_whatsapp_linked": false,
        "transparency_product_enabled": false,
        "account_category": "",
        "interop_messaging_user_fbid": 119171612803872,
        "bio_links": [
                "link_id": 17979756671109835,
                "url": "",
                "lynx_url": "",
                "link_type": "external",
                "title": "",
                "open_external_url_with_in_app_browser": true
        "can_add_fb_group_link_on_profile": false,
        "external_url": "",
        "show_shoppable_feed": false,
        "merchant_checkout_style": "none",
        "seller_shoppable_feed_type": "none",
        "creator_shopping_info": {
            "linked_merchant_accounts": []
        "has_guides": false,
        "has_highlight_reels": false,
        "hd_profile_pic_url_info": {
            "url": "",
            "width": 805,
            "height": 805
        "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                "width": 320,
                "height": 320,
                "url": ""
                "width": 640,
                "height": 640,
                "url": ""
        "is_interest_account": true,
        "is_favorite": false,
        "is_favorite_for_stories": false,
        "is_favorite_for_igtv": false,
        "is_favorite_for_clips": false,
        "is_favorite_for_highlights": false,
        "broadcast_chat_preference_status": {
            "json_response": "{\"status\":\"ok\",\"status_code\":\"200\",\"is_broadcast_chat_creator\":true,\"notification_setting_type\":2}"
        "live_subscription_status": "default",
        "usertags_count": 43060,
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        "is_eligible_for_smb_support_flow": true,
        "is_eligible_for_lead_center": false,
        "is_experienced_advertiser": false,
        "lead_details_app_id": "com.bloks.www.ig.smb.lead_gen.subpage",
        "is_business": false,
        "professional_conversion_suggested_account_type": 3,
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        "mutual_followers_count": 0,
        "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
        "show_text_post_app_badge": true,
        "text_post_app_joiner_number": 1,
        "show_ig_app_switcher_badge": true,
        "show_text_post_app_switcher_badge": true,
        "profile_context": "",
        "profile_context_links_with_user_ids": [],
        "profile_context_facepile_users": [],
        "has_chaining": true,
        "pk": 314216,
        "pk_id": "314216",
        "username": "zuck",
        "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
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        "follow_friction_type": 0,
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        "smb_support_partner": null,
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        "account_badges": [],
        "show_account_transparency_details": true,
        "existing_user_age_collection_enabled": true,
        "show_post_insights_entry_point": true,
        "has_public_tab_threads": true,
        "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
        "is_regulated_c18": false,
        "is_in_canada": false,
        "profile_type": 0,
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        "open_external_url_with_in_app_browser": true,
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        "is_bestie": false,
        "remove_message_entrypoint": false,
        "auto_expand_chaining": false,
        "is_new_to_instagram": false,
        "highlight_reshare_disabled": false
    "status": "ok"
Get Threads

threads.private_api.get_user_thread — getting a user's threads by the user's identifier. Supports pagination.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
limit Integer No >0 A number of threads to get. Default value is 15.
from_max_id String No - An encoded thread's identifier to start offsetting from.
Open code example
>>> user_threads = threads.private_api.get_user_threads(id=314216)
>>> user_threads
    "medias": [],
    "threads": [
            "thread_items": [
                    "post": {
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                        "id": "3143857175171939857_314216",
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                        "device_timestamp": 154381465597879,
                        "client_cache_key": "MzE0Mzg1NzE3NTE3MTkzOTg1Nw==.2",
                        "filter_type": 0,
                        "like_and_view_counts_disabled": false,
                        "integrity_review_decision": "pending",
                        "text_post_app_info": {
                            "is_post_unavailable": false,
                            "is_reply": false,
                            "reply_to_author": null,
                            "direct_reply_count": 24278,
                            "self_thread_count": 0,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "link_preview_attachment": null,
                            "can_reply": true,
                            "reply_control": "everyone",
                            "hush_info": null,
                            "share_info": {
                                "can_repost": true,
                                "is_reposted_by_viewer": false,
                                "can_quote_post": true
                        "caption": {
                            "pk": "17971080284299711",
                            "user_id": 314216,
                            "text": "Threads reached 100 million sign ups over the weekend. That's mostly organic demand and we haven't even turned on many promotions yet. Can't believe it's only been 5 days!",
                            "type": 1,
                            "created_at": 1688997002,
                            "created_at_utc": 1688997002,
                            "content_type": "comment",
                            "status": "Active",
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                            "did_report_as_spam": false,
                            "share_enabled": false,
                            "user": {
                                "pk": 314216,
                                "pk_id": "314216",
                                "username": "zuck",
                                "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                                "is_private": false,
                                "is_verified": true,
                                "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
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                                "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true
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                            "media_id": 3143857175171939857,
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                        "user": {
                            "pk": 314216,
                            "pk_id": "314216",
                            "username": "zuck",
                            "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                            "is_private": false,
                            "is_verified": true,
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                    "line_type": "line",
                    "view_replies_cta_string": "24,278 replies",
                    "should_show_replies_cta": true,
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                            "pk": 53041190925,
                            "pk_id": "53041190925",
                            "profile_pic_url": ""
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                            "pk_id": "60184849158",
                            "profile_pic_url": ""
                    "can_inline_expand_below": false
            "thread_type": "thread",
            "show_create_reply_cta": false,
            "id": 3143857175171939857,
    "status": "ok"
Get Replies

`threads.private_api.get_user_replies — getting a user's replies by the user's identifier. Supports pagination.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
limit Integer No >0 A number of replies to get. Default value is 15.
from_max_id String No - An encoded reply's identifier to start offsetting from.
Open code example
>>> user_replies = threads.private_api.get_user_replies(id=314216)
>>> user_replies
    "medias": [],
    "threads": [
            "thread_items": [
                    "post": {
                        "pk": 3146315493980433758,
                        "id": "3146315493980433758_9155181033",
                        "taken_at": 1689290074,
                        "device_timestamp": 1689290056390615,
                        "client_cache_key": "MzE0NjMxNTQ5Mzk4MDQzMzc1OA==.2",
                        "filter_type": 0,
                        "like_and_view_counts_disabled": false,
                        "integrity_review_decision": "pending",
                        "text_post_app_info": {
                            "is_post_unavailable": false,
                            "is_reply": false,
                            "reply_to_author": null,
                            "direct_reply_count": 348,
                            "self_thread_count": 0,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "link_preview_attachment": null,
                            "can_reply": true,
                            "reply_control": "everyone",
                            "hush_info": null,
                            "share_info": {
                                "can_repost": true,
                                "is_reposted_by_viewer": false,
                                "can_quote_post": true
                        "caption": {
                            "pk": "17869797770898727",
                            "user_id": 9155181033,
                            "text": "Squad goals \ud83d\ude0e\n\n(via @stylebender)",
                            "type": 1,
                            "created_at": 1689290074,
                            "created_at_utc": 1689290074,
                            "content_type": "comment",
                            "status": "Active",
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                            "did_report_as_spam": false,
                            "share_enabled": false,
                            "user": {
                                "pk": 9155181033,
                                "pk_id": "9155181033",
                                "username": "espnmma",
                                "full_name": "ESPN MMA",
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                                "profile_pic_id": "3141004987567665802_9155181033",
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                            "is_ranked_comment": false,
                            "media_id": 3146315493980433758,
                            "private_reply_status": 0
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                        "original_height": 1136,
                        "is_dash_eligible": 1,
                        "video_codec": "avc1.64001e",
                        "has_audio": true,
                        "video_duration": 18.784,
                        "video_versions": [
                                "type": 101,
                                "width": 720,
                                "height": 1280,
                                "url": "",
                                "id": "2611672838971644v"
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                                "width": 480,
                                "height": 854,
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                                "type": 103,
                                "width": 480,
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                        "has_liked": false,
                        "can_viewer_reshare": true,
                        "top_likers": [],
                        "user": {
                            "pk": 9155181033,
                            "pk_id": "9155181033",
                            "username": "espnmma",
                            "full_name": "ESPN MMA",
                            "is_private": false,
                            "is_verified": true,
                            "profile_pic_id": "3141004987567665802_9155181033",
                            "profile_pic_url": "",
                            "friendship_status": {
                                "following": false,
                                "followed_by": false,
                                "blocking": false,
                                "muting": false,
                                "is_private": false,
                                "incoming_request": false,
                                "outgoing_request": false,
                                "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
                                "is_bestie": false,
                                "is_restricted": false,
                                "is_feed_favorite": false,
                                "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
                            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
                            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
                            "account_badges": []
                    "line_type": "squiggle",
                    "view_replies_cta_string": "348 replies",
                    "should_show_replies_cta": true,
                    "reply_facepile_users": [
                            "pk": 60781132585,
                            "pk_id": "60781132585",
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                            "pk": 57175390182,
                            "pk_id": "57175390182",
                            "profile_pic_url": ""
                            "pk": 46363005289,
                            "pk_id": "46363005289",
                            "profile_pic_url": ""
                    "can_inline_expand_below": false
            "thread_type": "thread",
            "show_create_reply_cta": false,
            "id": 3146509421211016700
    "next_max_id": "QVFBZU1fRWxkXzh4UUhGOV84VUZGLS1BdHlVWVVzQmpNbmUzZ0hkRVJURXgyVDBSb2pSdnhacnRGX1JrNUxMRDgxbFZ4ZW5tSUc5TTRraEgwRV91eWR3Nw==",
    "status": "ok"
Get Followers

threads.private_api.get_user_followers — getting a user's followers by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user_followers = threads.private_api.get_user_followers(id=314216)
>>> user_followers
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "fbid_v2": "17841407032091362",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 100165200,
            "pk": 6970898403,
            "pk_id": "6970898403",
            "username": "ali_moslemi_",
            "full_name": "",
            "is_private": true,
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3143675402396969798_6970898403",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_possible_scammer": false,
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 0,
            "is_possible_bad_actor": {
                "is_possible_scammer": false,
                "is_possible_impersonator": {
                    "is_unconnected_impersonator": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0
    "big_list": false,
    "page_size": 200,
    "has_more": false,
    "should_limit_list_of_followers": false,
    "status": "ok"
Get Following

threads.private_api.get_user_following — getting a user's following by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open code example
>>> user_following = threads.private_api.get_user_following(id=314216)
>>> user_following
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "fbid_v2": "17841400595560228",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 37063252,
            "pk": 14611852,
            "pk_id": "14611852",
            "username": "mikesego",
            "full_name": "Mike Sego",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3141060757056532902_14611852",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_possible_scammer": false,
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
            "is_possible_bad_actor": {
                "is_possible_scammer": false,
                "is_possible_impersonator": {
                    "is_unconnected_impersonator": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0,
            "is_favorite": false
    "big_list": true,
    "page_size": 200,
    "next_max_id": "100",
    "has_more": false,
    "should_limit_list_of_followers": false,
    "status": "ok"
Get Friendship Status

threads.private_api.get_friendship_status — get a friendship status with a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to get friendship status with.
Open code example
>>> friendship_status = threads.private_api.get_friendship_status(id=314216)
>>> friendship_status
    "blocking": false,
    "followed_by": false,
    "following": false,
    "incoming_request": false,
    "is_bestie": false,
    "is_blocking_reel": false,
    "is_muting_reel": false,
    "is_private": false,
    "is_restricted": false,
    "muting": false,
    "outgoing_request": false,
    "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
    "is_feed_favorite": false,
    "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false,
    "is_supervised_by_viewer": false,
    "is_guardian_of_viewer": false,
    "is_muting_notes": false,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.search_user — search for a user by a query.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
query String Yes - A search query.
Open code example
>>> found_users = threads.private_api.search_user(query='zuck')
>>> found_users
    "num_results": 55,
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "follower_count": 2779681,
            "media_count": 283,
            "following_count": 313,
            "following_tag_count": 3,
            "fbid_v2": "17841401746480004",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "show_text_post_app_badge": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 1,
            "show_ig_app_switcher_badge": true,
            "pk": 314216,
            "pk_id": "314216",
            "username": "zuck",
            "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": true,
            "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_opt_eligible_shop": false,
            "account_badges": [],
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
            "unseen_count": 0,
            "friendship_status": {
                "following": false,
                "is_private": false,
                "incoming_request": false,
                "outgoing_request": false,
                "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
                "is_bestie": false,
                "is_restricted": false,
                "is_feed_favorite": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0,
            "should_show_category": false
    "has_more": false,
    "rank_token": "21af3266-ddec-4166-b00c-091a580a54a8",
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.follow_user — follow a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to follow.
Open code example
>>> following = threads.private_api.follow_user(id=314216)
>>> following
    "friendship_status": {
        "following": true,
        "followed_by": false,
        "blocking": false,
        "muting": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "incoming_request": false,
        "outgoing_request": false,
        "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
        "is_bestie": false,
        "is_restricted": false,
        "is_feed_favorite": false,
        "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
    "previous_following": false,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unfollow_user — unfollow a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to unfollow.
Open code example
>>> following = threads.private_api.unfollow_user(id=314216)
>>> following
    "friendship_status": {
        "following": false,
        "followed_by": false,
        "blocking": false,
        "muting": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "incoming_request": false,
        "outgoing_request": false,
        "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
        "is_bestie": false,
        "is_restricted": false,
        "is_feed_favorite": false,
        "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.mute_user — mute a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to mute.
Open code example
>>> muting = threads.private_api.mute_user(id=314216)
>>> muting
    "friendship_status": {
        "muting": true,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unmute_user — unmute a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to unmute.
Open code example
>>> unmuting = threads.private_api.unmute_user(id=314216)
>>> unmuting
    "friendship_status": {
        "muting": false,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.restrict_user — restrict a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to restrict.
Open code example
>>> restricting = threads.private_api.restrict_user(id=314216)
>>> restricting
    "users": [
            "pk": 314216,
            "pk_id": "314216",
            "username": "zuck",
            "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": true,
            "friendship_status": {
                "following": false,
                "followed_by": false,
                "blocking": false,
                "muting": false,
                "is_private": false,
                "incoming_request": false,
                "outgoing_request": false,
                "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
                "is_bestie": false,
                "is_restricted": true,
                "is_feed_favorite": false,
                "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
            "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unrestrict_user — unrestrict a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to unrestrict.
Open code example
>>> unrestricting = threads.private_api.unrestrict_user(id=314216)
>>> unrestricting
    "users": [
            "pk": 314216,
            "pk_id": "314216",
            "username": "zuck",
            "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": true,
            "friendship_status": {
                "following": false,
                "followed_by": false,
                "blocking": false,
                "muting": false,
                "is_private": false,
                "incoming_request": false,
                "outgoing_request": false,
                "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
                "is_bestie": false,
                "is_restricted": false,
                "is_feed_favorite": false,
                "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
            "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.block_user — block a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to block.
Open code example
>>> blocking = threads.private_api.block_user(id=314216)
>>> blocking
    "friendship_status": {
        "blocking": true,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unblock_user — unblock a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to unblock.
Open code example
>>> unblocking = threads.private_api.unblock_user(id=314216)
>>> unblocking
  "friendship_status": {
      "blocking": false,
  "status": "ok"


Get Identifier

threads.private_api.get_thread_id — getting a thread's identifier by its URL identifier. URL identifier is a last part of a thread's website URL. If the thread's URL is, then it would be CuXFPIeLLod.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
url_id String Yes - A thread's URL identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread_id = threads.private_api.get_thread_id(url_id='CuXFPIeLLod')
>>> thread_id
Get By Identifier

threads.private_api.get_thread — getting a thread by its identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread = threads.private_api.get_thread(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "containing_thread": {
                "thread_items": [
                        "post": {
                            "user": {
                                "profile_pic_url": "",
                                "username": "mosseri",
                                "id": null,
                                "is_verified": true,
                                "pk": "95561"
                            "image_versions2": {
                                "candidates": []
                            "original_width": 612,
                            "original_height": 612,
                            "video_versions": [],
                            "carousel_media": null,
                            "carousel_media_count": null,
                            "pk": "3141055616164096839",
                            "has_audio": null,
                            "text_post_app_info": {
                                "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                "share_info": {
                                    "quoted_post": null,
                                    "reposted_post": null
                                "reply_to_author": null,
                                "is_post_unavailable": false,
                                "direct_reply_count": 2839
                            "caption": {
                                "text": "I've been getting some questions about deleting your account. To clarify, you can deactivate your Threads account, which hides your Threads profile and content, you can set your profile to private, and you can delete individual threads posts \u2013 all without deleting your Instagram account. Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately."
                            "taken_at": 1688663030,
                            "like_count": 29984,
                            "code": "CuXRXDdNOtH",
                            "media_overlay_info": null,
                            "id": "3141055616164096839_95561"
                        "line_type": "none",
                        "view_replies_cta_string": "2,839 replies",
                        "reply_facepile_users": [],
                        "should_show_replies_cta": true
                "thread_type": "thread",
                "header": null,
                "id": "3141055616164096839"
            "reply_threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "jimmywhotalks",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "51094265817"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141082664316809193",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "mosseri",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Glad to know, Everyone is worrying for that."
                                "taken_at": 1688666254,
                                "like_count": 59,
                                "code": "CuXXgqAva_p",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141082664316809193_51094265817"
                            "line_type": "none",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": null,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "should_show_replies_cta": false
                    "thread_type": "thread",
                    "header": null,
                    "id": "3141082664316809193"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Likers

threads.private_api.get_thread_likers — getting a thread's likers by the thread's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open code example
>>> thread_likers = threads.private_api.get_thread_likers(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> thread_likers
    "users": [
            "pk": 54831820289,
            "pk_id": "54831820289",
            "username": "hazrel_syfddn26",
            "full_name": "HAZLER",
            "is_private": false,
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3140964514487728732_54831820289",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "latest_reel_media": 0
    "user_count": 38283,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.create_thread — create a thread. You can create a thread with an attachment link or image (specifying either HTTP(S) URL or path to a file). Also, you are able to create a thread as a reply to another thread. Basically, each thread is either a root or linked to another thread like a graph. You can check for all the illustration of possible threads that can be created.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
caption String Yes - A thread's caption.
url String No - A thread's attachment URL.
image_url String No - An image's HTTP(S) URL or path to a file.
reply_to String No - An identifier of a thread to reply to.
Open code example
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread
    "media": {
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        "code": "Cuj7h_yM4Co",
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                "full_name": "Adam Mosseri",
                "is_private": false,
                "is_verified": true,
                "profile_pic_id": "3090458139926225297_95561",
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                "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true
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            "share_info": {
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        "explore_hide_comments": false,
        "has_delayed_metadata": false
    "upload_id": "1689087791",
    "status": "ok"
Open UI example


threads.private_api.delete_thread — delete a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to delete.
Open code example
>>> deletion = threads.private_api.delete_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> deletion
    "did_delete": true,
    "cxp_deep_deletion_global_response": {},
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.like_thread — like a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to like.
Open code example
>>> liking = threads.private_api.like_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> liking
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unlike_thread — unlike a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to unlike.
Open code example
>>> unliking = threads.private_api.unlike_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> unliking
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.repost_thread — repost a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to repost.
Open code example
>>> reposting = threads.private_api.repost_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> reposting
    "repost_id": 3145900181542784653,
    "repost_fbid": 18008518438811136,
    "reposted_at": 1689240547,
    "status": "ok"
Open UI example


threads.private_api.unrepost_thread — undo a thread's repost. An identifier of a thread to unrepost is basically the identifier of the thread from repost method.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to unrepost.
Open code example
>>> unreposting = threads.private_api.unrepost_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> unreposting
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.quote_thread — quote a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to quote.
caption String Yes - A quote's caption.
Open code example
>>> quoting = threads.private_api.quote_thread(id=3141055616164096839, caption='Hello, world!')
>>> quoting
    "media": {
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Open UI example


Get recommended users

threads.private_api.get_recommended_users — get recommended users. Supports pagination, but has different response keys: paging_token instead of next_max_id as an offset and has_more as a value to detect whether to stop iterations or not.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
limit Integer No >0 A number of recommended users to get. Default value is 15.
offset Integer No - A number of recommended users skip before fetching.
Open code example
>>> recommended_users = threads.private_api.get_recommended_users()
>>> recommended_users
    "users": [
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            "full_name": "Sasha Chistova",
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    "paging_token": "15",
    "has_more": true,
    "status": "ok"


Unofficial and reverse-engineered Threads ( Python API wrapper. Supports read and write capabilities.







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  • Python 99.1%
  • Makefile 0.9%