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HA Kubernetes Cluster with K3s

Visualization what we are going to build here. I used Custom L7 Nginx for Loadbalancer without Ingress.


Terraform Infrastructure Deployment Documentation

VPC Module (

The VPC module creates the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for your application. It utilizes the terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws module.


  • name: Concatenation of project name and VPC name.
  • cidr: CIDR block for the VPC.
  • private_subnets: CIDR blocks for private subnets.
  • public_subnets: CIDR blocks for public subnets.
  • azs: Availability Zones for the VPC.
  • enable_nat_gateway: Enable NAT Gateway.
  • single_nat_gateway: Use a single NAT Gateway.
  • enable_dns_hostnames: Enable DNS hostnames.
  • one_nat_gateway_per_az: Allow one NAT Gateway per AZ.
  • enable_dns_support: Enable DNS support.

Key Pair Module (

The Key Pair module creates an AWS Key Pair for SSH access.


  • key_name: Name of the SSH key.
  • public_key: Path to the public key file.

Master Security Group Module (

The Master Security Group module creates a security group for the master instances.

Ingress Rules

  • SSH (port 22)
  • Port 6443
  • Ports 2379-2380
  • Ports 10250-10260
  • Port 6782

Egress Rule

  • Allow all outbound traffic.

Worker Security Group Module (

The Worker Security Group module creates a security group for worker instances.

Ingress Rules

  • SSH (port 22)
  • Port 10250
  • Ports 30000-32767

Egress Rule

  • Allow all outbound traffic.

EC2 Instances Module (

The EC2 Instances module launches master and worker instances.

Master Instance

  • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Instance Type: t2.medium
  • Security Group: master_sg
  • Subnet: Private subnet
  • Root Volume Size: 20 GB

Worker Instances

  • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Instance Type: t2.medium
  • Security Group: worker_sg
  • Subnet: Private subnet
  • Root Volume Size: 20 GB

Bastion Host Module (

The Bastion Host module creates a security group and an EC2 instance for the bastion host.

Ingress Rule

  • SSH (port 22)

Egress Rule

  • Allow all outbound traffic.

Bastion Host Instance

  • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Instance Type: t2.micro
  • Security Group: bastion
  • Subnet: Public subnet
  • Root Volume Size: 10 GB

Load Balancer Module (

The Load Balancer module creates a security group and an EC2 instance for the load balancer.

Ingress Rule

  • Port 80
  • Port 22

Egress Rule

  • Allow all outbound traffic.

Load Balancer Instance

  • AMI: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Instance Type: t2.small
  • Security Group: load-balancer
  • Subnet: Public subnet
  • Root Volume Size: 15 GB


  • instance_private_ips: Private IPs of master and worker instances.
  • bastionHost_public_ip: Public IP of the bastion host.
  • lb_public_ip: Public IP of the load balancer.


This Terraform configuration deploys a scalable infrastructure for your application, including a VPC, EC2 instances, a bastion host, and a load balancer. Ensure proper security measures and adjust configurations according to your specific requirements.

Ansible Script for K3s Kubernetes Cluster Deployment

This Ansible script automates the deployment of a K3s Kubernetes cluster on infrastructure created by Terraform. The script is divided into two main sections: one for deploying the K3s master node, and another for adding additional K3s agent nodes.

Deploy K3s Cluster


  • Ansible is installed on the machine running this playbook.
  • Terraform has been used to provision the infrastructure.

Project Variables (project-vars)

remote_dest: /home/ubuntu/k3s_token
local_dest: /Users/mahmud/Desktop/skill-development/ha-kubernetes-with-k3s/ansible/temp/

target_directory: /home/ubuntu/.kube
target_file: config

local_dockerfile: /Users/mahmud/Desktop/skill-development/ha-kubernetes-with-k3s/ansible/Dockerfile

Playbook (deploy_k3s_cluster.yml)

- name: Deploy K3s Cluster
  hosts: k3s_nodes
  become: true
    - project-vars
    - name: Install dependencies
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
        - curl
        - sudo
        - iptables

    - name: Download and install K3s
      shell: curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--tls-san {{master_ip}}" sh -

    - name: Set permissions for k3s.yaml
        path: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
        mode: '0644'
      become: true

    - name: Set ownership for k3s.yaml
      become: true
      command: chown {{ lookup('pipe', 'id -u') }}:{{ lookup('pipe', 'id -g') }} /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

    - name: Retrieve K3s token
      shell: sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token
      register: k3s_token

    - name: Store K3s token in a file
        content: "{{ k3s_token.stdout }}"
        dest: "{{remote_dest}}" 

    - name: Fetch the file from the remote host
        src: "{{remote_dest}}"  
        dest: "{{local_dest}}"       
        flat: yes

    - name: Fetch the kubeconfig file from the remote host
        src: "/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml"  
        dest: "{{local_dest}}"       
        flat: yes

Ansible Playbook: Configure Load Balancer with Docker

This Ansible playbook automates the installation and configuration of a load balancer using Docker and Nginx on target hosts. The playbook is divided into two main sections: one for installing Docker and creating an Nginx image, and the other for creating and running an Nginx container from the created image.

Install Docker and Configure Load Balancer


  • Ansible is installed on the machine running this playbook.
  • Target hosts are defined in the Ansible inventory (nginx_lb group).
  • Variables are configured in the project-vars file.

Playbook (configure-loadbalancer.yaml)

- name: Install Docker
  hosts: nginx_lb
  become: yes
    - project-vars
    - name: Update package index
      apt: update_cache=yes

    - name: Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS
      apt: name={{ item }} state=present
      - apt-transport-https
      - ca-certificates
      - curl
      - software-properties-common

    - name: Add Docker's official GPG key
      apt_key: url= state=present

    - name: Set up the stable repository
      apt_repository: repo='deb [arch=amd64] {{ ansible_distribution_release }} stable' state=present

    - name: Install Docker CE
      apt: name=docker-ce state=present

    - name: Start Docker daemon
         name: docker
         state: started 

    - name: Add user to the docker group
        name: ubuntu
        groups: docker 
        append: yes 

    - name: Reconnect to server session
      meta: reset_connection

- name: Create Nginx Image from Dockerfile
  hosts: nginx_lb
  become: yes
    - project-vars
    - name: Check Dockerfile existence
        path: /home/ubuntu/Dockerfile
      register: stat_result

    - name: Copy Dockerfile to server
        src: "{{local_dockerfile}}"
        dest: "/home/ubuntu"
      when: not stat_result.stat.exists

    - name: Build Docker Nginx Image
        name: nginx-loadbalancer
          path: /home/ubuntu/
          pull: "yes"
        source: build
        state: present

- name: Create Nginx Container from Image
  hosts: nginx_lb
  become: yes
    container_name: nginx-lb
    - name: Create Nginx Container
        name: "{{ container_name }}"
        image: nginx-loadbalancer 
          - "80:80"
        state: started


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