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(INCOMPLETE) Oracle Database, APEX Developer and MLE Docker Image

APEX Community APEX Tool APEX Built with Love


This Docker Image contains the following:

  • Oracle Linux 7.6
  • Oracle Database or 18.3 / 19.3 Enterprise Edition with non-CDB architecture
  • Oracle APEX 19.1
  • Oracle ORDS 19.1
  • Oracle SQLcl 19.1
  • Apache Tomcat 8.5.41
  • Java JDK 8u211
  • OraOpenSource Logger 3.1.1
  • OraOpenSource OOS Utils 1.0.1
  • APEX Office Print 19.x (Cloud Package)
  • Swagger-UI 3.x
  • Oracle Multilingual Engine 0.3.0


Using Default Settings (recommended)

Complete the following steps to create a new container:

  1. Clone or Download the Github Repository to your local Machine
git clone
  1. Download missing Software Components

Thus you have to agree to the License Agreement of Oracle for parts of this Docker Image, you have to download the Install Files by your own. You can take the direct Download Links from download_urls.txt in files directory.

Direct Links:

Place all downloaded files in the files directory!

  1. Customize some settings to reflect your needs (optional)

You can change some Environment Variables directly in the Dockerfile:

INSTALL_APEX=true # Whether install Oracle APEX (Oracle ORDS / Apache Tomcat) or Not
INSTALL_SQLCL=true # Whether install Oracle SQLCL or Not
INSTALL_LOGGER=true # Whether install OraOpenSource Logger or Not
INSTALL_OOSUTILS=true # Whether install OraOpenSource OOS Utils or Not
INSTALL_AOP=true # Whether install APEX Office Print (AOP) or Not (Cloud Package)
INSTALL_SWAGGER=true # Whether install Swagger-UI for REST docs or Not
DBCA_TOTAL_MEMORY=2048 # Memory Size of Database
ORACLE_SID=orcl # SID of Oracle Database
SERVICE_NAME=orcl # SERVICE_NAME of Oracle Database
DB_INSTALL_VERSION=19 # Database version to install, 12 or 18 or 19
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle # Path to ORACLE_BASE Directory
ORACLE_HOME12=/u01/app/oracle/product/ # Path to ORACLE_HOME Directory of 12.2 database
ORACLE_HOME18=/u01/app/oracle/product/18.0.0/dbhome # Path to ORACLE_HOME Directory of 18.3 database
ORACLE_HOME19=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome # Path to ORACLE_HOME Directory of 18.3 database
ORACLE_INVENTORY=/u01/app/oraInventory # Path to ORACLE_INVENTORY Directory
PASS=oracle # Password of all Database Users (like SYS, APEX_PUBLIC_USER ...), Tomcat Admin and SSH
ORDS_HOME=/u01/ords # Path to ORDS_HOME Directory
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java # Path to JAVA_HOME Directory
TOMCAT_HOME=/opt/tomcat # Path to TOMCAT_HOME Directory
APEX_PASS=OrclAPEX1999! # Admin Password of Oracle APEX Web Login (Caution: Oracle APEX Password Policy)
APEX_ADDITIONAL_LANG= # Additional Language of APEX, blank to only install English (e.g de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt-br, zh-cn, zh-tw)
TIME_ZONE=UTC # Timezone of your favorite Location (Europe/Berlin, UTC, US/Eastern, ...) --> Only Linux zoneinfo supported
  1. Build the Docker Image
cd /path/to/apex-mle
docker build -t <your-docker-image-name> .
# e.g
docker build -t apex-mle-image .

Note: Please be sure to have enough disk space left. Building this image needs around 50-60GB of free space. The successfully built image has a size of 20-25GB

  1. Run the Docker Container
docker run -d --name <your-docker-container-name> -p <local-ssh-port>:22 -p <local-http-port>:8080 -p <local-db-listener-port>:1521 -v /dev/shm --tmpfs /dev/shm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=2g <your-docker-image-name>
# e.g
docker run -d --name apex-mle-container -p 2222:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v /dev/shm --tmpfs /dev/shm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=2g apex-mle-image

Note: /dev/shm should be equal the size of allocated Memory to the Database. /dev/shm must also be mounted as tmpfs.

  1. Start/Stop of Docker Container
docker start <your-docker-container-name>
docker stop <your-docker-container-name>
# e.g
docker start apex-mle-container
docker stop apex-mle-container

Access To Services

For this Docker Run Example and the Default Environment Variables (Step 3):

docker run -d --name apex-mle-container -p 2222:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -v /dev/shm --tmpfs /dev/shm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=2g apex-mle-image

Oracle APEX


Property Value
Workspace INTERNAL
Password OrclAPEX1999!

If APEX Office Print is installed

Property Value
Workspace AOP
Password OrclAPEX1999!

Database Connections

To access the database e.g. from SQL Developer you configure the following properties:

Property Value
Hostname localhost
Port 1521
SID orcl
Service orcl

The configured user with their credentials are:

User Password
system oracle
sys oracle
apex_listener oracle
apex_rest_public_user oracle
apex_public_user oracle
logger_user oracle
oosutils_user oracle
aop oracle

Use the following connect string to connect as SYSTEM via SQL*Plus or SQLcl: system/oracle@localhost/orcl


To access the Docker Container via SSH: ssh root@localhost -p 2222

User Password
root oracle
oracle oracle

If you want to use SSH without a Password but rather with PubKey Authentication you have the place a authorized_keys file in the files directory before build.


This Dockerfile is based on the following work:



See Oracle Database Licensing Information User Manual regarding Oracle Database licenses.


Thanks a lot for Daniel for his work. . I am trying here to add Oracle Database MLE.








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