YelpCamp is a project that was completed as a part of Colt Steele's bootcamp. My version of YelpCamp has a few tweaks beyond what was coded in class.
Different setups are needed if you plan on using YelpCamp locally (or Cloud9) verus the Heroku + MongoLab setup. This is accomplished using enviornment variables.
Local/Cloud9 Setup
Run the following commands in the terminal. Be sure to update information as necessary.
export DATABASEURL=mongodb:https://localhost/yelp_camp
Heroku + MongoLab setup
Update the variables as follows:
DATABASEURL "mongodb:"
This can be accomplished on the Heroku site by accessing the Config Vars on the Settings page. Alternatively this can be done on the command line with the following commands:
heroku config:set DATABASEURL='mongodb:https://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>' heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET='Whatever phrase you choose' Deployed
The app is deployed here at Heroku (also using MongoLab).