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Classe à 12

Source code for the project Classe à 12. This has been bootstraped with elm-kitchen, see after the separator for more information.

To install and tinker:

$ git clone
$ cd ClasseA12
$ npm install
$ npm start

Check out

Kinto config

The backend is currently a kinto instance.

The kinto.ini and kinto.wsgi files alongside this README file are good starting points to setup a Kinto instance on a wsgi web server, with the necessary configuration (detailed below).

It needs the kinto accounts plugin.

It also needs the keep_old_files option: when publishing a video, what we actually do is create a duplicate of the video from the upcoming collection to the videos collection, then delete the video from the upcoming collection. Without the keep_old_files options the file would be deleted from the disk and not accessible anymore.

Make sure to also allow uploading video files by adding the following setting:

kinto.attachment.extensions = default+video+mov

Here's an example kinto.ini file:

# Kinto attachment
kinto.attachment.base_url =
kinto.attachment.folder = {bucket_id}/{collection_id}
kinto.attachment.base_path = /path/to/folder/with/attachments
kinto.attachment.keep_old_files = true
kinto.attachment.extensions = default+video+mov

The domain name must point to a website configured as a static files server which supports the byte-range requests for the videos to be playable on Safari.


There are two users:

  • no user (anonymous): the basic "user" that has read access to the /buckets/classea12/collections/videos/ collection
  • classea12admin:###: the admin user that owns and has read and write access to the /buckets/classea12/ bucket

Kinto Resources

The resources metadata (data and permissions) are stored in scripts/

Upcoming videos

/buckets/classea12/collections/upcoming/: record:create access to the system.Authenticated users. This is where videos proposed by teachers will be queued waiting to be accepted.

Published videos

/buckets/classea12/collections/videos/: read access to everyone (anonymous users), write access to the classea12admin user. This is where all the accepted videos are listed.

Video thumbnails

/buckets/classea12/collections/thumbnails/: record:create access to the system.Authenticated users. This is where thumbnails for videos proposed by teachers will be uploaded.

Email addresses for the newsletter

/buckets/classea12/collections/contacts/: record:create access to the system.Authenticated users (each form submission will use a unique ID to create the contact, preventing anyone to request the list of contacts). List of people registered to the newsletter.


This will change in the future, but for now:

  • Kinto is hosted on an alwaysdata account
  • on the same account, the frontend static files are pushed to a git repository using gh-pages with npm run deploy

For this second part to work, here's the recipe:

Bare git clone with a post-receive hook on the server

$ cd git
$ git clone --bare
$ vim ClasseA12/hooks/post-receive

Content of the post-receive hook:

while read oldrev newrev ref
    if [ "$ref" = "refs/heads/gh-pages" ];
        echo "Deploying 'gh-pages' branch"
        git --work-tree=/home/agopian/www/ClasseA12 --git-dir=/home/agopian/git/ClasseA12.git checkout --force gh-pages
        exit 0

Adding a remote to the alwaysdata account on the dev machine

$ git remote add deploy [email protected]:~/git/ClasseA12.git

Then, to deploy, run

$ npm run deploy

Web server configuration

As a SPA, every URL needs to be managed by the index.html file (which has the javascript generated from the elm code). This can be done using a nodejs server like expressjs, or by using some apache configuration like the following in a virtual host:

# This will make sure all the URLs that don't point to a file on disc will be processed by the
# main entry point in index.html
DocumentRoot "/home/agopian/www/ClasseA12/"

<Directory /home/agopian/www/ClasseA12>
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
    Options -Indexes -Includes -ExecCGI
    Options FollowSymlinks

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.html [L]


This is a modest attempt at providing a simplistic yet opinionated Elm SPA application skeleton based on rtfeldman's Elm Example SPA, for Allo-Media's own needs.

Check for yourself


  • Elm 0.19 ready
  • Multiple pages navigation & routing
  • Live development server with hot reloading
  • elm-test support
  • elm-css support

Code organization

The application stores Elm source code in the src directory:

$ tree --dirsfirst skeleton/src
├── Data
│   └── Session.elm
├── Page
│   ├── Home.elm
│   └── SecondPage.elm
├── Request
│   └── Github.elm
├── Views
│   ├── Page.elm
│   └── Theme.elm
├── Main.elm
└── Route.elm

Richard Feldman explains this organization in a dedicated blog post.


$ npm install -g elm-kitchen
$ elm-kitchen my-app
$ cd my-app
$ npm install


To start the development server:

$ npm start

This will serve and recompile Elm code when source files change. Served application is available at localhost:3000.


$ npm test

Tests are located in the tests folder and are powered by elm-test.


$ npm run build

The resulting build is available in the build folder.


A convenient deploy command is provided to publish code on Github Pages.

$ npm run deploy
