Your one-stop shop for numerical integration in Python.
Hundreds of numerical integration schemes for line segments, circles, disks, triangles, quadrilaterals, spheres, balls, tetrahedra, hexahedra, wedges, pyramids, n-spheres, n-balls, n-cubes, n-simplices, and the 1D/2D/3D/nD spaces with weight functions exp(-r) and exp(-r2).
To numerically integrate any function over any given triangle, do
import numpy
import quadpy
def f(x):
return numpy.sin(x[0]) * numpy.sin(x[1])
triangle = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.7, 0.5]])
val = quadpy.triangle.integrate(f, triangle, quadpy.triangle.Strang(9))
This uses Strang's rule of degree 6.
quadpy is fully vectorized, so if you like to compute the integral of a
function on many domains at once, you can provide them all in one integrate()
call, e.g.,
# shape (3, 5, 2), i.e., (corners, num_triangles, xy_coords)
triangles = numpy.stack([
[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]],
[[1.2, 0.6], [1.3, 0.7], [1.4, 0.8]],
[[26.0, 31.0], [24.0, 27.0], [33.0, 28]],
[[0.1, 0.3], [0.4, 0.4], [0.7, 0.1]],
[[8.6, 6.0], [9.4, 5.6], [7.5, 7.4]]
], axis=-2)
The same goes for functions with vectorized output, e.g.,
def f(x):
return [numpy.sin(x[0]), numpy.sin(x[1])]
More examples under test/
quadpy can do adaptive quadrature for certain domains. Again, everything is fully vectorized, so you can provide multiple intervals and vector-valued functions.
val, error_estimate = quadpy.line_segment.integrate_adaptive(
lambda x: x * sin(5 * x),
[0.0, pi],
The more modern tanh-sinh quadrature is different from all other methods in quadpy in that it doesn't exactly integrate any function exactly, not even polynomials of low degree. Its tremendous usefulness rather comes from the fact that a wide variety of function, even seemingly difficult ones with (integrable) singularities at the end points, can be integrated with arbitrary precision.
from mpmath import mp
import sympy
mp.dps = 50
val, error_estimate = quadpy.line_segment.tanh_sinh(
lambda x: mp.exp(x) * sympy.cos(x),
0, mp.pi/2,
1.0e-50 # !
Note the usage of mpmath
here for arbirtrary precision arithmetics.
If the function has a singularity at a boundary, it needs to be shifted such
that the singularity is at 0. If there are singularities at both ends, the
function can be shifted both ways and be handed off to tanh_sinh_lr
tanh_sinh_lr(f_left, f_right, interval_length, tol)
val, error_estimate = quadpy.triangle.integrate_adaptive(
lambda x: x[0] * sin(5 * x[1]),
[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]],
ProTip: You can provide many triangles that together form a domain to get an approximation of the integral over the domain.
- Chebyshev-Gauss (both variants, arbitrary degree)
- Clenshaw-Curtis (after Waldvogel, arbitrary degree)
- Fejér-type-1 (after Waldvogel, arbitrary degree)
- Fejér-type-2 (after Waldvogel, arbitrary degree)
- Gauss-Jacobi
- Gauss-Legendre (via NumPy, arbitrary degree)
- Gauss-Lobatto (arbitrary degree)
- Gauss-Kronrod (after Laurie, arbitrary degree)
- Gauss-Patterson (7 schemes up to degree 191)
- Gauss-Radau (arbitrary degree)
- closed Newton-Cotes (arbitrary degree)
- open Newton-Cotes (arbitrary degree)
- tanh-sinh quadrature (see above)
See below for how to generate Gauss formulas for your own weight functions.
val = quadpy.line_segment.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x),
[0.0, 1.0],
- Generalized Gauss-Laguerre
val = quadpy.e1r.integrate(
lambda x: x**2,
quadpy.e1r.GaussLaguerre(5, alpha=0)
- Gauss-Hermite (via NumPy, arbitrary degree)
val = quadpy.e1r2.integrate(
lambda x: x**2,
- Krylov (1959, arbitrary degree)
val =
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0], 1.0,
Apart from the classical centroid, vertex, and seven-point schemes we have
- Hammer-Marlowe-Stroud (1956, 5 schemes up to degree 5),
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 2 schemes up to degree 3)
- open and closed Newton-Cotes schemes (1970, after Silvester, arbitrary degree),
- via Stroud (1971):
- Albrecht-Collatz (1958, degree 3)
- conical product scheme (degree 7)
- Strang/Cowper (1973, 10 schemes up to degree 7),
- Lyness-Jespersen (1975, 21 schemes up to degree 11),
- Lether (1976, degree 2n-2, arbitrary n, not symmetric; reproduced in Rathod-Nagaraja-Venkatesudu, 2007)
- Hillion (1977, 10 schemes up to degree 3),
- Grundmann-Möller (1978, arbitrary degree),
- Laursen-Gellert (1978, 17 schemes up to degree 10),
- CUBTRI (Laurie, 1982, degree 8),
- TRIEX (de Doncker-Robinson, 1984, degrees 9 and 11),
- Dunavant (1985, 20 schemes up to degree 20),
- Cools-Haegemans (1987, degrees 8 and 11),
- Gatermann (1988, degree 7)
- Berntsen-Espelid (1990, 4 schemes of degree 13, the first one being DCUTRI),
- Liu-Vinokur (1998, 13 schemes up to degree 5),
- Walkington (2000, 5 schemes up to degree 5),
- Wandzura-Xiao (2003, 6 schemes up to degree 30),
- Taylor-Wingate-Bos (2005, 5 schemes up to degree 14),
- Zhang-Cui-Liu (2009, 3 schemes up to degree 20),
- Xiao-Gimbutas (2010, 50 schemes up to degree 50),
- Vioreanu-Rokhlin (2014, 20 schemes up to degree 62),
- Williams-Shunn-Jameson (2014, 8 schemes up to degree 12),
- Witherden-Vincent (2015, 19 schemes up to degree 20),
- Papanicolopulos (2016, 27 schemes up to degree 25).
val = quadpy.triangle.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.7]],
- Peirce (1957, arbitrary degree)
- via Stroud:
- Radon (1948, degree 5)
- Peirce (1956, 3 schemes up to degree 11)
- Albrecht-Collatz (1958, degree 3)
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 8 schemes up to degree 15)
- Albrecht (1960, 8 schemes up to degree 17)
- Mysovskih (1964, 3 schemes up to degree 15)
- Rabinowitz-Richter (1969, 6 schemes up to degree 15)
- Lether (1971, arbitrary degree)
- Haegemans-Piessens (1977, degree 9)
- Cools-Haegemans (1985, 3 schemes up to degree 9)
- Wissmann-Becker (1986, 3 schemes up to degree 8)
- Cools-Kim (2000, 3 schemes up to degree 21)
val = quadpy.disk.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0], 1.0,
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 3 schemes up to degree 7)
- via Stroud (1971, 15 schemes up to degree 15):
- Maxwell (1890, degree 7)
- Burnside (1908, degree 5)
- Irwin (1923, 3 schemes up to degree 5)
- Tyler (1953, 3 schemes up to degree 7)
- Albrecht-Collatz (1958, 4 schemes up to degree 5)
- Miller (1960, degree 1)
- Meister (1966, degree 7)
- Phillips (1967, degree 7)
- Rabinowitz-Richter (1969, 6 schemes up to degree 15)
- Haegemans-Piessens (1977, degree 7)
- Cools-Haegemans (1985, 3 schemes up to degree 13)
- Dunavant (1985, 11 schemes up to degree 19)
- Morrow-Patterson (1985, 2 schemes up to degree 20, single precision)
- Wissmann-Becker (1986, 6 schemes up to degree 8)
- Cools-Haegemans (1988, 2 schemes up to degree 13)
- Witherden-Vincent (2015, 11 schemes up to degree 21)
- Sommariva (2012, 55 schemes up to degree 55)
- products of line segment schemes
- all formulas from the n-cube
val = quadpy.quadrilateral.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], [[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]],
quadpy.quadrilateral.Stroud('C2 7-2')
The points are specified in an array of shape (2, 2, ...) such that arr[0][0]
is the lower left corner, arr[1][1]
the upper right. If your quadrilateral
has its sides aligned with the coordinate axes, you can use the convenience
quadpy.quadrilateral.rectangle_points([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
to generate the array.
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 2 schemes up to degree 7)
- Rabinowitz-Richter (1969, 4 schemes up to degree 15)
- a scheme of degree 4
- Haegemans-Piessens (1977, 2 schemes up to degree 9)
val = quadpy.e2r.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 2 schemes up to degree 7)
- Rabinowitz-Richter (1969, 5 schemes up to degree 15)
- 3 schemes up to degree 7
- Haegemans-Piessens (1977, 2 schemes of degree 9)
val = quadpy.e2r2.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
- via Stroud (1971):
- Albrecht-Collatz (1958, 5 schemes up to degree 7)
- McLaren (1963, 10 schemes up to degree 14)
- Lebedev (1976, 34 schemes up to degree 131)
- Bažant-Oh (1986, 3 schemes up to degree 11)
- Heo-Xu (2001, 27 schemes up to degree 39, single-precision)
- Fliege-Maier (2007, 4 schemes up to degree 4, single-precision)
val = quadpy.sphere.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0,
Integration on the sphere can also be done for function defined in spherical coordinates:
val = quadpy.sphere.integrate_spherical(
lambda azimuthal, polar: numpy.sin(azimuthal)**2 * numpy.sin(polar),
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 6 schemes up to degree 7)
- via: Stroud (1971):
- Ditkin (1948, 3 schemes up to degree 7)
- Mysovskih (1964, degree 7)
- 2 schemes up to degree 14
val = quadpy.ball.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0,
- Hammer-Marlowe-Stroud (1956, 3 schemes up to degree 3)
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 2 schemes up to degree 3)
- open and closed Newton-Cotes (1970, after Silvester) (arbitrary degree)
- Stroud (1971, degree 7)
- Grundmann-Möller (1978, arbitrary degree),
- Yu (1984, 5 schemes up to degree 6)
- Keast (1986, 11 schemes up to degree 8)
- Beckers-Haegemans (1990, degrees 8 and 9)
- Gatermann (1992, degree 5)
- Liu-Vinokur (1998, 14 schemes up to degree 5)
- Walkington (2000, 6 schemes up to degree 7)
- Zienkiewicz (2005, 2 schemes up to degree 3)
- Zhang-Cui-Liu (2009, 2 schemes up to degree 14)
- Xiao-Gimbutas (2010, 15 schemes up to degree 15)
- Shunn-Ham (2012, 6 schemes up to degree 7)
- Vioreanu-Rokhlin (2014, 10 schemes up to degree 13)
- Williams-Shunn-Jameson (2014, 1 scheme with degree 9)
- Witherden-Vincent (2015, 9 schemes up to degree 10)
val = quadpy.tetrahedron.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.7, 0.0], [0.3, 0.9, 1.0]],
- Product schemes derived from line segment schemes
- via: Stroud (1971):
- Sadowsky (1940, degree 5)
- Tyler (1953, 2 schemes up to degree 5)
- Hammer-Wymore (1957, degree 7)
- Albrecht-Collatz (1958, degree 3)
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, 6 schemes up to degree 7)
- Mustard-Lyness-Blatt (1963, 6 schemes up to degree 5)
- Stroud (1967, degree 5)
- Sarma-Stroud (1969, degree 7)
- all formulas from the n-cube
val = quadpy.hexahedron.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
quadpy.hexahedron.cube_points([0.0, 1.0], [-0.3, 0.4], [1.0, 2.1]),
- Felippa (9 schemes up to degree 5)
val = quadpy.pyramid.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.7, 0.0], [0.3, 0.9, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.1, 1.0],
- Felippa (6 schemes up to degree 6)
val = quadpy.wedge.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.7, 0.0]],
[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.5, 0.7, 1.0]],
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 5 schemes up to degree 7)
val = quadpy.e3r.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 7 schemes up to degree 7)
- scheme of degree 14
val = quadpy.e3r2.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
- via Stroud:
- Lauffer (1955, 5 schemes up to degree 5)
- Hammer-Stroud (1956, 3 schemes up to degree 3)
- Stroud (1964, degree 3)
- Stroud (1966, 7 schemes of degree 3)
- Stroud (1969, degree 5)
- Grundmann-Möller (1978, arbitrary degree)
- Walkington (2000, 5 schemes up to degree 7)
dim = 4
val = quadpy.nsimplex.integrate(
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 1.0],
quadpy.nsimplex.GrundmannMoeller(dim, 3)
dim = 4
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
numpy.zeros(dim), 1.0,
dim = 4
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
numpy.zeros(dim), 1.0,
- Dobrodeev (1970, n >= 5, degree 7)
- via Stroud (1971):
- Ewing (1941, degree 3)
- Tyler (1953, degree 3)
- Stroud (1957, 2 schemes up to degree 3)
- Hammer-Stroud (1958, degree 5)
- Mustard-Lyness-Blatt (1963, degree 5)
- Thacher (1964, degree 2)
- Stroud (1966, 4 schemes of degree 5)
- Phillips (1967, degree 7)
- Stroud (1968, degree 5)
- Dobrodeev (1978, n >= 2, degree 5)
dim = 4
lambda x: numpy.exp(x[0]),
[0.0, 1.0], [0.1, 0.9], [-1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, -0.5]
quadpy.ncube.Stroud(dim, 'Cn 3-3')
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 4 schemes up to degree 5)
- 2 schemes up to degree 5
dim = 4
val = quadpy.enr.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
quadpy.enr.Stroud(dim, '5-4')
- via Stroud (1971):
- Stroud-Secrest (1963, 4 schemes up to degree 5)
- Stroud (1967, 2 schemes of degree 5)
- Stroud (1967, 3 schemes of degree 7)
- Stenger (1971, 6 schemes up to degree 11, varying dimensionality restrictions)
- 5 schemes up to degree 5
dim = 4
val = quadpy.enr2.integrate(
lambda x: x[0]**2,
quadpy.enr2.Stroud(dim, '5-2')
With quadpy, it's easy to regenerate classical Gauss quadrature schemes are listed in, e.g., Stroud & Secrest.
Some examples:
scheme = quadpy.line_segment.GaussLegendre(96, mode='mpmath', decimal_places=30)
scheme = quadpy.e1r2.GaussHermite(14, mode='mpmath', decimal_places=20)
scheme = quadpy.e1r.GaussLaguerre(13, mode='mpmath', decimal_places=50)
You have a measure (or, more colloquially speaking, a domain and a nonnegative weight function) and would like to generate the matching Gauss quadrature? Great, here's how to do it.
As an example, let's try and generate the Gauss quadrature with 10 points for
the weight function x^2
on the interval [-1, +1]
moments =
lambda x: [x**(2+k) for k in range(20)],
-1, +1
alpha, beta =
points, weights =, beta, decimal_places=20)
Some explanations:
You need to compute the first
moments of your measureintegral(w(x) p_k(x) dx)
with a particular set of polynomials
. A common choice are the monomialsx^k
. You can do that by hand or usemoments = x: [x**(2+k) for k in range(20)], -1, +1)
[2/3, 0, 2/5, 0, 2/7, 0, 2/9, 0, 2/11, 0, 2/13, 0, 2/15, 0, 2/17, 0, 2/19, 0, 2/21, 0]
Note that the moments have all been computed symbolically here.
If you have the moments in floating point (for example because you need to compute the scheme fast), it makes sense to think about the numerical implications here. That's because the map to the recurrence coefficients (step 2) can be very ill-conditioned, meaning that small round-off errors can lead to an unusable scheme. For further computation, it's numerically beneficial if the moments are either 0 or in the same order of magnitude. The above numbers are alright, but if you want to max it out, you could try Legendre polynomials from orthopy for
:import orthopy def leg_polys(x): return orthopy.line_segment.tree_legendre(x, 20, "monic", symbolic=True) moments = lambda x: [x**2 * leg_poly for leg_poly in leg_polys(x)], -1, +1 )
[2/3, 0, 8/45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
From the moments, we generate the recurrence coefficients of our custom orthogonal polynomials. There are a few choices to accomplish this:
: uses Cholesky at its core; can be numerically unstablestieltjes
: moments not even needed here, but can also be numerically unstablechebyshev
: can be used if you chose monomials in the first step; again, potentially numerically unstablechebyshev_modified
: to be used if you chose something other than monomials in the first step; stable if thepolynomial_class
was chosen wisely
Since we have computed modified moments in step one, let's use the latter method:
_, _, a, b = \ orthopy.line_segment.recurrence_coefficients.legendre(20, "monic", symbolic=True) alpha, beta =, a, b)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] [2/3, 3/5, 4/35, 25/63, 16/99, 49/143, 12/65, 27/85, 64/323, 121/399]
(Note that, since everything is done symbolically in this example, we could have used Stieltjes's or Chebyshev's unmodified method; the results are the same.)
Lastly, we generate the Gauss points and weights from
. Since symbolic computation can take very long even for small sizes, we convertalpha
to numpy arrays first. (If you need more digits, look at mpmath arrays.)points, weights = numpy.array([sympy.N(a) for a in alpha], dtype=float), numpy.array([sympy.N(b) for b in beta], dtype=float), mode='numpy' )
[-0.97822866 -0.8870626 -0.73015201 -0.51909613 -0.26954316 0.26954316 0.51909613 0.73015201 0.8870626 0.97822866]
[0.05327099 0.09881669 0.0993154 0.06283658 0.01909367 0.01909367 0.06283658 0.0993154 0.09881669 0.05327099]
Congratulations! Your Gaussian quadrature rule.
Transforming Gaussian points and weights back to recurrence coefficients:
alpha, beta =, weights)
The Gautschi test: As recommended by Gautschi, you can test your moment-based scheme with
err =, alpha, beta)
- A.H. Stroud and D. Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, 1966, Prentice Hall, Series in Automatic Computation
- Gene H. Golub and John H. Welsch, Calculation of Gauss Quadrature Rules, Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 23, No. 106 (Apr., 1969), pp. 221-230+s1-s10
- W. Gautschi, On Generating Orthogonal Polynomials, SIAM J. Sci. and Stat. Comput., 3(3), 289–317
- W. Gautschi, How and how not to check Gaussian quadrature formulae, BIT Numerical Mathematics, June 1983, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 209–216
- D. Boley and G.H. Golub, A survey of matrix inverse eigenvalue problems, Inverse Problems, 1987, Volume 3, Number 4
- W. Gautschi, Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL–a package of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature rules, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), Volume 20, Issue 1, March 1994, Pages 21-62
quadpy is available from the Python Package Index, so with
pip install -U quadpy
you can install/upgrade.
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bump the
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$ make publish
quadpy is published under the MIT license.