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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Ace is Sinatra for Node; a simple web-server written in CoffeeScript with a straightforward API.

Every request is wrapped in a Node Fiber, allowing you to program in a synchronous manner without callbacks, but with all the advantages of an asynchronous web-server.

app.put '/posts/:id', ->
  @post = Post.find([email protected]).wait()
    body: @params.body
  @redirect @post

Ace is built on top of the rock solid Strata HTTP framework.


You can find an example blog app, including authentication and updating posts, in Ace's examples directory.


Node >= v0.7.3 is required, as well as npm. Ace will run on older versions of Node, but will crash under heavy load due to a bug in V8 (now fixed).

To install, run:

npm install -g git:

To generate a new app, run:

ace new myapp
cd myapp
npm install .

To serve up an app, run:



In Ace, a route is a HTTP method paired with a URL matching pattern. For example:

app.get '/users', ->
  'Hello World'

Anything returned from a routing callback is set as the response body.

You can also specify a routing pattern, which is available in the callback under the @route object.

app.get '/users/:name', ->
  "Hello #{}"

POST, PUT and DELETE callbacks are also available, using the post, put and del methods respectively: '/users', ->
  @user = User.create(
  @redirect "/users/#{}"

app.put '/users/:id', ->
  @user = User.find([email protected]).wait()
  @redirect "/users/#{}"

app.del '/user/:id', ->
  @user = User.find([email protected]).wait()
  @redirect "/users"


URL encoded forms, multipart uploads and JSON parameters are available via the @params object: '/posts', ->
  @post = Post.create(
    body: @params.body

  @redirect "/posts/#{}"


You can access request information using the @request object.

app.get '/request', ->
  result =
    protocol:     @request.protocol
    method:       @request.method
    remoteAddr:   @request.remoteAddr
    pathInfo:     @request.pathInfo
    contentType:  @request.contentType
    xhr:          @request.xhr

  @json result

For more information, see request.js.

You can access the full request body via @body:

app.get '/body', ->
  "You sent: #{@body}"

You can check to see what the request accepts in response:

app.get '/users', ->
  @users = User.all().wait()

  if @accepts('application/json')
    @jsonp @users
    @eco 'users/list'

You can also look at the request format (calculated from the URL's extension). This can often give a better indication of what clients are expecting in response.

  app.get '/users', ->
    @users = User.all().wait()

    if @format is 'application/json'
      @jsonp @users
      @eco 'users/list'

Finally you can access the raw @env object:



As well as returning the response body as a string from the routing callback, you can set the response attributes directly:

app.get '/render', ->
  @headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
  @contentType = 'text/html'
  @status = 200
  @body = 'my body'

You can set the @headers, @status and @body attributes to alter the request's response.

If you only need to set the status code, you can just return it directly from the routing callback. The properties @ok, @unauthorized and @notFound are aliased to their relevant status codes.

app.get '/render', ->
  # ...


By default, if a folder called public exists under the app root, its contents will be served up statically. You can configure the path of this folder like so:

app.set public: './public'

You can add static assets like stylesheets and images to the public folder.


Ace includes support for rendering CoffeeScript, Eco, EJS, Less, Mustache and Stylus templates. Simply install the relevant module and the templates will be available to render.

For example, install the eco module and the @eco function will be available to you.

app.get '/users/:name', ->
  @name =
  @eco 'user/show'

The @eco function takes a path of the Eco template. By default, this should be located under a folder named ./views. The template is rendered in the current context, so you can pass variables to them by setting them locally.

If a file exists under ./views/layout.*, then it'll be used as the application's default layout. You can specify a different layout with the layout option.

app.get '/users', ->
  @users = User.all().wait()
  @mustache 'user/list', layout: 'basic'


You can serve up JSON and JSONP with the @json and @jsonp helpers respectively.

app.get '/users', ->
  @json {status: 'ok'}

app.get '/users', ->
  @users = User.all().wait()
  @jsonp @users

By default @jsonp uses the @params.callback parameter as the name of its wrapper function.


Every request in Ace is wrapped in a Fiber. This means you can do away with the callback spaghetti that Node applications often descend it. Rather than use callbacks, you can simply pause the current fiber. When the callback returns, the fibers execution continues from where it left off.

In practice, Ace provides a couple of utility functions for pausing asynchronous functions. Ace adds a wait() function to EventEmitter. This transforms asynchronous calls on libraries such as Sequelize.

For example, save() is usually an asynchronous call which requires a callback. Here we can just call save().wait() and use a synchronous style.

app.get '/projects', ->
  project =


  "Saved project: #{}"

This fiber technique also means we can implement functionality like sleep() in JavaScript, as in the previous example.

You can make an existing asynchronous function fiber enabled, by wrapping it with Function::wait().

syncExists = fs.exists.bind(fs).wait

if syncExists('./path/to/file')

Fibers are pooled, and by default there's a limit of 100 fibers in the pool. This means that you can serve up to 100 connections simultaneously. After the pool limit is reached, requests are queued. You can increase the pool size like so:

app.pool.size = 250

##Cookies & Session

Sessions are enabled by default in Ace. You can set and retrieve data stored in the session by using the @session object:

app.get '/login', ->
  user = User.find(email:
  @session.user_id =
  @redirect '/'

You can retrieve cookies via the @cookie object, and set them with @response.setCookie(name, value);

app.get '/login', ->
  token = @cookies.rememberMe
  # ...


Ace supports 'before' filters, callbacks that are executed before route handlers.

app.before ->
  # Before filter

By default before filters are always executed. You can specify conditions to limit that, such as routes.

app.before '/users*', ->

The previous filter will be executed before any routes matching /users* are.

As well as a route, you can specify a object to match the request against:

app.before method: 'POST', ->

Finally you can specify a conditional function that'll be passed the request's env, and should return a boolean indicating whether the filter should be executed or not.

app.before conditionFunction, ->

If a filter changes the response status to anything other than 200, then execution will halt.

app.before ->
  if @request.method isnt 'GET' and [email protected]
    @head 401


You can add extra properties to the routing callback context using context.include():

  loggedIn: -> [email protected]_id

app.before '/admin*', ->
  if @loggedIn()
    @redirect '/login'

The context includes a few utilities methods by default:


@basicAuth (user, pass) ->
  user is 'foo' and pass is 'bar'


Ace includes some sensible default settings, but you can override them using @set, passing in an object of names to values.

@app.set static:   true       # Serve up file statically from public
         sessions: true       # Enable sessions
         port:     1982       # Server port number
         bind:     ''  # Bind to host
         views:    './views'  # Path to 'views' dir
         public:   './public' # Path to 'public' dir
         layout:   'layout'   # Name of application's default layout
         logging:  true       # Enable logging

Settings are available on the @settings object:

if app.settings.logging is true
  console.log('Logging is enabled')


Middleware sits on the request stack, and gets executed before any of the routes. Using middleware, you can alter the request object such as HTTP headers or the request's path.

Ace sits on top of Strata, so you can use any of the middleware that comes with the framework, or create your own.

For example, we can use Ace's methodOverride middleware, enabling us to override the request's HTTP method with a _method parameter.

strata = require('ace').strata
app.use strata.methodOverride

This means we can use HTML forms to send requests other than GET or POST ones, keeping our application RESTful:

<form action="<%= @post.url() %>" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete">

For more information on creating your own middleware, see Strata's docs.


Ace was built by Alex MacCaw and Michael Jackson.