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TF Serving Cache

TF Serving load balancer/model cache that dynamically loads and unloads models into TensorFlow Serving services on demand.

An article about the project can be found here.

This is a work-in-progress.

Image of architecture


TF Serving is used to serve TensorFlow models in production. Usually, one TF Serving service runs a specific set of models, e.g. an inception model or maybe several custom models. All models are loaded into main memory, which limits the number of models to be served per TF Serving service. This approach works well when the number of models is small, and the cost of running a TF Serving service for model, or for a small set of models, is low.

However, in other situations it is required to serve a large number of models, e.g. when each tenant or user has its own specific model. The load on each model may not be high so the requirements to availability are fairly low, and it can be expensive to serve all models simultaneously with TF Serving due to the total memory requirements being high. For example, consider if 1000 users have a model of size 1gb each, the total memory requirement is 1 terabyte of memory if all models are to be served simultaneously.

How It Works

TF Serving Cache distributes the models among a number of TensorFlow Serving services, each providing at most N models concurrently. The cache implements the TF Serving predict protocol (both REST and gRPC), and hence it does not require any modification to clients using TensorFlow Serving.

When a model is requested, TF Serving Cache will identify a TF Serving service that will serve the model. If the model is loaded and ready, the request will be forwarded to the TF Serving. Otherwise, the cache will fetch it from an external source (disk or AWS S3) and load it into TF Serving while unloading the least-recently-used model, before it forwards the request to TF Serving.1

In order to identify which TF Serving service that should provide a model, TF Serving Cache employs consistent hashing with a user-defined number of replicas per model. The number of TF Serving services available can be scaled dynamically, and either etcd or Consul are supported for service discovery.


Variable Type Default value Description
proxyRestPort int HTTP port for the proxy service
proxyGrpcPort int gRPC port for the proxy service
cacheRestPort int HTTP port for the cache service
cacheGrpcPort int gRPC port for the cache service
metrics.path string URL path where metrics are exposed
metrics.timeout int Timeout (in second) for gathering metrics from TF Serving
metrics.modelLabels bool Whether to expose model names and versions as metric labels
modelProvider.type string The model provider service, either diskProvider, s3Provider or azBlobProvider
modelProvider.diskProvider.basePath string The path to the disk model provider
modelProvider.s3.bucket string The S3 bucket for the model provider
modelProvider.s3.basePath string Prefix for S3 keys
modelProvider.azBlob.container string The Azure storage container containing the models
modelProvider.azBlob.containerUrl string The Azure storage container url (an alternative to modelProvider.azBlob.container)
modelProvider.azBlob.basePath string The model prefix for Azure blob keys
modelProvider.azBlob.accountName string The Azure storage account name
modelProvider.azBlob.accountKey string The Azure storage account access key
modelCache.hostModelPath string The directory path specifying where the cached models are stored
modelCache.size int The size of the cache in bytes
serving.servingModelPath string The directory path where models are stored in TF Serving
serving.grpcHost string The gRPC host for TF Serving, e.g. localhost:8500
serving.restHost string The REST host for TF Serving, e.g. https://localhost:8501
serving.maxConcurrentModels int The number of models to be serving simultaneously
serving.grpcConfigTimeout int gRPC config timeout in seconds
serving.grpcPredictTimeout int gRPC prediction timeout in seconds
serving.grpcMaxMsgSize int Max message size for gRPC requests in bytes
serving.metricsPath string metrics.path Path to TF Serving metrics
proxy.replicasPerModel int The number of nodes that should serve each model
proxy.grpcTimeout int Timeout for the gRPC proxy
serviceDiscovery.type string The service discovery type to use. Either consul, etcd, or k8s
serviceDiscovery.consul.serviceName string The name to identify the TFServingCache service
serviceDiscovery.consul.serviceId string The service id to identify the TFServingCache service
serviceDiscovery.etcd.serviceName string The service id to identify the TFServingCache service
serviceDiscovery.etcd.endpoints string list The endpoints for the etcd service
serviceDiscovery.etcd.allowLocalhost bool Whether to allow localhost IPs for nodes
serviceDiscovery.etcd.authorization.username string etcd username
serviceDiscovery.etcd.authorization.password string etcd password
serviceDiscovery.k8s.fieldSelector dict The fieldselector to identify TFServingCache services
serviceDiscovery.k8s.portNames.grpcCache string The name of the gRPC port of the cache
serviceDiscovery.k8s.portNames.httpCache string The name of the HTTP port of the cache
healthProbe.modelName string __TFSERVINGCACHE_PROBE_CHECK__ The name of the model to use for health probes


  • REST (proxy):
    • Timeouts
    • Retries
  • Smaller mutex-region in cache


1: This Just-In-Time model loading is inspired by ideas by @mpdn