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Learning rust

A collection of resources and code snippets for learning rust.

Project structure

  1. example-project - playground
  2. exercism-solutions - a collection of solved tasks from exercism-rust
  3. rust-book - some code snippets based on Rust book

Rust book - completed chapters

  1. Getting Started ✔️
  2. Programming a Guessing Game ✔️
  3. Common Programming Concepts ✔️
  4. Understanding Ownership ✔️
  5. Using Structs to Structure Related Data ✔️
  6. Enums and Pattern Matching ✔️
  7. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules ✔️
  8. Common Collections ✔️
  9. Error Handling ✔️
  10. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes ✔️
  11. Writing Automated Tests ✔️
  12. An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program ✔️
  13. Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures ✔️
  14. More About Cargo and ✔️
  15. Smart Pointers ✔️
  16. Fearless Concurrency ✔️
  17. Object Oriented Programming Features of Rust ✔️
  18. Patterns and Matching ✔️
  19. Advanced Features ✔️
  20. Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server ✔️


No. Exercise Solution Link Hardness Level Status
1 Accumulate Link
2 Custom Set Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
3 Dominoes Link
4 Dot DSL Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
5 Fizzy Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
6 Grep Link
7 Hamming Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
8 Knapsack Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
9 Luhn-from Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
10 Luhn-trait Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
11 Luhn Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
12 Passio Link
13 Queen Attack Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
14 React Link
15 Robot Simulator Link
16 Simple Linked List Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
17 Sublist Link
18 Hello World Link ✔️
19 Reverse String Link ✔️
20 Lucian's Luscious Lasagna Link ✔️
21 Assembly Line Link ✔️
22 A Short Fibonacci Sequence Link ✔️
23 Semi Structured Logs Link ✔️
24 Resistor Color Link ✔️
25 Health Statistics Link ✔️
26 Low-Power Embedded Game Link ✔️
27 Rectangles Link ⭐⭐⭐ ✔️
28 Gigasecond Link ✔️
29 Decimal Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
30 Alphametics Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
31 Role-Playing Game Link ✔️
32 RPN Calculator Link ✔️
33 Magazine Cutout Link ✔️
34 Grade School Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
35 Nth-prime Link ✔️
36 Nucleotide Count Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
37 Doubly Linked List Link
38 Xorcism Link
39 Circular Buffer Link ⭐⭐⭐ ✔️
40 Forth Link ⭐⭐⭐ ✔️
41 Macros Link ⭐⭐⭐ ✔️
42 Parallel Letter Frequency Link
43 Variable Length Quantity Link
44 Wordy Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
45 Word Count Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
46 Allergies Link ⭐⭐ ✔️
47 Binary Search Link ⭐⭐ ✔️


  1. Api guidelines: naming
  2. Rust book
  3. Rust exercism
  4. Rust by example
  5. Rust by practice
  6. A half hour to learn rust
  7. Advanced lifetimes
  8. The Rustonomicon
  9. Asynchronous Programming in Rust
  10. List of official rust books
  11. Some algorithms implemented in Rust
  12. The Little Book of Rust Macros


  1. Rust: Error Handling
  2. Rust for the impatient
  3. Rust Crash Course | Rustlang
  4. Rust Tutorial - Lifetime Specifiers Explained


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