Do you need to extract information from a website or a domain?
WoSint offers a multitude of features that can provide extensive information about a website.
- Retrieve information from a domain name
- Obtain additional data from web pages
- Scan a host to obtain more information about its services
Web Page Scraping
Downloads the web page as an HTML file -
Website Meta Lookup
Retrieves the metadata of the page -
Reverse DNS Lookup
Obtains IP, ISP, and country from a domain -
Whois DNS
Identifies the owner of the domain, which can include name, full name, and address -
Port Scanner
Scans ports on a host to identify what services are hosted on it -
Href Finder
Finds links used on the web page -
Hash Broker
Breaks Hash with a wordlist using the fastest broker!
Copy theses commands
git clone https://zKaiioz/wosint.git
cd wosint_main/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once it done, execute the script