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Xprz is a lightweight and concise wrapper for Express.js, designed to simplify the process of building web applications with a minimalistic syntax. With Xprz , you can define routes, handle middleware, and set up an Express.js server with ease.


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Xprz is a versatile web development framework for Node.js, offering a comprehensive suite of features to streamline your application development process. With xprz, you can quickly build robust web applications with ease.


Xprz provides a wide range of functionalities to simplify and enhance your Node.js web development experience. Here's a brief overview of some key components and features:


  • App: Manage your Express application's lifecycle effortlessly with the App class. Initialize, launch, and handle server events seamlessly.
  • Package: Integrate popular Node.js packages seamlessly with xprz. Enjoy out-of-the-box support for essential packages like bcryptjs, bodyParser, cors, jwt, multer, nodemailer, and more.
  • Route: Efficiently organize and manage your application's routes with the Route class. Define routes for various HTTP methods and handle requests with ease.


  • $read: Dynamically load files or folders within a Node.js environment with ease using the $read utility function. Simplify the process of managing dependencies and accessing resources effortlessly.

Static Methods

Xprz provides the following static methods for convenient instantiation of various components:


Creates a new instance of the AppManager class, allowing easy management of the Express application lifecycle.


Creates a new instance of the PackageManager class, facilitating seamless integration of popular Node.js packages into your application.


Creates a new instance of the RouteManager class, enabling efficient organization and management of application routes.

Example Features:

Express Application Management

Simplify the management of your Express application's lifecycle with xprz's intuitive App class. Initialize your application, launch the server, and handle lifecycle events seamlessly:

const Xprz = require("xprz");
const { App } = new Xprz();
const { initApp, listen, launch } = App();
// or
const { initApp, listen, launch } = Xprz.App();

// Initialize the Express application

// Start the server
// Or use the alternative

Middleware Management

Effortlessly enhance your application's functionality by attaching middleware functions with a simple API:

const  { use, bodyParsing } = require("xprz").App();
// Enable CORS

// Parse JSON and URL-encoded request bodies

Static File Serving

Serve static files and directories with ease:

const Xprz = require("xprz");
const { App } = new Xprz();
const { static } = App();
// or
const { static } = Xprz.App();

// Serve static files from the 'public' directory

Route Management

Efficiently organize and manage your application's routes with the Route class:

const Xprz = require("xprz");
const { Route } = new Xprz();
const { route } = Route();
// or
const { route } = Xprz.Route();
// Define a route
  .get((ctx) => {
    // Handle GET request for '/api/users'

Package Integration

Integrate popular Node.js packages seamlessly with xprz. Enjoy out-of-the-box support for bcryptjs, bodyParser, cors, jwt, multer, nodemailer, and more.


To install xprz and start using it in your project, simply run:

npm install xprz


Get started with xprz by initializing the components you need and configuring them as per your project requirements. Use the provided examples as a reference to set up your Express application efficiently.


Basic Example

const Xprz = require("xprz");
const { App, Route } = new Xprz();
const { initApp, listen } = App();
const { route } = new Route();

// Initialize Express application

// Define a basic route
route("/").get(({ send }) => {
  send("Hello, xprz!");

// Start server


const myModule = $read("./myFile.js");
console.log(myModule); // Outputs the loaded module

const myFolder = $read("./myFolder");
console.log(myFolder); // Outputs an object containing all modules within the folder

Example Init APP:

const Xprz = require("xprz");

// Setup dotenv

// Initialize components
const { use, launch, loadRoutes, bodyParsing, static } = Xprz.App();

// Start server 

// JSON body parser

// Serve static files from 'public' directory

// Load middleware and database setup utilities

// Load all router files in 'routes' directory


  • This section initializes the XPRZ framework and sets up the Express application.
  • It loads environment variables using dotenv to configure the application environment.
  • The App component's methods like use, launch, loadRoutes, bodyParsing, and static are utilized to configure the Express app.
  • The server is launched to start listening for incoming requests.
  • Middleware such as cookie-parser is installed and used.
  • Custom middleware and database setup utilities are loaded.
  • All router files in the 'routes' directory are loaded to handle different routes in the application.

Example Router:

const Xprz = require('xprz');
const {expose , route,mids} = Xprz.Route();
const { ensureAuthenticated, verifyToken } = $read("middleware/is-auth");
const { getHome } = $read("controller/home/home");

// Apply middleware for all routes
mids([ensureAuthenticated, verifyToken]);

// Define routes
route("/").get(({ redirect }) => redirect("/home"));
route("/home").mid([ensureAuthenticated, verifyToken]).get(getHome);

module.exports = expose;


  • This section defines a router using the Route component provided by XPRZ.
  • Middleware functions for authentication (ensureAuthenticated and verifyToken) are imported using the $read utility function.
  • The mids method is used to apply middleware for all routes.
  • Route handlers are defined for the root path ("/") and "/home" path.
  • The getHome function from the home controller is used as a route handler for the "/home" route.

Example Controller (for authentication registering):

// Controller function to handle signup form submission
exports.postSignup = async (ctx) => {
  const { getBody, verifyBody } = ctx.req;

  // Define validation rules for request body
  const rules = {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    confirmPassword: "same:password",
    name: "string|min:10",
    age: "min:16|max:99"

  // Define options for validation
  const options = {
    customMessages: {
      password: "Password is required"

  const { created, validationFailed, internalServerError } = jsonSender();

  try {
    // Extract user input from request body
    const { username, email, password, passwordConf } = getBody();

    // Validate user input
    const errors = verifyBody(rules, options);

    if (Object.keys(errors).length === 0) {
      console.log('Request body is valid');
    } else {
      // Return validation errors
      validationFailed({ errors });

    // Check if user already exists
    const existingUser = await User.findOne({ $or: [{ username }, { email }] });

    if (existingUser) {
      return status(409).json({
        success: false,
        error: "User already exists.",
    } else {
      // Hash the password securely
      const hashedPassword = await bcryptjs().hash(password, 10);
      const newUser = await User.create({
        username: username,
        email: email,
        password: hashedPassword,

      // Generate JWT token with user information
      const token = generateAuthToken(newUser);
      ctx.session.token = token;

      // Send success response
      return created({ token });
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle other errors (e.g., database error)


  • This section defines a controller function (postSignup) to handle user signup requests.
  • The function receives the request object (req) and utility functions (jsonSender, status) as parameters.
  • Validation rules for the request body are defined using the verifyBody function.
  • Custom error messages for validation are defined in the options object.
  • The request body is validated against the defined rules, and any validation errors are returned if present.
  • The function checks if the user already exists in the database.
  • If the user does not exist, the password is securely hashed using bcryptjs, and a new user is created in the database.
  • A JWT token is generated for the new user, and the token is returned in the response.
  • Any errors that occur during the process are handled and an appropriate response is sent.


For detailed documentation on xprz and its various features, refer to the documents provided in the doc folder of the package. The documentation offers comprehensive explanations, usage examples, and best practices to maximize the potential of xprz in your projects.

Benefits of Using xprz

  • Productivity: xprz simplifies complex tasks, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than managing boilerplate code.

  • Scalability: With built-in support for middleware, routing, and database integration, xprz facilitates the development of scalable web applications.

  • Flexibility: xprz offers flexibility in choosing database options, middleware, and package integrations, enabling developers to tailor their applications to specific requirements.

  • Community Support: Backed by a vibrant community of developers, xprz benefits from ongoing improvements, updates, and contributions.

  • Performance: Optimized for performance, xprz ensures that web applications built with it deliver fast and responsive user experiences.

Bugs and Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or have feedback or suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


xprz is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Xprz is a lightweight and concise wrapper for Express.js, designed to simplify the process of building web applications with a minimalistic syntax. With Xprz , you can define routes, handle middleware, and set up an Express.js server with ease.






