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Code for the Paper: Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella. What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019.

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What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention

This repository hosts the code related to the following paper:

Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella, What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019. Download

Please also see the project web page at http:

If you use the code/models hosted in this repository, please cite the following paper:

  title = { What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention. }, 
  author = { Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella },
  year = { 2019 },
  booktitle = { International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) },


This repository provides the following components:

  • The official PyTorch implementation of the proposed Rolling-Unrolling LSTM approach, including Sequence-Completion Pre-Training and Modality ATTention (MATT);
  • A program to train, validate and test the proposed method on the EPIC-Kitchens dataset;
  • Pre-extracted features for a subset of frames of EPIC-Kitchens. Specifically, we include:
    • RGB features: extracted from RGB iamges using a BNInception CNN trained for the task of egocentric action recognition using Temporal Segment Networks;
    • Flow features: similar to RGB features, but extracted with a BNInception CNN trained on optical flow;
    • OBJ features: object-based features obtained by running a Faster R-CNN object detector trained on EPIC-Kitchens;
  • The checkpoints of the RGB/Flow/OBJ/Fusion models trained for both tasks: egocentric action anticipation and early action recognition;
  • The checkpoints of the TSN models (to be used with the official PyTorch implementation of TSN);
  • The checkpoint of the Faster R-CNN object detector trained on EPIC-Kitchens;
  • The training/validation split used for the experiments. Note that the TSN and Faster R-CNN models have been trained on the training set of this split.

Please, refer to the paper for more technical details. The following sections document the released material.

RU-LSTM Implementation and main training/validaiton/test program

The provided implementation and training/validation/test program can be found in the RULSTM directory. In order to proceed to training, it is necessary to retrieve the pre-extracted features from our website. To save space and bandwidth, we provide features extracted only on the subset of frames used for the experiments (we sampled frames at about 4fps - please see the paper). These features are sufficient to train/validate/test the methods on the whole EPIC-Kitchens dataset following the settings reported in the paper.


To run the code, you will need a Python3 interpreter and some libraries (including PyTorch).


An Anaconda environment file with a minimal set of requirements is provided in environment.yml. If you are using Anaconda, you can create a suitable environment with:

conda env create -f environment.yml

To activate the environment, type:

conda activate rulstm


If you are not using Anaconda, we provide a list of libraries in requirements.txt. You can install these libraries with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset, training/validaiton splits, and features

We provide CSV for training/validation/and testing on EPIC-Kitchens in the data directory. A brief description of each csv follows:

  • actions.csv: maps action ids to (verb,noun) pairs;
  • EPIC_many_shot_nouns.csv: contains the list of many shot nouns for class-aware metrics (please refer to the EPIC-Kitchens paper for more details);
  • EPIC_many_shot_verbs.csv: similar to the previous one, but related to verbs;
  • test_seen.csv: contains the timestamps (expressed in number of frames) of the "seen" test set (S1);
  • test_unseen.csv: contains the timestamps (expressed in number of frames) of the "unseen" test set (S2);
  • training.csv: contains annotations for the training set in our training/validation split;
  • validation.csv: contains annotations for the validation set in our training/validation split;
  • training_videos.csv: contains the list of training videos in our training/validation split;
  • validation_videos.csv: contains the list of validation videos in our training/validation split;

Please note that time-stamps are reported in terms of frame numbers in the csvs. This has been done by assuming a fixed framerate of 30fps. Since the original videos have been collected a different framerates, we first converted all videos to 30fps using ffmpeg.

We also provide pre-extracted features. The features are stored in LMDB datasets. To download them, run the following command:


This should populate three directories data/rgb, data/flow, data/obj with the LMDB datasets.


Models can be trained using the program. For instance, to train the RGB branch for the action anticipation task, use the following commands:

  • mkdir models
  • python train data models --modality rgb --task anticipation --sequence_completion
  • python train data models --modality rgb --task anticipation

This will first pre-train using sequence completion, then fine-tune to the main anticipation task. All models will be stored in the models directory.

Optionally, a --visdom flag can be passed to the training program in order to enable loggin using visdom. To allow this, it is necessary to install visdom with:

pip install visdom

And run it with:

python -m visdom.server

Similar commands can be used to train all models. The following scripts contain all commands required to train the models for egocentric action anticipation and early action recognition:

  • scripts/;
  • scripts/


The anticipation models can be validated using the following commands:

  • RGB branch: python validate data models --modality rgb --task anticipation;
  • Optical Flow branch: python validate data models --modality flow --task anticipation;
  • Object branch: python validate data models --modality obj --task anticipation --feat_in 352;
  • Complete architecture with MATT: python validate data models --modality fusion --task anticipation.

Similarly, for early action recognition:

  • RGB branch: python validate data models --modality rgb --task early_recognition;
  • Optical Flow branch: python validate data models --modality flow --task early_recognition;
  • Object branch: python validate data models --modality obj --task early_recognition --feat_in 352;
  • Late fusion model: python validate data models --modality fusion --task early_recognition.


The program also allows to run the models on the EPIC-Kitchens test sets and produce jsons to be sent to the leaderboard (see http: To test models, you can use the following commands:

  • mkdir jsons;
  • Anticipation: python test data models --modality fusion --task anticipation --json_directory jsons;
  • Early recognition: python test data models --modality fusion --task early_recognition --json_directory jsons.

ICCV Models

We also provide the official checkpoints used to report the results in our ICCV paper. These can be downloaded using the script:


The models will be downloaded in iccv_models. You can test the model and obtain the results reported in the paper using the same program. For instance:

python test data iccv_models --modality fusion --task anticipation --json_directory jsons

TSN models

Can be downloaded from the following URLs:

  • RGB: http:;
  • Flow: http:

Faster-RCNN Model Trained on EPIC-Kitchens

We release the Faster-RCNN object detector trained on EPIC-Kitchens that we used for our experiments. The detector has been trained using the detectron library. The yaml configuration file used to train the model is available in the FasterRCNN directory of this repository. The weights can be downloaded from this link.


Make sure the detectron library is installed and available in the system path. A good idea might be to use a docker container. Please refer to for more details.

Sample usage:

  • clone the repository with git clone;
  • move to the FasterRCNN directory with cd rulstm/FasterRCNN/;
  • download the weights with curl -o weights/ek18-2gpu-e2e-faster-rcnn-R-101-FPN_1x.pkl http:;
  • run the sample detection script on a video with python tools/ --cfg config/ek18-2gpu-e2e-faster-rcnn-R-101-FPN_1x.yaml --wts weights/ek18-2gpu-e2e-faster-rcnn-R-101-FPN_1x.pkl path/to/video.mp4.

A new file path/to/video.mp4_detections.npy will be created. The file will contain a list of arrays reporting the coordinates of the objects detected in each frame of the video. Specifically, the detections of a given frame will be contained in a tensor of shape N x 6, where:

Related Works

  • A. Furnari, S. Battiato, K. Grauman, G. M. Farinella, Next-Active-Object Prediction from Egocentric Videos, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017. Download;
  • A. Furnari, S. Battiato, G. M. Farinella (2018). Leveraging Uncertainty to Rethink Loss Functions and Evaluation Measures for Egocentric Action Anticipation . In International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing (EPIC) in conjunction with ECCV . code;
  • More related works at http: and


Code for the Paper: Antonino Furnari and Giovanni Maria Farinella. What Would You Expect? Anticipating Egocentric Actions with Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs and Modality Attention. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019.






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  • Python 95.0%
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