A project to automatically generate plantUML sequence diagrams from java methods.
Plugin for creating class diagrams using the PlantUML language. The graphical representation of the diagrams is also based on the PlantUML library
📚 本代码库是作者小傅哥多年从事一线互联网 Java 开发的学习历程技术汇总,旨在为大家提供一个清晰详细的学习教程,侧重点更倾向编写Java核心内容。如果本仓库能为您提供帮助,请给予支持(关注、点赞、分享)!
IDEA Plugin 插件开发可以帮助研发人员提升能效,解决一些实际场景中的共性问题。但最近在折腾IDEA插件开发的时候,市面的资料确实不多,也没有成体系完整的开发指导手册,所以就遇到了很多不知道就不会的事情,需要一点点查询搜索源码、验证API接口,最终把各项功能实现,当然在这个过程中也确实踩了不少坑!接下来在这个专栏会把一些关于 IDEA 插件开发用到的各项知识做成案例输出出来,帮助有需…
An analyzer program written in Java for analyzing the call sequence network between controller, service, repository, entity and other classes in the SpringMVC three-tier architecture.
A metaprogramming-based (reflection and instrumentation) library to generate UML class and sequence diagrams from Java code.
An uber-fast parallelized Java classpath scanner and module scanner.
Generate all call graph for Java Code.
Some examples of code extracting information from Java source files using JavaParser
Code samples for the book "JavaParser: Visited"
Spring Boot Microservices with JWT (Eureka Server, API Gateway, Auth Service, User Service and Product Service, JUnit and Integration Tests, Docker, Github Actions)
Hexagonal Architecture Demo Project about Ticketing and Payment
This is the repository containing an example application for my blog post about Hexagonal Architecture with Spring Boot.
Modular Monolith architecture demonstration with Spring Modulith and DDD
Sample code for my Tactical DDD with Java workshop
A talk about what to watch out for when migrating from JPA to Spring Data JDBC
Libraries to help developers express architectural abstractions in Java code
Implementation of the sample from REST in Practice based on Spring projects
Spring Security and OAuth 2.0: Step-by-Step (Workshop)
WebAuthn4J Extension for Spring Security