中文 NLP 预处理、解析工具包,准确、高效、易用 A Chinese NLP Preprocessing & Parsing Package
Java开发者技术书籍大全 - Java入门书籍,Java基础及进阶书籍,框架与中间件,架构设计,设计模式,数学与算法,JVM周边语言,项目管理&领导力&流程,职业素养与个人成长,格局与视野,面试参考书等。
yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等
Tinyhttpd 是J. David Blackstone在1999年写的一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。官网:
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
Best microservices framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo, but with more features, Scale easily. Try it. Test it. If you feel it's better, use it! 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐚有𝐝𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨, 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠有𝐫𝐩𝐜𝐱! build for cloud!
Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.
Python/C++ implementation of JSON to/from Protobuf convertor
🔥简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
腾讯云对象存储服务 COS(Cloud Object Storage) Go SDK(XML API)
libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013.
A high performance asynchronous network programming library base on libev and in c
Google 开源项目风格指南 (中文版)
PCC 是 Performance Challenge Championship (性能挑战杯)的缩写,是高可用架构组织的一个编程竞赛活动
Unmaintained 🐳 ☕ 🕷️ Scala crawler(spider) framework, inspired by scrapy, created by @gaocegege
Bare bone examples of machine learning in TensorFlow
Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes
Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
Torch implementation for the paper "Artistic style transfer for videos"