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🛠️️ This project is pre-alpha and under heavy development! It's planned to have it 'finished' by ~September 2023

What is schoco? {🍫}

SCHOCO stands for SCHool Online COding.

The project is heavily inspired by (github). Since codeboard didn't receive any more updates since end of 2015 and as we need slightly other features, we now try to create a similar web-based IDE which fits to our needs for learning (Java)-Programming explicitly at School!

It is mainly developed to enable coding-homeworks for pupils what has failed so far in reality for two reasons:

  1. Installation of the cumbersome JRE and IDEs
  2. Saving and sharing the solutions via Mail/USB/Messenger??? WTF!?

Planned main-features

  • No registration methods for pupils. Only teachers can register pupils who will always be part of a class or course.
  • Pupils see coding-homeworks when logging in and they can code, compile, run and commit their homework completely online without the need of an offline installation of the JRE or any other software.
  • JUnit for automatic testing of the commited homework
  • Teachers can open pupils solutions with a single click and show/compare them at the beamer in the classroom without sending directories or files.
  • Explicitly no possibility to open foreign projects based on a project-id or similar (other than codeboard!). That's first because of privacy-reasons and second to minimize copying from others.
  • Use gitea on backend for storing all code.
  • Compilation and running the programs completely on the server (see /cookies - WIP).



Even a completed task just means, that the specific base-work is done, but that the feature might still need some fine tuning...

  • Usermanagement (Registration an login for teachers and pupils) and extended rights for teachers
  • Classroom-management (Creation of courses and assigning pupils to courses)
  • Create a new Java-Project based on a Hello-World-template
  • Open my own Projects in the IDE
  • Interaction with Gitea on localhost or different Host (HTTPS): (Loading all files and save changes)
  • Worker-Queue (or comparable) for cookies
  • Make cookies work (see /cookies)
    • Compilation
    • Running/Executing (Input and output can be send via Websocket ✔)
    • JUnit-Testing
  • Make homework out of projects with deadlines, submitting, view pupils solutions as teacher, ...
  • Save amount of compilations, executions,... per project and make them visible
  • Mark projects as templates (when being a teacher)
  • Import/export projects/templates as zip

Start developing

On the linux-host both following packages need to be installed: libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev

1) Gitea

You have to use Gitea as git-repo, since schoco uses the gitea-API.

Option A: Localhost

Install gitea using the docker-compose.yml file from this repo. You can choose to set gitea public available via browser, but actually that's not necessary and you can skip reverse-proxying gitea -> it's enough to have it only available at localhost.

If you used the docker-compose.yml from this repo, then you'll need to do a second step only once for installation. Run the following command to create the git-user (use a better password!): docker exec --user 1000 gitea gitea admin user create --admin --username schoco --password schoco1234 --email [email protected]

Option B: External instance (public available)

Host your gitea-instance anywhere (secured by TLS!!) and connect to it. This will lead to a speed drop caused by increased latency, since every file sadly needs a separate API-call.

2) Frontend (Vite 4 + Vue 3)

cd frontend

Initial Installation: npm install

On every start: npm run dev

3) Backend (Fastapi)

cd fastapi

Initial Installation (Python 3.10 and pip required): pip install -r requirements.txt

On every start: export FULL_DATA_PATH=/full/path/to/data_folder MAX_CONTAINERS=2 SECRET_KEY=secret TEACHER_KEY=teacherkey GITEA_LOCALHOST_PORT=3000 GITEA_USERNAME=schoco GITEA_PASSWORD=schoco1234 && python -m uvicorn main:app --log-level debug --reload

If your gitea-instance is NOT running on localhost, then exchange GITEA_LOCALHOST_PORT with GITEA_HOST=https://git.mydomain.tld

4) Backend ('Cookies' for compilation/execution)

This chapter is currently WIP and may receive large changes!

Probably not necessary - not even in production:

  • Prepare System by creating a new user:group 'schoco:schoco' with ids '1234:1234', which is used to run the containers! sudo groupadd --gid 1234 schoco and sudo useradd --uid 1234 --gid 1234 -m -d /home/schoco schoco

Build and run schoco locally

  1. Build fastapi image: cd fastapi && docker build -t phitux/schoco-backend:latest .
  2. Compile the cookies API: cd cookies/api && javac
  3. Build cookies worker image: cd cookies && docker build -t phitux/cookies
  4. Build frontend image: docker build . -t phitux/schoco-nginx:latest
  5. Create docker network for schoco: docker network create schoco
  6. Set the DOCKER_GROUP_ID env variable: export DOCKER_GROUP_ID=$(getent group docker | cut -d: -f3)
  7. Make sure you have a data/ directory in the repo root. This is where the sqlite db is stored.
  8. Start schoco with docker-compose up -d
  9. Schoco is available under http:https://localhost

On the first startup you will need to add the gitea user using the following command docker exec --user 1000 gitea gitea admin user create --admin --username schoco --password schoco1234 --email [email protected]


Online Coding IDE for School







No releases published




  • Vue 56.8%
  • Python 30.0%
  • JavaScript 6.1%
  • Java 5.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.0%
  • Shell 0.8%
  • HTML 0.2%